Inspiration + Entertainment = Spiritual Cinema Circle

Spiritual Cinema Circle

Dear Friend,

Many, many years ago, a $600-million-dollar man changed the life of JACK CANFIELD, who has become America’s #1 success coach, the co-author of the most successful book series in history, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and one of the stars of the film The Secret.Start My Free Trial

Who was that man, and what did Jack learn that you need to know?

Find out in the new original Gaiam series, ENCOUNTERS: Portraits of Inspiring Lives. In this up-close and personal film, Jack reveals little-known stories about his early childhood, lifelong dreams, and personal philosophy.

In ENCOUNTERS, Jack Canfield shares:

*his passion to help people break out of their “self-imposed limitations.”

*why he loves anything that helps you go “further and faster, with less effort.”

*the essential philosophy that keeps him happy and balanced.

*the divine connection behind the creation of the title “Chicken Soup for the Soul.”

Additionally, you will be treated to Jack speaking to an in-studio audience, sharing everything from how to do your own “joy review” to clarifying your vision for the future.

Thanks to our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle, you can receive this video of Jack Canfield, along with the feature film, Broken Hill, and two short films, for just a small shipping fee*. To see the trailer and start your free trial click here!

Start My Free Trial

*$4.95/$7.95 S&H applies to the free trial.
Membership is just $21 + S&H per month.


Spiritual Cinema, Inc.

833 W. South Boulder Rd.

Louisville, CO 80027

Copyright ©2009 Spiritual Cinema Circle, A Gaiam Company

"Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in life has a purpose."

- Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

With a seemingly endless stream of new books on the subject of the end of the Mayan Calendar everyone wants to know about 2012! Are we at the beginning of the most amazing and wonderful time on Earth, or is Armageddon just over the horizon?

Futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard brings us insight and excitement about life: through the (feature/short) film, Visions of a Universal Humanity - a must-see exploration of science-based evidence that we are at the precipice of the greatest evolutionary jump in human history.
Wrapped in awe-inspiring imagery and soul-lifting music, this movie debunks the doomsday prophesies of the so-called "end of history," inviting us to consider instead the conclusions of some of the finest minds of our time who present cutting-edge perspectives on humankind's breathtaking potential to create the future of our dreams.
Watch in wonder as the story of our own evolution comes alive in a combination of sparkling intellect and vibrant artistry that is this remarkable motion picture, leaving us not only illuminated, but instigated—ready now to play our role in the co-creation of our collective tomorrows.
Start your free trial today! For just a small shipping fee, you can receive a *free DVD that includes Visions of a Universal Humanity plus three great short films, plus Mariel Hemingway's very special in-depth interview with spiritual teacher, world renounced author, Debbie Ford!

An article from Jonathan Benjem which outlines the basics of chakras

Chakras are the foci within our bodies where the energy which makes up our life force is generated. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel; a good representation of the spherical energy field the word refers to.

There are six Chakras which are located along the spine and a seventh one above these, removed from the physical element of your body.

We think of these Chakras as being composed of energy; but it is very important to realize that the Chakras are closely related to and have influence over your physical body.

A healthy alignment of all of the seven Chakras will allow you to maintain your own health and happiness during your life. It is important to understand what each of the chakras is, and what it does for you.

More here >>>

Many religious traditions entail the importance of being quiet and still in mind and spirit for transformative and fundamental sacred growth to occur.

Silence is core to all spiritual practices.

Silence means being tranquil so that we can pay attention to the Voice that seeks out our hearts and minds.

"Let us be silent, that we may hear the whispers of the gods."
~ Ralph Waldo Emmerson