Is Your Brain Keeping You from Being Thin?

I just read an amazing report. It's on the psychology behind why it is so hard to win the battle of the bulge.

I didn't realize all of the things in modern society that make it so difficult for us to do a simple thing like control the portion sizes of what we eat. And you know that controlling the portion sizes of what you eat is one of the most important things you can do for your health (and your looks!).

The author, Dr. Roberta Temes, is on the faculty of the Psychiatry Department in the Medical School of the SUNY Health Science Center.

Strategies in this report are based on research, not just the intuition of the author as you will find in most books or reports discussing the psychology of this difficult issue. What I am saying is that this isn't the normal ''pop psychology'' stuff you see in all of the magazines - it's the real deal.

In this report, for example, Dr. Temes gives you a strategy that can reduce your portion sizes by up to 73% without you noticing the difference.

You will also learn how restaurants are overfeeding you and your children (and how to protect yourself), why variety is NOT ''the spice of life,'' and how to create meals that will leave YOU in control.

There are 20 strategies in all, and I'll bet at least 15 of them will be new to you!

I asked the publisher if they would provide this report at no cost to my readers for a certain amount of time, and to my surprise they agreed. I think they know that after reading this report, you'll want to try out the products they actually charge for!

That is all up to you, but given there is no cost, it's worth a look.

Scientific Weight Control Secrets: Tips from the Psychological Research