Tell Your Neighbors About Patch Walk into the third grade classroom at Westmark School and you’ll see every student sliding their little fingers across an iPad, Apple’s popular tablet computer. They learn fractions through brightly colored, jungle themed pie charts. They study the periodic table of elements in an interactive, visually rich interface. They ask their iPads how to spell and define words. They practice cursive writing through a tracing app and follow along in their Mr. Popper’s Penguins books as their iPads read the text aloud. It’s all part of Westmark’s iPad pilot program. The private 3rd- through 12th-grade school in Encino, which serves students with “learning differences” such as dyslexia, attention deficit disorder and comprehension difficulties, is using the new technology to cater to students’ educational needs.

Third-grader Kelsey Tweden, dressed in her favorite purple shirt, diligently moved a large yellow mouse across her desk, typing out her daily spelling words. The 9-year-old Lemme Elementary student who has cerebral palsy uses assistive technology to make learning easier. Much of the technology used to help people with disabilities learn is new, and many teachers aren’t yet familiar with it. But the Iowa Center for Assistive Technology Education and Research is working toward educating future teachers about the latest tools available by teaching part
This one day workshop will provide research findings related to the characteristics of ADHD and the most effective strategies to support the learning and social needs of students with ADHD.