A Short Guide to Effective Public Speaking

Delivering an effective presentation to 20 or to 200 people is difficult. Because listeners have better access to information since the internet became commonplace, audiences expect more content from speakers today. In addition, because of the entertainment slant of most media today, audiences want a presentation delivered with animation, humour, and pizzazz.

If you would rather spend your time preparing your content than reading a book on public speaking, this is an article especially for you! From my experiences in delivering over l500 speeches during the past 20 years, here is a quick guide to giving an effective and interesting presentation your very first time.

Read more in Pivotal Magazine

1 reply
  1. Fred E. Miller
    Fred E. Miller says:

    Nothing beats good live theatre.

    The same goes for a good speech or presentation.

    With a live presentation, there’s also an opportunity to get the audience involved!

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