Sydney Taylor Book Award

Richard Michelson and Raúl Colón (As Good As Anybody: Martin Luther King, Jr. and Abraham Joshua Heschel's Amazing March Toward Freedom, Knopf), Karen Hesse (Brooklyn Bridge, Feiwel and Friends), and Valerie Zenatti (A Bottle in the Gaza Sea, Bloomsbury), have won the Sydney Taylor Book Award. Additionally, six honor books were selected: Engineer Ari and the Rosh Hashanah Ride by Deborah Bodin Cohen, illus. by Shahar Kober (Kar-Ben); Sarah Laughs by Jacqueline Jules, illus. by Natascia Ugliano (Kar-Ben); A Is for Abraham: A Jewish Family Alphabet by Richard Michelson, illus. by Ron Mazellan (Sleeping Bear); Naming Liberty by Jane Yolen, illus. by Jim Burke (Philomel); Memories of Babi by Aranka Siegal (FSG); and Freefall by Anna Levine (Greenwillow). The awards will be presented at the Association of Jewish Libraries convention in Chicago this July. Click here for more information about the award.