Tag Archive for: inspiration

It's been said that the best things in life are free - although in our hyper-consumptive culture, you'd be hard-pressed to find many people who would agree with you.

Our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle recently found a beautiful feature film entitled Amal. It's a modern-day parable that tells the story of a man named Amal - a simple, humble auto-rickshaw driver in the colorful, bustling city of New Delhi, India. Content with the small but vital role he plays in life, to drive his customers throughout the city as safely as possible, Amal is a man who lives simply to do "the right thing" in every situation.

One day Amal drives an eccentric billionaire who, disguised as a vagabond, is searching the streets for the last morsel of humanity; someone he can leave all his money to. His children are ungrateful spoiled brats and his colleagues are corrupt, money-sucking leeches. Despite all his wealth, the old man wanders the city hoping to find the two things his money has never brought him - hope for humanity and peace for his soul. In Amal, he discovers a dying breed: a man who is honest, selfless, loving, and caring.

This riveting and surprising tale ultimately reveals that the poorest of men are sometimes the richest.

Enjoy the movies!

"The Spiritual Cinema Circle is providing a great service to those who want to evolve and be entertained at the same time."
-Deepak Chopra

"It's not often you can combine entertainment with personal growth, but that is exactly what The Spiritual Cinema Circle offers. These engaging films provide important messages about life, love, and the world we live in."
-Jack Canfield

Start your free trial today! For just a small shipping fee, you can receive a *free DVD that includes Amal plus three great short films, plus Mariel Hemingway's very special in-depth interview with spiritual teacher Alan Cohen!

A video about forgiveness with Mary Karen Read's last words in her journal entry before her death at the Virginia tech shooting.

Praise and worship

Setting and achieving goals seems to be a consistent theme at the beginning of a new year. One key to reaching those goals is continued motivation. The book and movie, 212, The Extra Degree, is an excellent resource to inspire and encourage yourself and others to commit to and attain those goals. Take a few minutes to discover the difference when you give and go “The Extra Degree.”

We need all the help we can get to keep our goals in the forefront of our minds, to continue creating and refining actin plans. An Inspiration Board is a great tool to achieve just that.

A design board, inspriration board, color board, concept board – call it what you want. A design board is a wonderful way to put all of your design ideas, concepts and colors for a project down in one place. Design professionals, such as kitchen designers, interior decorators and the lot use them to make presentations to clients, but you can do the same to help you consolidate your plans. How to make your own design board and more examples after the jump!

and the instructions are here ...http://bit.ly/4Tsgb9

by Jim Rohn

Remember the master teacher once said 2000 years ago, "Unless you can become like little children, your chances are zero; you haven't got a prayer." A major consideration for adults. Be like children and remember there are four ways to be more like a child no matter how old you get…

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