Tag Archive for: declutter

Your desk means a lot to you. It may be the place of your greatest creativity, or your most decisive business decisions. It may be the place that is the hub of your home management systems. It may be a sanctuary, an engine room or a creativity generator.

But if it is covered in piles of paper and other bits and pieces; if it is overflowing and ugly, then all of that creativity, efficiency and productivity is jeopardised, stifled and just plain difficult.

You know that, I know that, and we also know that the solution is to tidy it so that we can find things; make it attractive so that we are motivated; and to implement systems so that it stays that way. But somehow action to create this solution is a bit slow in coming. We are so busy doing the things we do at the desk to find the time to tidy it and set those systems in place.

The answer lies in one simple motivation – focus on the advantages. Visualise the desk as it could be, should be. Focus on how smoothly you will complete your tasks there and what a pleasant experience it will be.

Is it time you took control of your paper?

Are you losing things?

Drowning in a sea of teetering stacks?

Dreading tax time?

Missing appointments?

Then don't put it off any longer.  Start now with these 3 steps that will ensure success.

1.  Visualise the rewards

Imagine for yourself

  • the time you will save
  • the feeling of wellbeing when we look at the tidy desk, shelves and cupboards
  • No more lost documents
  • The reassurance that accounts will be paid on time
  • Always being in the right place for appointments and meetings

2.  Choose a time.  Avoid office hours if you can.  It is an all-too-noticeable distraction from your work and you want neither an audience nor anyone else distracting you from your task.

3.  You can choose to do the whole job at once or divide it into motivationally small tasks, but stay on track. Take the phone off the hook, do one thing at a time and say no to distractions no matter how urgent it may seem to water the garden, feed the dog or top up the pen supply.   Remember that the more clutter there is, the faster the job will be.  Visualise the rewards.

OK now you have the basics in place, you can create your success!

Someone asks for a copy of that document. Where is it?

You know you have the information for that presentation somewhere.

Or maybe you are fighting a losing battle to make sure the bills are paid on time, or your children go to the right performance on the right day. Can you find that information? Can you keep control of what has to be done when?

If we are to stay in control, then “Find” is the key word here.

And if we are to be able to find what we need when we need it, our filing systems have to match our finding needs. My needs are not your needs and your needs are not the same as someone else’s, so the system has to be designed to suit you – not me, or someone else and certainly not the person who held the job before you.

Find out some ideas on how to set up a system that works for you, with my free tips. Just send me a request and I will send them to you.

Quote for October from Rita Emmet

A clean house is the sign of a broken computer.

messy-deskYou’re winding down your week, and this weekend you won’t be cramming in work during every free block of time that pops up. You’re taking the weekend off. Good for you! But how do you put your work aside and forget about it…oh, and wouldn’t it be nice to avoid the Sunday evening dread about what you will be facing in the morning?

As simple as it sounds, clearing off your desk before you shut down for the week can do wonders for your enjoyment of your work-free weekend. And it can generate feelings of preparedness for Monday. Take it one step further and adopt a more organized and consistent approach to your working environment, and you may find that you are happier, less stressed, and even more productive.

So, why does a clean and organized desk help deal with overwhelm? The answer is as simple as the concept: >>>

Organize Bedroom mess and confusion and make it an enjoyable place to be! Organizing the bedroom can be difficult to achieve because it is probably one of the most lived in rooms, especially by children. Finding solutions to help keep kids rooms and your own room clean are important but they must be solutions that are easy for that person to follow. Here are the A – Z of ideas to get you started….