I've recently returned from a 3 day seminar, full of renewed enthusiasm and information that, when actioned, will make a dramatic difference to all aspects of my business and my personal life.

There were also many other people there, who like myself attend seminars and conferences to gain more knowledge so they too can improve their lives.

However, it's not the knowledge that makes the difference, it's the application of that knowledge.

Are you one of those people who regularly attends events to learn more, get all hyped up and excited on the actual day, write a book full of notes and proclaim to everyone in earshot that 'this is it! I have found the magic pill that will transform my work and my life'.

What do you do after that? Do you return home still excited, promising yourself that you will implement what you've learned? Do you stay excited for another couple of days, 'get busy' and then do nothing? Or do you return home, excited, plan when you'll take action and actually do it?

Here are some useful tips you can use so that you do something with the knowledge. Because if you do nothing with what you learn, the time, money and energy that you have invested to attend have been a total waste.

When losing weight is your main focus in choosing what to eat you set yourself up for a cycle of failure.

How can I say that as a weight loss coach, when my clients obviously have losing weight as their goal? Surely it helps if they are focused and dedicated?

The problem with too much focus on your weight is that:-

and you can read more in an article at Pivotal Magazine - online until the end of tomorrow (8th November) when a new edition goes up.


Dave Pollard has produced a wonderful diagram ..... 

It's essentially about finding or creating work that is at the 'sweet spot' where your Gift (what you do uniquely well), your Passion (what you love doing) and your Purpose (what is needed) intersect

and if you don't read any further it's a great tool for deciding on your career future.

But Dave has gone further and factored change into the situation.

Dave's blog - How to Save the World

By Nickolove Lovemore

Some people spend most of their lives within their comfort zone and so limit the success they achieve. For whatever reason they're afraid to go beyond their personal edge.

A friend recently admitted that although they didn't like their job, they stuck at it because "it paid the bills". Now while paying the bills is important, it's also important that we lead fulfilled lives.

When you don't live life out full you are not only depriving yourself of a happier and more abundant life, you are also depriving the world of a person who is imparting their unique gift to the world. We all have a special contribution to make to the world and it's something that you can't delegate. If you don't fulfil your role then no one else can do it for you.

But when I asked this person what they really wanted to do they said that they didn't know. The thing is this person is not alone in this regard. Many people say that they don't know what they truly want to do with their lives and so they just drift along feeling unfulfilled and disempowered to make the impact that they could be making.

The reality is though that these individuals do know what they want even when they think they don't. The answer lies within and this is one reason why it's important to get to know you. Self-knowledge or self-discovery is empowering.

"How can I know what I want when I don't know who I am? The inner knowledge must be there to support the outer action."

It's funny how so many people are literally afraid to search within themselves for answers to questions that could literally transform their lives. You would think that your inner self is one of the safest places within which to search. Instead, people tend to search outside, knowing their search will be futile.

And the reason why so many people do this is because if they do identify what it is they really want then they would feel obligated to take action to achieve what they've identified. And they're fearful that if they do this that they might not succeed.

The irony is that their inaction automatically means that they fail. It's like with certain sporting competitions when it's your turn and the clock starts ticking you've a limited amount of time to make your move or else you're disqualified. Plus, by not taking action they don't give themselves the opportunity to succeed. However, Wealth and Lifestyle Strategist, Christopher Howard believes:

"The quicker you can make the decision about what you want your life to be about the more success you're going to have."

And that makes perfect sense when you think about it. People shy away from going after their dreams because they think it will be too hard, too difficult. Yet, you are never more alive than when you are living on the edge. And by this I'm not referring to adrenaline-type sports, although for some this is applicable, I mean living at the edge of your comfort zone - your personal edge.

Your willingness to reside at the boundary of your personal edge is in direct proportion to the rate and extent of your personal growth. You have to learn how to step beyond your personal edge in order to create change in your life and you have to be prepared to do so time and time again. And, when you do so, you will grow, you will achieve greater success and you will start to live a most extraordinary life.

For a FREE Success Book and weekly tips on achieving success send an email toSuccess Achievers Club.

"There is no freedom like seeing myself as I am and not losing heart."

-- Elizabeth J. Canham


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"You don't have to be a fantastic hero to do certain things - to compete. You can be just an ordinary chap, sufficiently motivated to reach challenging goals."

Sir Edmund Hillary

Having a problem you are stuck on? An obstacle you can't seem to solve or overcome? A goal you can't seem to figure out how to make come true?

Try my 17 solutions system using the well known SCAMPER system I'll explain below. Here's how the process works:

1. Write your current problem, obstacle or goal in the form of a question on the top of a page. Ask the question in the form of the result you want, for example:

  • "How do I get........?"
  • "Where or when can I find...."
  • "Who would have....."
  • "What ..........could I use to get this resolved?"

2. Generate 17 different answers or solutions to this question. Why generate 17 solutions? The first few will come easy. The idea is, after a few easy ones, you have to stretch and think. This is where your breakthroughs may be hiding, keep coming up with new answers. This is where SCAMPER comes in handy.

3. Select the best solution to implement. Once you come up with this solution list and pick your best option, implement it right away! In turn, it may lead to your breakthrough. 

Use the SCAMPER system to come up with the most effective solutions and answers:

Scamper is an acronym of seven different ways to look at problems from all different angles and applications concepts. Said to have been designed by Alex Osbourne. Here is what each letter stands for:

  • Substitute
  • Combine
  • Adapt
  • Modify
  • Put to other use
  • Eliminate
  • Reverse or Rearrange

How do you use SCAMPER to get a fresh look at any subject? Play with any one or any combination of any of these concepts:

Substitute - One usage for another. One idea or concept or application for another. Try a fresh, unusual, surprising or modern approach. Example: Chicken instead of veal. Plastic instead of wood.

Combine - two or several concepts that work in other arenas. Flikr combines the internet with photo albums.

Adapt - an application from one system to another. Quisnos and Subway sandwich shops adapted the assembly line oven concept perfected by McDonalds and Burger King.

Modify - larger, faster, easier, bigger, smaller, adjusted any one element or combination of elements. Today's auto engines produce the same horsepower with much smaller aluminum block engines.

Put to other use -  same use in different industry, technology, and city. Ask: "how else could I use this?" An example of this is Walkie talkies. They were first used by military, now available to consumers from many cell phone companies like Nextel.

Eliminate -     reduce time spent, steps needed, pieces, cost. Take away one part of a system and see if it results in a better product. For example, Flat screen TV use technology to eliminated the heavy weight and size of big bulky TV's.

Reverse or Rearrange -   reengineer, put in different order, any part of a process or product. For example , in baseball, managers will regularly switch around the batting order if someone is hot or in a slump.

Try this process for yourself to see if you can use it to bust through any challenge or obstacle you may have. Write me if it works for you.

The author and Personal Marketing Consultant, Larry LaFata, helps individuals and the self-employed to live their Purpose through a comprehensive discovery program at http://CraftYourCalling.com. Get your copy of my other free self-empowerment guides at http://www.DoWhatYouLike.com

"Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the face."

Helen Keller


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You probably already know that the most successful people have incredible levels of self-confidence. They have accomplished great levels of success and happiness in their lives and seem to be unstoppable in everything that they do.
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To reach a goal you have never before attained, you must do things you have never before done.

Richard G. Scott

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