
Galileo Discusses Self-Growth

Recently I came across a quote by Galileo that both puzzled me and that I liked. He said:"You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him discover it within himself."

It is the first part of the quote "You cannot teach a man anything" that puzzled me. I find that knowing what to do or what to expect can make a big difference. My neighbor just had neck surgery. Learning what to expect in recovery, having specific exercises that will strengthen the neck muscles and understanding the pace of recovery have all been extremely useful in helping her emotionally deal with the slow recovery from this major surgery. Not only in physical matters but also knowing communication and relationship skills can make a big difference in life satisfaction.

The part of the quote that speaks to self-growth is "you can only help him discover it within himself" is so true. We all know deep inside us what we need. Often times that wisdom is hidden from us as we have built up defenses and shut off the ability to get in touch with our authentic self. By being open to discovering our essence we are able to discover strengths and talents that we may not have t known we had.

What is true about what Galileo says is that ultimately we each are responsible for ourselves. He understood that it is up to each of us to discover who we are and what we are capable of doing. My mother in her late eighties began crocheting afghans for her great-grandchildren. She knew how to crochet and was used to following patterns. This time however she took the bold step of designing each afghan herself and created a unique personalized design for each afghan. She did what Galileo said we all need. She discovered within her new talents and her work had a purpose of providing a memory for her great-grandchildren.


As we take in information and expand our potential we end up discovering who we really are. It is then as Galileo said that "you cannot teach a man anything you can only help him discover it within himself."

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Kristina von Rosenvinge is passionate about helping individuals and couples grow in their self-mastery and increase their relationship skills in order to enjoy personal and business success.