Tuesday, June 3 at 5:30 PM Eastern Time
  With Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE

How many more sales could you make if you gave totally awesome sales presentations?
Remember, every sales presentation is a captured or a missed opportunity.
Sign up for the Tuesday, June 3 Webinar. You are guaranteed to learn how to:
- Properly structure your sales presentation
- Emotionally and intellectually connect with every prospect
- Effectively create third person endorsements
- Take your satisfied clients with you
- Be remembered and repeated
- Stand out as your prospects BEST choice!
Click through for information and sign up.
Tuesday, June 3rd at 5:30 PM Eastern Time:
Superstar Sales Presentations: The Inside Secrets
This is (2:30 Pacific Standard Time)

Are You Making These Mistakes in Your Sales Presentations?
By Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE
Whenever you open your mouth to a prospect or committee your have to get a specific message across. Do you make these mistakes?
UNCLEAR THINKING. If you can't describe what you are talking about in one sentence, and why the prospects are better off by doing business with you and have a clear presentation structure, you may be guilty of fuzzy focus or trying to cover too many topics. Make it easy for your prospects to follow what you are saying. Your goal is to speak to be remembered and repeated. This is especially important if you have strong competitors.

NO MEMORABLE STORIES. Propsects rarely remember your exact words. Instead, they remember the mental images that your examples inspire. Support your key benefits with vivid, relevant examples of satisfied clients.

NO EMOTIONAL CONNECTION. The most powerful communication combines both intellectual and emotional connections. Intellectual means appealing to educated self-interest with data and reasoned arguments. Emotional comes engaging the listeners' imaginations, involving them in your illustrative stories and by speaking from their point of view. It must be obvious to them..."What's in this for us?"
NO PAUSES. Good music and good communication both contain changes of pace and pauses. When you pause your prospects reflect what they have heard.

IRRITATING NON-WORDS. Hmm--ah--er--you know what I mean--. When you are comfortable with silence many of these irritations will be eliminated.

NOT HAVING A STRONG OPENING AND CLOSING. Engage your prospect or committee immediately with a powerful, relevant opening. "My name is...." does not fit the bill. Don't close with questions. Ask for them,
then deliver your dynamic closing. Your last words linger.

Remember, every sales presentation is a captured or a missed opportunity.
Sign up for the Tuesday, June 3 Webinar, or visit patricia Frip's web pages to learn more from this talented trainer



Try this list ....  It also includes tips on public speaking

"Free speech topics lists with more than 5,250 persuasive, informative and other speech ideas, speech writing tips, how to guides, tutorials and information on outlining your speech topic for public speaking. With just one goal: to help you to develop the best topic for a speech for all types of public speaking and speech writing assignments. This reference guide with instant topic ideas, public speaking speech tips and education resources "


In the Line of Fire: How to Handle Tough Questions...When It Counts
by Jerry Weissman

From the reviews

Whether you're a classroom teacher or the President, this book will help you be an effective communicator. This book is so insightful, reading it feels like cheating.

When asked a crucial question in a public forum, a novice may panic and freeze. Jerry Weissman shows how it's not necessarily what the answer is. It's how you answer that will allow you to prevail and win!""

Weissman shows how the speaker can control the question, the answer, the questioner, the audience, the time, and himself/herself -- and create and maintain a positive image in the process. Discover how to avoid the defensive, evasive, or contentious answers that have destroyed political careers and ruin credibility. Learn to control your entire exchange with a hostile questioner: the question, answer, interactions with questioner and audience, timing, and above all, yourself

Weissman provides techniques that will help someone defuse hostile inquiries without being defensive, evasive, or contentious. When you get right down to it, most of these strategies seem obvious and logical. Rely on absolute truth. Honor the audience. Listen effectively. Paraphrase and restate the Roman Column (the key issue) of the question. Identify and develop position statements for each red flag issue. Achieve Topspin. Prepare and practice, practice and prepare.

What makes this book additionally entertaining as well as educational is the use of real-life case studies from the realms of television, sports, and most of all, politics - from Presidential debates to stock analyst meetings.  They show what to say and do, and what NOT to say and do. Here we see the best and the worst of the figures we're all too familiar with.

 It is relevant to anyone in a position of authority who must deal with the public or with employees or colleagues. It offers good advice for everybody, even those not running for the presidency of a country, a company, or a community group. The examples are clear, easy to understand, and empowering.

Whether an executive, politician, fundraiser, interviewee, teacher, student -- or even a family member at Thanksgiving dinner -- you're judged on how you handle these moments. Get this book: handle them brilliantly.

""In an era where businesspeople and politicians unfortunately have proven their inability to be honest with bad news, I believe this book should be prescribed reading in every business school, and for every management training session. In fact, I hope it is read by a far wider audience than that. It's just what our society needs right now.""

Great truths made simple and compelling for any leader to use.""

This book provides the fundamental foundation on how to prepare, be agile, and take charge no matter how difficult the question.""

""Jerry's technique is both masterful and universal because it finds common ground between audience and speaker, hard questions and direct answers, all with a very simple principle: truth

List Price:$24.95
You pay:$16.47

Use Speaking to Get More Clients

Speaking and making presentations that form memorable experiences, entertain and convey a high impact message can be a very profitable way to grow your business. In fact, public speaking is very comfortable for most lawyers. Like opera singers, many of us love to hear the sound of our voice. Whether it’s summing up to a jury or arguing a case before the Supreme Court, many lawyers are born speakers. Not only will speaking demonstrate your knowledge and expertise, but it will also allow you to develop an emotional bond with your audience. Speaking offers prestige, credibility, visibility, and can be a lot of fun.

Listen to Steve Markman tell you how to do it...Download steve_markman.mp3

Especially when you're trying to rob a bank.

Watch the video here. 

Speakers can use numbers to support key points. But too often, speakers use their data in place of key points, piling on number after number and, in the end, driving their audience to despair. Here are a few tips on how to use numbers to good effect.

Read on ...

Get Rid of a Template

...  what if you don't want any template at all? You just want to start with white space?

Read on ...

: Using Your Voice to Captivate, Persuade, and Command Attention by Renee Grant-Williams

For those who are constantly interrupted or asked to repeat themselves, the problem may not be what they're saying, but how they're saying it. Voice coach Renee Grant-Williams, who works with singers and politicians like Linda Ronstadt and John Ashcroft, shows how to make one's speech resonate impressively in Voice Power: Using Your Voice to Captivate, Persuade, and Command Attention. She reveals how to enunciate consonants for dramatic effect, use breathing techniques to make the voice richer, deploy strategic silence, cope with stage fright and leave authoritative voice-mail messages. There are copious useful exercises. There's also a chapter on maintaining a healthy voice.

“I was impressed that the author sought to train and not to impress.”
You will learn what you do wrong and then you learn how to correct it. Without recognizing your speaking problems (ALL of them, not just one such as a fear of speaking in public), you won't be a better speaker.

How skillful are you at public speaking?

Have you mastered the public speaking skills?

If you want to master public speaking, then you need master the public speaking skills. There are dozens of skills required in a talk. These skills are an essential part of the art of public speaking and are especially important in persuasive speaking. How do you measure up in just 10 of the skills?

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Clever little video ...