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Why Women need other Women

Health, Wealth, Individuality, Love, Support, Connection, other women…….


I’ve learned over the years that women have a vast range of needs. 


They need to be listened to and supported naturally by their husbands, but not all of us have this luxury.    So when there’s no supportive partner or often even if there is, they still primarily need other women around them.    Girlfriends can be our support life line, our escape from an unhappy situation, someone to laugh with, someone to be ‘bad’ with and enjoy that coffee and cheesecake and not feel remotely guilty and someone to listen to us.


Women are forever creating their connections whether it’s at a café for a quick coffee, a movie night out, a shopping day or a girls afternoon over a jewellery, skincare, lingerie or Tupperware party.   Whatever draws women together it’s the equivalent to a good facial or massage for our emotional needs.   Women can often find it so much easier to talk to another woman about their health issues, whether it’s their own or those of a family member.   Remember women allow each other to get all their words out and not worry about interrupting each other.   Do that at home with your husband, and see if you get the same response.


I’ve worked in the hair and beauty field for years, and you can guarantee women will talk more in a hair salon or a beauty salon more than they will to their doctor.    Is it any wonder that women look to women to feel how they want to feel.


I picked up a book many years ago when my menopausal symptoms were showing themselves and it was ‘Womens Bodies Women’s Wisdom’ by Dr Christiane Northrup.    I loved the way she wrote and she speaks, I’ve since seen her on stage, heard a few of her webinars and read a few more of her books.    Dr Northrup created a community of women in the US who all work with each other.   They teach each other about health, wealth, security, ageing well, looking great, spirituality, self belief, self talk and being more than they ever expect they can be by lifting them to a level of inner awareness and vibrance.   Women have been known to thrive in these kinds of communities.  Once we sense that we have a support line great things happen from losing weight, to lifting depression,  swapping clothes, caring for kids to improving business.


Whether it’s a morning walking group, a women’s network group, a support group or health community, women have a natural networking ability and in fact need that network for their own personal growth and self esteem.   Don’t have one in your area?  Why not start one up?   It’s a reason why I started my Sisterhood Connexion and I’m hoping it will branch off into many communities.

Anne Noonan is a Personal Stylist, with a Cert. Human Nutrition.  Anne is an avid researcher in the field of health and wellness



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