by Jim Rohn

Remember the master teacher once said 2000 years ago, "Unless you can become like little children, your chances are zero; you haven't got a prayer." A major consideration for adults. Be like children and remember there are four ways to be more like a child no matter how old you get…

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finish_strongA collection of amazing stories of personal courage and inspiration. Each engaging chapter is a quick hit of energy guaranteed to brighten your day. A great gift for sales teams, students, athletes, and anyone else that appreciates a shot of inspiration

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved" ~Helen Keller, first deaf blind person to earn a college degree

The Best Way Out is Through movie is a wonderful dose of inspiration to get through tough times. Take a few minutes to enjoy this timely message of perseverance for today's tough times that will encourage others and inspire them to reach for a successful new year!

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Eleanor Roosevelt.
The Self-Esteem Book

This is your chance to boost what is one of the most important ingredients for our success and happiness and yet one that we often ignore or put to one side.The book gives you three very well structured parts that together form a road map to improve the quality of your life by enhancing your self-esteem.
You can benefit from The Self Esteem System