"Wherever you go in the midst of movement and activity, carry your stillness within you. Then the chaotic movement around you will never overshadow your access to the reservoir of creativity, the field of pure potentiality."

-- Deepak Chopra

Art journals are a form of daily devotion. They are experimental and a great place to explore new materials and techniques. They are an excellent way to record a full and immediate life.

As I become more present with everyday life as it occurs and not so invested in long range goals, everything feels meaningful. A scrap of junk mail, a fragment from a magazine, a word, old letters. Everything can be gathered with a new frame of reference and be seen with new eyes and fresh meaning.

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More on creativity

[Via Braingle]

You exercise your body to stay physically in shape, so why shouldn't you exercise your brain to stay mentally fit? With these daily exercises you will learn how to flex your mind, improve your creativity and boost your memory. As with any exercise, repetition is necessary for you to see improvement, so pick your favorite exercises from our daily suggestions and repeat them as desired. Try to do some mentalrobics every single day!

After my last article on experiencing creativity, there was a question in the resulting forum discussion about how to enter this highly creative flow state, the state where you lose all sense of time, your ego vanishes, and you become one with the task in front of you. Is this peak creative state a rare chance event, or can it be achieved consistently?

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[Via Braingle]

You exercise your body to stay physically in shape, so why shouldn't you exercise your brain to stay mentally fit? With these daily exercises you will learn how to flex your mind, improve your creativity and boost your memory. As with any exercise, repetition is necessary for you to see improvement, so pick your favorite exercises from our daily suggestions and repeat them as desired. Try to do some mentalrobics every single day!

How we cope with the huge range of information we process each day

Ignore everyone ..."Good ideas come with a heavy burden. Which is why so few people have them. So few people can handle it."

Read more on this idea

Dr. Robert Epstein’s Creativity Games for Trainers arms you with 30 innovative, entertaining games guaranteed to enhance creativity in any organizational setting.

Use them to develop creativity workshops or to breathe life into any training sessions.

Each ready-to-use activity comes complete with lists of required and optional materials, time recommendations, reproducible handouts, follow-up discussion questions, and other essential information. You’ll also find simple instructions for customizing exercises to different settings. . .data collection forms to help measure and track success. . .special “challenge exercises” that help participants develop their own games. . .and unique “application exercises” to assist users in promoting creativity on their own.