Tag Archive for: workplace success

Without Kaizen

  • No structure to the improvement process; few set procedures
  • Goals are not defined or are vague/difficult to measure
  • Changes are made to processes infrequently; little reflection on their effectiveness
  • No plan exists for improvement; improvement is haphazard

With Kaizen

  • Consistent, ongoing process of improvement takes place
  • Improvement process has clearly defined, measurable goals
  • Constant review of successes occurs and the improvement process itself is evaluated
  • Consistency of the process leads to new, higher goals

Find out more about Kaisen and how you and your organisation can benefit from implementation

with this comprehensive resource from our Pivotal Network member, Creative Safety Supply.    ...  Kaizen Training and Research Page -  CSS Research and Training Center

If you feel isolated at work, that your ideas aren't being listened to, or that you might get laid off at any minute, then you need Workplace Survival Skills.

workplace_survivalDo you have all the talent in the world, but are being shut down at work?

How are you going to get a promotion if you aren't able to get anything done? How are you supposed to be an effective leader when you have no power?

You can blame your ineffectiveness on the organization you work for. You can blame your co-workers. Or, you can do something about it.

Learn to Think Strategically

A 20-year study at Stanford University examined the career paths of thousands of executives to determine the qualities they had developed that enabled them to move ahead rapidly. Researchers concluded that there were two primary skills that were indispensable for men and women who were promoted to positions of great responsibility.

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