The Paperback revolution


As we look at the changes in format occurring now, with electronic readers taking their space alongside paper books, it seems hard to imagine why there would be such a furore over paperbacks. It was an interesting time ...

‘‘Whether this revolution in the reading habits of the American public means that we are being inundated by a flood of trash which will debase farther the popular taste, or that we shall now have available cheap editions of an ever-increasing list of classics, is a question of basic importance to our social and cultural development.’’—Harvey Swados, 1951

Experience the Revolution

Between 1935 and 1960, the paperback revolution created a new industry overnight, permanently changed our understanding of "the book," helped to democratize reading by increasing readership and eroding the lines between "high" and "low" literature, and created its own, unique genres and forms of expression. This animated timeline traces some of the companies and personalities which shaped the birth and growth of the paperback industry. >>