
Meaningful prayer

When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.
James 4:3

Prayer does not change God; it changes me.
C. S. Lewis

No other biblical writer is more pragmatic and in-your-face than James. In his letter, he puts great emphasis on faith in action. Does this mean he was a legalist who didn't believe in salvation as a gift? Was he calling for us to base our relationship with God on our good works? Not at all. He simply believed that the person who has experienced God's grace will evidence it in his or her daily walk.

On the topic of prayer, James extols the power of prayer - "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective" (5:16) - but he also challenges us to check our motives. Is our prayer focused on an easy life or on doing great things for God? Never stop taking your needs before God, but do pause and check your heart from time to time.

To watch a short movie about the purposeful life of Christ, click here. Be inspired to follow our Lord's example in prayer and service to our Heavenly Father.

And be sure to pass this note along to anyone in your life who needs a boost today.

God, make my prayer life a powerful force to do great things for You and the building of Your kingdom. Amen.