Worst mothers in literature

If there is one person who personifies selflessness, un-wavering love and caring the first to come to mind should be your mother.  She cradled you for your fist nine months and held your hand though all the challenges life could throw at you.  Like with all true heroes books are littered with examples of hundreds of miracle moms from the classic Hester Prynne in the Scarlet Letter, who taught her daughter it's not shameful to have pride in one’s self, to the more contemporary Mrs. Weasley the super poor super mom who took in Harry Potter like he was her own son.

However not all the mothers in literature come out smelling like roses.  Abandonment, abuse, and adultery are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the bottom of the barrel of fictional mothers.  To help you forget that time your mom forgot your birthday BookFinder.com has compiled a list of the 10 worst mothers in fiction.