"One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again."

Abraham Maslow

Setting goals and intentions in your life is the single most important task in the entire process of creating the life you always dreamed about.

Can you imagine that almost 95% of all people simply don't do this? And the rest of the 5% do it, but only 10% of this small number ever reach their goals. That's why so many people struggle and businesses fail.

Tap Into the Infinite Power of Your Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind processes about 400 billion bits of information per second and the impulses travel at a speed of up to 100,000 mph! Compare this to your conscious mind, which processes only about 2,000 bits of information per second and its impulses travel only at 100-150 mph. ??

The conscious mind is almost a dim-witted cousin of the subconscious mind.

You might have the strongest desire to attain something, but as long as your subconscious holds a particular belief that is not aligned with that desire, nothing will ever happen to manifest the desire. ??

This is the single most important fact you have to understand. You set your goals with your conscious mind and you reach them with your subconscious mind.

This is where the Dream Manifestation Kit comes in. Manifest any goal, desire or life dream with this new award winning software and audio program. A simple and highly efficient process, using the power of your intention combined with dynamic images and your own voice, to re-program your mind for instant and lasting success.

The Most Profound Way to Rewire Your Brain
Every time you see your goal or intention presented by the Dream Manifestation Wizard on your screen you physically rewire your brain by creating new neural pathways. This is the most powerful way to change the definition of yourself.??

Unlock the emerging power within you to manifest lasting changes in your life and society. Use the latest technology and discoveries in quantum physics to create an extraordinary life. Be the change that you would like to see!

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I seem to use wry humour, or is it sarcasm? a lot. Hence the title of this blog post.

I think it comes of a natural inclination to want to make people, and especially myself challenge the way they think. To look at things differently.

When we think of change, whether we welcome it or not, I think everyone understands that it will involve some degree of stepping outside their comfort zones. That may be an exciting, adrenalin-producing event. or it might be a huge challenge, weighty and difficult.

One reason may be that in changing, in aiming for a different way of doing things, or different outcomes, we need to take on different ways of thinking, of subconsciously doing.

If I am right-brained, creative and impulsive, then I suspect dieting may be incredibly difficult. That especially applies if the success of dieting involves deliberate goal setting and carefully designed and executed programs and discipline.

If I am shy, introverted and lacking in social skills then networking for my business may be a weighty challenge.

So change may involve deliberately trying to change those thinking/doing patterns and skills. Maintaining a rigid discipline over my eating habits, or developing people skills. Does that sound like stepping out of a comfort zone?

It sure does - to me anyway.

But to bring in the excitement and motivation, maybe the goal needs to be the focus rather than the change ...

Let go of those doubts.

Alexandra Levit writes:

Self doubt has been something I’ve struggled with all my life, from debating whether I could get into a top tier university to believing I could succeed as a writer. It’s a very human emotion, and it’s made worse for some people because of life experiences or temperament. Self doubt also makes you feel alone. Sometimes you think you’re the only person in the universe who suffers from a crisis of confidence, and you wish that you could be more like your successful, self-assured neighbor. Well, I guarantee that your neighbor doubts himself every now and then too.
You won’t ever be able to rid yourself of doubt entirely – believe me, I’ve tried. But I hope that these suggestions will lessen your pain when dark thoughts are all around you.

And you can read the suggestions in the Pivotal Magazine.

In this message, Harold W. Becker shares that in this present now moment there is a simple question each of us can quietly ask ourselves and by embracing its affirmative answer, we open a whole new reality of potential before us. For more please go to www.thelovefoundation.com

He continues this is most likely not a question you may have ever considered for yourself or one that you have heard discussed by others. It is perhaps even one that you may wish to ignore at this stage of your journey. Yet, this beautiful and amazing transformative power and potential remains ever present until such time you feel the strength and courage to ask and accept its reality in your heart.

Why ask ourselves this question? Long ago we drifted away from our innate loving wisdom and allowed our consciousness to embrace the notion that our outer reality of form was our source of life. We became mesmerized and subsequently reliant upon our creations and forgot the power within our own being. Over time, this separation led to a sense of self doubt and with it, the corresponding manifestation we call fear. Unaware of the ultimate effect of our ongoing outer focus, we handed down our beliefs, notions, perspectives and ideals from generation to generation, century after century, often without stopping once to go within and ask a single question as to whether what we believe or do is actually coming from our own personal truth.

We stand at the threshold of opportunity to reconnect with our heart and allow the fullness of our wisdom to once again guide us. In an instant, we reverse the ignorance of ages by a clear and genuine acknowledgement of ourselves. By our own choice, we release the boundless freedom and joy and accept the potential that heals not only ourselves, also each other and our wondrous planet we call home. Can such a simple question really make this profound a difference? Answer it honestly, willingly, with an open heart and without hesitation, and you may be surprised by your own undeniable conclusion.

Do I love myself unconditionally?

What could there possibly be not to love? Our size, shape, color, age, gender? Our supposed status and achievements in life or the lack thereof? Our choices, mistakes and behaviors from the past? Our lost hopes, dreams or physical connections with others? These outer conditions and garments are only the forms we use to experience and evolve through life - they are not who we really are. Long after the forms dissolve and the expressions disappear, there is one thing that will always remain - Love.

The unconditional acceptance you have for yourself right now is the unconditional love you naturally will have for all others and Life itself. Allow yourself to embrace the knowing of love held within your heart and you share it with the world.

"The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it's the same problem you had last year."

-- John Foster Dulles

In this companion lecture to Dr. Bruce Lipton's "Biology of Perception " ( Part 1:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOpZG3... ), Rob Williams, M.A. and Originator of PSYCH-K, discusses how beliefs determine your biological and behavorial realities and shows how to establish communication with the subconscious to "rewrite the software of the mind" and facilitate change.

PSYCH-K is a simple and direct way to change self-limiting beliefs at the subconscious level of the mind, where nearly all human behavior originates, both constructive and destructive. Its overall goal is to accelerate individual and global spiritual evolution by aligning subconscious beliefs with conscious wisdom from the worlds great spiritual and intellectual traditions.

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

-- Mary Oliver


Preparing for Uncertainty

Eric Greenleaf shows you how to turn anxiety about change and uncertainty into calm curiosity about what the future may bring, and a feeling of flexible preparedness for anything.

Two thousand years ago

the Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius wrote -

"We shrink from change; yet is there anything that comes into being without it..."

In the movie Facing the Giants, a young high school student on a football team learns that his biggest obstacle is not the opposing team, but rather his own thoughts that are limiting his best performance. So what limiting thought are keeping you from doing your personal best if you truly want to master success?

A colleague and I were discussing this very question several months ago. Imagine what would happen if:

Each junior high person did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
Each high school student did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
Each teacher person did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
Each administrator did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
Each parent did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
Each small business owner did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
Each corporate executive did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
Each professional sales person did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
Each member of the workforce did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
Each government official did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
What would our country look like in just 30 days? Given that research supports that most people use anywhere from 10% to 25% of their potential, the results of giving your personal best would be exponential.

Did you know that Einstein said on several occasions he felt he only had used 10% of his potential? Imagine that, the inventor of E=MC squared, theorist of black holes and nuclear fusion believed he had only tapped into 10% of his potential.

Giving your personal best for 8 hours every day for the next 30 days is not easy as the young football player discovered. However, the incredible power when you see what your personal best means for you can never be truly captured by mere words. The knowing that you are doing your personal best translates directly into your own self worth and allowing you to begin to master success.

Again, I ask you: What would happen to you if you gave your personal best (and you and only you knows what that means) for the next 30 days? If you decide to take this challenge, make sure you share it with someone to hold you accountable.

M.A.P. for Success, a FREE email course may help you begin to chart a course to master success. Visit http://www.processspecialist.com/action-plan.htm.

Do you want to master success? Then you need a personal growth action plan.