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Flying with the Butterflies - How to overcome your Public Speaking nerves

It may have taken you days or weeks to prepare for your presentation, and it all could be ruined in an instant because of your nerves. Learn the following 7 simple techniques, and you'll defeat your public-speaking nerves for good and become the most confident person in the room.

How To Banish Impromptu Speaking Blues

You're called upon to say a few words spontaneously. What do you? Freeze and mumble. Give the opportunity to someone else whom you know will do it better. If that's you, you need to know to how to banish the impromptu speaking blues. Learn how to graciously accept, rise to you feet, and deliver an effective impromptu speech.    Read on …

Public Speaking Stage Fright Quiz

A producer had arranged an informal audition for Judy Garland, to be held in the producer's hotel suite. This was toward the end of the singer's career. It was for an upcoming Broadway musical. Garland never showed up. Later, she was found huddled in the building's freight elevator, where she had been for hours.

I wonder if she ever asked herself why she had such stage fright.

And what about you?

Are great public speakers born or made?

The answer to this is - both. There are some people out there to whom public speaking comes naturally, but like any sport, if you are a layman- the more you practice the better you get!

Everyone is a public speaker. You speak and interact with people everyday- friends, family, work colleagues and shop assistants, sometimes even more than one person. You don’t feel nervous here do you, so why are you shaking at the idea of getting up in from of an audience? Why do many people fear public speaking more than death. It is because they do not know the three main points of daily “speaking- interaction” that they have to bring in order to deliver a great speech. The purpose of this article is to share these 3 elements of a great speech with you. They are:


Public Speaking Top 10 Tips

Public speaking should not scare you to death, but the truth is, it it the number one fear for many people. Personally, after watching the movie Jaws when I was a kid, I can't think of anything worse than being chewed up by a shark! However, it is important to recognize than the anxiety caused when we have to speak in front of others can be overcome. Hiring a Communication Coach can help you deal with this properly, so you can enjoy your public speaking, whether for business or social functions. For now, here are a few golden tips that you should keep in mind.


You've already got what it takes, or why public speaking experts should shut up and sit down.

You already have everything you need to be an effective, charismatic speaker. You do. You don’t need to adopt certain tricks or mannerisms. Nor do you need to speak with an artificially amped-up enthusiasm or energized voice. You do not need to move in this way or that. Or use props or PowerPoint. All of these suggestions, though well-meaning, keep us struck in the illusion that we need to be other than who we are right now, in this moment, in order to speak well in public.


How To Banish Impromptu Speaking Blues

You're called upon to say a few words spontaneously. What do you? Freeze and mumble. Give the opportunity to someone else whom you know will do it better. If that's you, you need to know to how to banish the impromptu speaking blues. Learn how to graciously accept, rise to you feet,and deliver an effective impromptu speech.


Fear of Public Speaking

Public speaking is an example of a social phobia, and is the most commonly reported social fear.

Unfortunately, fear of public speaking can adversely impact upon one’s career, personal life and academic achievements. For example, sufferers may avoid careers which would entail public speaking or decline promotions which would involve giving lectures or presentations. Social anxiety sufferers may also experience a great deal of distress if required to give a speech at their 21st birthday, wedding etc. University students may choose their courses or subjects so as to avoid having to give presentations.

A Few Tips on Public Speaking For Social Phobia sufferers

Pulling It Out of Thin Air - What to Do When You Forget What to Say

It's like when a plane hits an air pocket—your intestines throb in your brain-pan. You're flowing smoothly through your presentation (without notes or with bulleted notes that suddenly no longer make sense) and wham! You go blank. There's nothing upstairs. Nothing on-line. Your mind is as blank as a blackboard in August.

You lick your lips, clear your throat, and say “uh” enough times to jumpstart an outboard. Your eyes begin to dart about in desperation, and as the internal pressure mounts, the real signals of distress pour out: giggling, blushing, and embarrassing true confessions of just how lost you really are, revealing only your lack of preparation and diminished professionalism.

What to Do



Afraid of public speaking? Fear is always a symptom of an underlying attitude in your inner life. Here are some of the most common reasons why:

Use these warm-up strategies to give you confidence in your public speaking

Preparation is one of the keys to overcoming fear of public speaking.  You work on preparing your material.  There are exercises to prepare your body and your mind.  But the final stage of your Preparation is creating a pre-presentation routine – a warm-up, if you like.  This is a set of behaviours that will work best for you so that when you begin your presentation you feel confident.  Read through this article and choose what you think will work for you.  It may take trial and error, but eventually you will find those things that you can do before your speech or presentation that will make you feel confident when you begin. 

Conquer Your Fear of Speaking

by Virginia Avery

Let's begin by hearkening back to a time when Romans considered it to be good sport to feed Christians to the lions. One day, the festivities had been going as usual when a strange thing happened. The Christian in the arena whispered something to the lion. The lion then turned tail and slunk away.

The crowd was amazed. The Emperor was impressed. He let it be known that he would spare the Christian's life if the man would reveal the secret of what he had said to the lion.

The Christian was brought before the Emperor. In a powerful voice, he said, "I told him he would have to say a few words after dinner."

Lose the Fear: Get out there and speak.

You've heard it said many times before - the fear of speaking is considered by many as their number one fear, outdistancing death and divorce. There are legendary stories of entertainment superstars who undergo extraordinary episodes of stage fright immediately before they perform...

10 Sure-Fire Steps To Take The Fear Out Of Public Speaking

Do you "feel the fear" when asked to do some public speaking?

Public speaking is still one of our greatest fears and it turns grown men and women into nervous wrecks. The mere thought of it turns our tongue to cotton wool, causes our internal plumbing to act up and turns our knees to jelly.

Well, there's no need for all of this because help is at hand. All you need to remember are your P's and Q's. Let's start with the P's

Help For Public-Speaking Anxiety

Fear of public speaking strikes some people harder — and differently — than others, according to a new study.

The study shows that those who suffer most over speaking in public get more anxious, not less anxious, as their presentation gets under way. And when it's over, instead of feeling relief, they feel even more anxious.

The Power of Your Speech

By Virginia Avery

Language expert Wilfred Funk was one of the first to study highly successful men and women to determine what they have in common. What he discovered was that they all have the ability to communicate clearly and effectively. Since then, many studies have shown the same thing. In fact, members of the "speaking" professions - lawyers, politicians, professional speakers, salespeople, and entertainers - are among the highest paid. There appears to be a high correlation between word power and earning power. The ability to speak, to persuade, and to keep an audience's attention is well rewarded.

What about you? Have you been sabotaging your own success because you feel that speaking in front of a group is something you would rather die than do? If so, it is time to do yourself a favour and learn the skills that can change your life.  Read on ...

To Overcome Fear of Public Speaking, You need to Understand the Underlying Causes. 

Once you can identify the causes that are underlying your public speaking nerves and fear, you can choose the strategies you need to build your confidence, use the fear and present successfully.

How to Develop Self-Confidence And Influence people with public speakingDale Carnegie

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Most people suffer from some fear of public speaking.  The survey that identified it as America’s number one fear was accurate then and remains so today. But the causes of that fear can differ from person to person.

One of the most important steps towards overcoming the fear of public speaking is to identify the things in your life that have created the fear and then choose the strategies that relate to those causes and that will conquer the fear and allow you to harness it to enhance your presentations and speeches, not destroy them.

So let’s list some of the factors that underlie the fear of public speaking and see which ones apply to you. 

Article continues

 Five tips for overcoming public speaking nerves

Your mouth is dry, heart palpitating, and knees knocking. You go into panic, facing a dreaded public speaking assignment.

It doesn’t have to be so.

These sets of tips  will give you some strategies to overcome those symptoms and have the butterflies flying in formation.

Article continues

Presentation Nerves Part I


There seems to be hundreds of theories and opinions about nerves in relation to making a presentation. Possibly one of the more famous sayings is that it is okay to have butterflies, as long as they are flying in the same formation. Other people say presentation nerves are built-in anti-complacency buttons, ensuring that we are always on edge and performing to our best.

Article continues


Tips for keeping your cool before your presentation


"Overcome your fear of public speaking"

- the eBook

Public Speaking Skills

at Pivotal Public Speaking


Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assaults of thought on the unthinking.

John Maynard Keynes


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