"Forgiveness is now always easy At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it.  And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness"
Marianne Williamson

Each difficult moment has the potential to open my eyes and open my heart."
~  Myla kabat-Zinn
We cannot tell what may happen to us in the strange medley of life.
But we can decide what happens in us
- how we can take it, what we do with it
- and that is what really counts in the end."
Joseph Fort Newton

Faith Jegede tells the moving and funny story of growing up with her two brothers, both autistic — and both extraordinary. In this talk from the TED Talent Search, she reminds us to pursue a life beyond what is normal.

People do not decide to become extraordinary.  They decide to accomplish extraordinary things." 
 Sir Edmund Hilary

And then we think of those people as extraordinary! 

The #stories that inspire us tell us that it was an ordinary person doing extraordinary things. 

The message is always that you too can do extraordinary things, even though you may be an ordinary person. 

Your Story Matters.  it does.  Don't waste it!!

"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent."  - Victor Hugo

The web of life owes life to none and freely offers it to all.
It is not a force challenging us to battle,
but a sacred and powerful partner calling us to join in the dance.
                                                                                                              ~  David Christopher

The mystery of life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.  
~  Aart van der Leeuw

"I like thinking of possibilities.  At any time, an entirely new possibility is liable to come along and spin you off in an entirely new direction.  The trick, I've learned, is to be awake to the moment."  
Doug Hall