Jodie's Journey by Colin Thiele

 Shatterbelt - Colin Thiele
 February dragon - Colin Thiele
 When Tracey came for Christmas - June Epstein
 Escape by Deluge - Edel Wignell
 Hills End - Ivan Southall
 Ash road - Ivan Southall
 Hero - Alan Baillie

 How about Allan Baillie's Secrets of Walden rising.  Read it first though.

 Gotta be an Ivan Southall there.  Firestorms and flash floods and Ash road type of thing.

 Alan Baillie's Hero.  Sorry, should add that Hero is set in Richmond, NSW during the Hawkesbury Flood of 1984??

 You could try Shatterbelt by Colin Thiele.
 There is also a book called Avalanche by ? Roth that is part of an upper primary English series 
 Our year 6 also studies Hatchet by Gary Paulsen for a novel about wilderness survival after a plane crash There is also a book about Shackleton - can't remember the author.

 CRASH the story of the Stinson, J. Beck. 1862913781. A quarto book with journal entries and reports.


Tom Bodett's, Williwaw (a sudden wind blast from a mountain to the sea)

P.J. Petersen's, Rising Water (a good flood story)

Curtis Parkinson's, Storm Blast (kids in a coastal storm)

Sherry Shahan's, Death Mountain (kids on a day hike get hurt in a mudslide)

Night of the Howling Dogs by Graham Salisbury ( Tsunami in Hawaii)

Quake: A Novel by Joe Cottonwood

Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman

Into the Firestorm: A Novel of San Francisco, 1906 by Deborah Hopkinson

Terror from the Gulf: A Hurricane in Galveston by Martha Tannery Jones

 The Secrets of Vesuvius, by Caroline Lawrence. It is from The Roman
Mysteries series.

The Wreck of the Ethie by Hilary Highland.  Shipwreck during a huge winter
storm in the
early 1900s.

Peg Kehret's books