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8 Benefits of Setting Goals

Whether you want to progress in your career or develop healthier habits at home, goal setting can be an essential tool.

Those who set goals are much more likely to achieve success than those who don’t. Not convinced? Check out these 8 benefits of setting goals you can expect to experience.

  1. It keeps you focused

Setting goals helps to keep you focused on the tasks that matter. When you don’t have focus or a direction, it’s difficult to progress. You’ll be much more susceptible to procrastination if you don’t have a clear goal in mind.

Setting goals shows you what you need to do to achieve your dreams. Whatever it is you want to do, goals will help you get there.

  1. Helping to keep you motivated

You’ll also see an increase in your motivation when you work towards goals. However, that’s only if you set the right ones.

The key is to create small, achievable goals. As you tick off each goal, you’ll feel motivated to work towards the next. Contrary to popular belief, motivation doesn’t just present itself. Instead, you need to work on it and build up your motivation over time.

So, if you struggle to stay motivated, setting and completing small goals is going to help.

  1. They make larger goals manageable

Often, the goals we set for ourselves are quite big. For example, you may want to lose weight or gain more financial freedom. These goals may take a while to reach, which can ultimately make it difficult to stick to them.

By setting smaller goals, you’ll be able tor each your large goals much faster. You’ll also find it easier to stay focused as you’ll be seeing some level of progress.

The key to motivation and sticking to larger goals is to see progress. If you don’t, you’re much more likely to give up. Write down your large goals, then break them down into smaller ones to make them more manageable.

  1. You will consistently improve

Life is about learning and developing ourselves into the best person we can be. Goal setting can help you to consistently improve. It can help you to break bad habits, learn something new, and develop key skills to better handle life’s challenges.

If you’re looking to improve your life and become a better person, goal setting is a great tool you can utilize.

  1. Increased satisfaction

Did you know that those who set goals are typically more satisfied in life than those who don’t? This is because, as mentioned earlier, you see a lot of progress being made.

It is also down to how they feel after ticking off their goals. When you reach a goal, you set for yourself, it boosts confidence, and gives you a great feeling of satisfaction.

  1. They put you in control of your future

Goals give you the power to shape and alter your future. You can use them to achieve new things, develop good habits, and change the course of your life.

If you feel like you lack control, it’s going to deter you from changing. However, as you start to achieve the small goals that you set for yourself, you’ll feel motivated to carry on.

  1. Goals boost productivity

Setting goals also helps to boost productivity. If you struggle to get things done, having a goal to work towards can motivate you to work faster and harder.

The focus placed upon achieving the goal helps to push you to get it done.

  1. Freeing up time to spend on other things

As you’ll be more productive and achieve more with goals, it frees up time you can spend on other things. How often do you feel like it’s impossible to get everything done? If there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day, start setting goals to boost your productivity.

The free time you end up with can be spent on self-care or taking care of chores that never get done.

These are the main benefits of setting goals. You can set them for every area of your life. However, there are a lot of things that you can get wrong. Goals are only effective if you know how to set them.

The secret to setting effective goals

Want to start setting effective goals? The secret is to make them SMART. This is a common method that stands for:






Your goals need to be as specific as possible. That means they need to be targeted, rather than general goals. An example would be you want to lose weight. If you simply set your goal to lose weight, this isn’t very specific. However, if you were to set a goal to lose 2 pounds in a week, that is a much more refined goal.

You should also make sure that the goals are measurable. That is, you need to be able to clearly see progress as you work towards them. Taking the weight loss example again, you can measure your progress by how you feel and what the scales say when you step onto them.

The third thing to focus on is that your goals are achievable. After all, there’s no point setting them or working towards them if they aren’t.

The goals you work towards need to be relevant to what you are trying to achieve. What is your overall goal and are your current goals helping you to get there? If not, it’s time to make some changes.

Finally, the goals you set yourself should be timely. That is, you have a deadline to achieve them. If you don’t set a specific date or time to finish a goal, it can lead to procrastination. So, set a deadline and stick to it. Just make sure the deadline is realistic otherwise you’ll miss it and become demotivated to continue.

If you follow the SMART goal setting method, you’ll see much better results.

How to stick to your goals

Following the SMART goal setting method will go a long way to helping you stick to your goals. However, there are a few more tips you can follow to make achieving your goals easier. These include:

  • Choose goals that you are passionate about
  • Stick to working on one goal at a time
  • Give yourself a reward when you achieve a goal
  • Share your goals with others for accountability
  • Write your goals down

It’s important to focus on goals you’re passionate about as this makes it more likely you’ll see them through. If you aren’t interested in the goal, you aren’t going to work hard to achieve it.

Avoid working on more than one goal at a time. It’s hard to multi-task and working on one goal allows you to give it all of your focus. This ensures you complete it faster.

These are some of the best tips you can follow when setting goals for yourself. Don’t be afraid to make your goals smaller if you are struggling. The key is to find a method that works for you.

So, there you have it, the benefits of setting goals and some top tips to get you started. When you start to set goals, you’ll start to see real change in your life.