I have shelves piled high with diet books of every shape and description. They are full of theories and plans, food allowances and calorie counts, strategies and tips.

Some of them have a simple message. Others try to complicate things with lots of scientific explanation. There's some truth in all of them but they simply don't work for most of us.

You can read every diet book out there. You can start out full of enthusiasm on yet another new weight loss plan or program every few months. But until you realize that it's not the plan or program that is keeping you from success - but you - you're likely to be still trying every diet under the sun until
 you give up wanting to lose weight in your nineties.

Now, I don't mean there's anything wrong with you that makes you unable to make these diet plans and programs work. In fact, you are in a tiny minority of people if you do succeed - the select few who have that iron will and determination to stick to a diet until they reach their target weight and beyond.

What I mean is that you're not taking into account that you are a human being and that human beings are creatures of habit.

People like what is familiar and comfortable - it's in our very nature. So to make changes which turn everything that we are used to upside down takes a monumental effort most of don't have the time and energy for. And it's not surprising that we scuttle back to our old ways before too long.

The first two steps to succeed in making any change are awareness and acceptance of the current situation.

You have to understand yourself and what you are capable of and accept that before you can move forward. If you're willing to accept that you're human and that huge sudden changes are unsustainable, you can start to work with that rather than trying to fight your very nature and those characteristics shared by almost all of us!

So, what's it to be? Buying every new diet book out there and trying it out for two weeks or two months? Or making small changes to your habits one by one to move towards the healthy lifestyle that will result in the shape you want?

Copyright Janice Elizabeth Small

[From Jon Benson]

Want to know what your real odds are of having a heart attack?

How about a stroke? Diabetes?

Okay, this isn't sounding like a positive letter... but hang in there. It gets a lot better and more positive.

I was having lunch today with my CPA and my good friend Sherry Strong. Sherry's upcoming book is a must-read. I will let you know when she's ready to release it.

Since Sherry has been here visiting me in Dallas I have learned SO much about natural food preparation and what really causes disease.

Our conversation took a turn to "doctor's tests." I think most of them are worthless. Some are vital.

It's important to know the difference.

I'm going to give you the three tests you absolutely must take if you want to help ensure your future health in a moment.

But first, let me give you Sherry's argument to my third test.

Yes, we nutritionists argue sometimes. ; )

I'll let you decide. But statically it's far more accurate than any blood test... and get this:

You can do it at home for freee.

So far, are you with me? Good.

I'm going to go in reverse order, third test to last...

The third test is simply this:

Measure your waistline. Use a tape measure and do not pull it tight. Measure right below the navel.

Write down that number in inches.

Then measure your height out of shoes in inches. Write that down too.

If your waist in inches is more than twice your height you are FOUR TIMES more likely to have heart disease.

Four times. That's more predictive than cholesterol tests by far.

And a lot less expensive to boot.

Don't just read about this test -- DO IT. I'll give you something you can do ABOUT it if you fail this test in a second.

The great news is that this is one factor that is totally within your control.

Test number two: Know your SED rate. This is an inflammatory marker in the blood.

Test number one: Know your hsCRP and LP(a) levels. Both of these can be done as one test usually. Both are inflammatory markers as well as key indicators of heart health.

Go to your doctor and ask for these three blood tests. Usually they can be done all at once. Sometimes they are separate, but they are all crucial.

If you are thin and look healthy, listen to this:

You too can be Lance Armstrong or Jim Fixx....and not know it.

Lance and Jim looked like two of the healthiest men on the planet. Lance beat testicular cancer but came within an inch of his life. Jim died after a short jog of a heart attack very young in life.

Looks can be deceiving.

This is Sherry's argument -- and she's totally correct.

That's why I give you THREE (well, actually four) TESTS.

You see, it's virtually impossible to have a normal SED rate, a normal hsCRP level and a normal LP(a) level and be at imminent risk for any of these killer diseases.

Possible, perhaps -- but almost not.

So, if you look healthy and feel like a bazillion bucks, you still need to know your levels of these inflammatory markers.

If you are overweight or obese, you totally absolutely MUST do the waist/height test as well as the others.

You see, it goes both ways.

Some obese folks test out okay at the doc's office. Their cholesterol, blood pressure, and all typical readings are okay. Rarely does a doc run an hsCRP or LP(a). And rarely do they run a SED rate.

See the importance here?

Both the fit and the unfit can be at dire risk and not even know it.

Now, here's the solution:

A low-inflammatory nutrition and training plan, along with plenty of stress-free time.

I can help you with the first two things.

The third thing -- de-stressing -- is up to you. You may want to spend 30 minutes a day doing yoga, walking, meditating, praying, or whatever calms your MIND and BODY down.

Check it out:

Lance and Jim were both doing insane amounts of exercise... so much that they demanded insane amounts of high-inflammatory foods. Foods like processed carbohydrates for example.

And they both got sick. One of them died.

My good friend Dr. Steven Chase believes that 85% of cancer is preventable.

Re-read that: 85%. And he's an oncologist -- a cancer doctor.

And you know heart disease is 95% preventable... or did you?

But all of these killers, especially diabetes, demand a low-insulin, low-inflammatory nutrition and exercise plan.

Lance and Jim had sky-high inflammatory levels from all that exercise. It was literally TOO much exercise.

That's why so many marathoners die of heart attacks. They eat inflammatory foods and engage in high-stress exercise for too long of a time.

So, what's the answer?

1. Short workouts that are intense, effective, and enjoyable. Weights and cardio both, or in-home resistance workouts will work fine.

2. Longer "soft" workouts like brisk walking that helps de-stress the body and burn more bodyfat.

3. A nutrition plan that allows for your favorite foods at the RIGHT TIME of the day but also helps you burn bodyfat without activating your body's stress-producing hormones like cortisol...cool.

Most nutrition plans are stressful. Big mistake. Stress can cause you to hold on to bodyfat. Plus stress causes inflammation.

Most workout plans are either too easy or too intense for too long a period of time. My System is super-short (7-14 minutes a day, plus walks when you can.) This is enough to build all the muscle you need plus burn bodyfat when combined with the nutrition plan.

My System's nutrition plan is ideal if you are willing to "diet" for a day or two, then enjoy a day of eating "normal" foods.

Hey, no one is perfect. Anyone who has half a brain should know that not very many people (myself included) are willing to do without their favorite foods forever.

That's silly -- and it's not necessary to burn bodyfat.

In fact, my System 'demands' that you eat these foods at certain times TO BURN MORE BODYFAT!

Wild, isn't it?

It's the System I've used for years.

It's the combination of two books:

7 Minute Muscle + Every Other Day Diet

Get them both for one low price...

Go here:

http://www.7minutemuscle.com/aff/bronwynr/oto <--- Helps you pass the tests Any of my three Upgrade Kits come with both books, a full year of support from me on the Every Other Day Diet group Forum, and so many bonuses I can't list them all. This combo is something I am so very proud to share with you. It's the ultimate System for lowering bodyfat, increasing lean muscle, lowering insulin, lowering inflammation, and ensuring your health. Whether you are in shape or obese, this System is one that will work for you. http://www.7minutemuscle.com/aff/bronwynr/oto <--- Helps you pass the tests

A recent study gave us some important clues about the causes of obesity, which as we all know is a serious, and worsening, national health problem. It appears that obesity is "socially contagious."


[ Editor's Note: Fitness author Jon Benson shared this letter with me and gave me permission to share it with you. ]

Got a question for you:

Should you "stay hungry"?

Let me explain what I mean.

Arnold Schwarzenegger made a movie a while time ago called "Stay Hungry." Only a handful of people saw it.

I was one of them.

I loved the idea of "staying hungry" -- of never sitting on your rear end too long... of never being totally comfortable... and of always progressing.

Think about it:

Most of your greatest progress comes at the expense of temporary comfort.

This does not mean you should torture yourself. But being 'too' comfortable? Well that's bad news when it comes to weightloss and success in general if you ask me.

Here's two examples:

First, it is now 1:02 AM Texas time. I am writing this letter to you despite being quite tired and ready to hit the sack.


Because when it comes to my job, I like to stay hungry.

I am not satisfied with a "do it tomorrow" attitude. I have something to say and I feel that I owe it to you to say it.

Plus I love my job. I know my information is more than just "books that sell well" -- I know it's information that changes peoples lives.

That makes me stay hungry.

And that's a good thing. My greatest successes have been when I've stayed hungry and lived at the edge of comfort.

But let me share my second example and see what you think.

This one deals with my upcoming book.

The book I'm talking about tonight is one that thousands have been waiting for... literally. I have a waiting list.

The title says it all:

The Radical Fatloss Blueprint: How You Can Safely Lose Up To 21 Pounds In 21 Days

Pretty bold statement, right? In fact... it's radical.

Hence the name. : )

And I have to warn you: You will stay a bit hungry. Literally.

Not 'starving'... but hungry. And that means you'll be burning a lot of bodyfat.

Now, before you think I've lost my marbles, let me explain:

This is NOT a "dietbook" -- this is a blueprint for 21 days ONLY.

It is the same exact system I personally have used for years (with the addition of one new supplement that I really like) to get into top shape.

I've used this System on quite a few eager people, and the average weightloss has been over 16 pounds. Some folks lost like 30 or more... others only 11.

Still... in 21 days, this is amazing.

Some of the weight is going to be junk out of your system that can cause illness. It can build up inside and this program helps you get rid of it painlessly.

Some of the weight is water.... but it's water that you do not need to be carrying around. Needless waterweight.

The rest is almost pure bodyfat... and that's RADICAL. To keep muscle and burn that much bodyfat is very hard to do.

Like I said... it's radical.

And it's only 21 days long.

Now, I will also tell you this -- you cannot buy this book.

Not yet.

The reason is simple: I've reserved the first few thousand copies for those of you who own by book "Every Other Day Diet."

They get it first... and since you will need a few supplements to make the plan work (I provide wholesale pricing for those as I do not make supplements) you can see why it's important to get in line if you want this book.

I'm only ordering a limited supply of the supplements that go along with the book.

And I'm just passing the savings on... I do not want to get into the "wholesale" business, but I also knew I could save you folks over 100 bucks if I did it this way.

So... here's the deal:

1. Pick up a copy of "Every Other Day Diet" now unless you already have it.

2. On or before March 15th you will receive a letter from me letting you know where to get your freee copy of "Radical Fatloss Blueprint".

3. You will also receive a link to order the supplements needed (only 21 days worth... no "reorders" needed) at wholesale price. You can have them shipped right to your door just about anywhere in the world.

No stimulants are used. Nothing dangerous. Just smart supplementation to help the body hold on to muscle, stimulate natural fat-burning hormones, and help you stay healthy and strong.

Again, this is the system I use to get in top shape.

So, step one: Get "The Every Other Day Diet" today...

Get that here:

http://www.everyotherdaydiet.com/aff/bronwynr <--- get this, get Radical Fatloss freee March 15 After that, read the book. Be sure you have it down because you will NEED this book to follow right after Radical Fatloss is over. The worst thing you can do is try a radical dietplan without having a SANE dietplan to fall back to. That's what Every Other Day Diet is: A sane, real-world, eat-like-this-forever dietplan that works. The Radical Fatloss Blueprint just kicks everything into high gear for 21 days. So, get Every Other Day Diet here: http://www.everyotherdaydiet.com/aff/bronwynr <--- get this, get Radical Fatloss freee March 15 THEN go to this page and let me know what you think about the new cover for Radical Fatloss Blueprint... and the supplements I have in store for you -- http://www.7minutemuscle.com/aff/bronwynr/radicalfatloss <--- more about Radical Fatloss Blueprint Finally, get ready to stay hungry: And by that I mean to push yourself a bit more in order to become a whole lot leaner.