Creative visualization is the technique of using your imagination to create pictures of yourself achieving a desired goal or outcome and focusing on that image until you achieve your objective.

Thought is a power and has its effect on the material world. Thoughts, if powerful enough, travel from one mind to another. If we keep thinking the same thought, people in our environment perceive it and act on it, furthering, usually in an unconscious manner, the materialization of our desires.

Use your natural creative imagination in a more and more conscious way, as a technique to create what you truly want.

Use the power of your imagination to create what you want in your life.

Let go of your limitations - Act Now!

I don't know about you, but when we first start to tap into the power of manifesting, we can have quite a few frustrating "failures".

If you've been trying as hard as you can to get it right--well, that's your first problem (the TRY part!)

But the second thing is--it's really so much easier than you think once you understand a few key elements to your manifesting success.

And I'm happy to tell you none other than the great Bob Proctor has the answers for you!

[Bob Proctor Shows You The Way]

You may remember Bob from The Secret--and from the absolute gold mine of knowledge he shares all over the globe.

Now Bob sits down with Ryan Higgins from Mind Movies for a fascinating conversation explaining exactly where effective visualization begins.

He just has such a fantastic way of laying it all out, I'm sure you'll get a whole new perspective that will actually be very exciting for you.

In my opinion, this kind of conversation is way overdue when it comes to the essentials and TRUTH about the Law of Attraction and how it all works.

Because it's simply not just some flight of fancy or make-believe exercise--the Universal and unchanging laws that make EVERYTHING happen for you are grounded in science!

Now don't get nervous or anything--you don't have to be able to unravel an equation or know a test tube from a Petrie dish--all you have to do is step up to the plate and agree to make this a habit you do every single day...

[Practice Makes Perfect--How To Manifest

The biggest mistake most people make with manifesting is throwing in the towel when what you want doesn't materialize immediately.

Hey, it doesn't work like that! 🙂

I mean, on the one hand, it works so darn fast it will make your head spin--especially when you consider how hugely this can transform your life forever.

It DOES take some time, with a dedication to visualizing what you truly want in your life every single day.

But it doesn't have to be difficult or complicated, or even very time consuming. It just has to be done regularly like clockwork.

When you do that ONE thing, hold on to your hat--because some really incredible, almost magical, things will start to happen in your life!

[Feels Like Magic But It's Real]

The magical part is so real, Ryan explains exactly how he vaporized a whopping $70K in debt in only three short months.

If you've got some financial "issues" you're really going to want to watch this very closely--it could be the key that unlocks the door to your best life yet.

So take a look--and get started doing exactly what Bob says. You'll find it just could be the missing piece of your manifesting puzzle.

And be sure to let me know how things are going for you OK?

To your manifesting success,

P.S. Have you ever thought about how you've been programmed since you were a kid to accept whatever life hands you?

No offense, but that is the biggest load of horse puckie since Columbus said the world was flat! You
can truly RE-program your thinking to attract the most astounding things into your life.

Just watch the video, OK?

[Bob Explains It All--RE-Program Your Thinking!]

Time and time again I hear from good people who are fed up, frustrated, and just plain discouraged about their ability to reliably manifest what they want in life.

Do you ever feel like that?

If so, you're not alone. And even if you've gotten your brain wrapped around the concept of the Law of Attraction and are whole-hearted in your manifesting efforts--you still may have the nagging feeling you're not quite hitting with all cylinders.

That's why I'd suggest you take a few minutes to watch this...

[How To Multiply Your Manifesting Power]

For one thing, you'll hear from none other than Bob Proctor--one of the key people from The Secret. Bob has been at this a long time--decades in fact--and he's pretty much got the whole visualization thing dialed in.

One of the things Bob talks about are some of the most common misconceptions about visualization, and boy can I relate.

I remember when I first began exploring the Law of Attraction. I pretty much made ALL of these mistakes! For example...

1.You make some effort to practice visualizations for a few days--but nothing happens. So you decide it's a waste of time and stop. And guess what? Nothing happens. Duh.

2. You think you have to spend hours every day intensely focused on the things you want most. You settle down in the Lazy Boy and have at it--and you either fall asleep, get a pounding headache, or start thinking about a problem you're having at work. What a hassle--no wonder you've given up!

3. You've painstakingly glued a vision board together and you stare at it every day. You don't want anyone to know this, but you're bored. This whole activity is dull as dust and you don't feel much of anything except distracted.

4. You're not completely sure visualization will work--so you figure it's not worth trying unless you are 100% certain something wonderful will happen.

In fact, you've perfected "why bother" into an art form. Any of these things sound familiar? Well here's the good news...

[Bob's Got The Answers--And It Will Change Your Life]

Here's one of my favorite quotes from this video...

"Even if you don't believe in it--do it anyway. My attitude is: if your way isn't working, try mine. I'm doing all right. I'm healthy, happy, and I'm wealthy. I earn more money in one hour than I used to in twenty years. So I must know something. And I know that this works." ~Bob Proctor

I sincerely hope you find this as encouraging as I do--because the thing is, even if you're not sure visualization will work for you and result in successful manifesting--just do it!

Give it a try and see what happens.

But not for just a day or two--or even a week or two.

What you've got to do is make the commitment to spend a few minutes on this every single day--and I do mean EVERY DAY! Maybe even morning and night--but consistently make the effort.

Because according to Bob (and he should know!) it's the REPETITION of your visualizations that add up to a grand slam eventually.

He explains it all so clearly and much better than I ever could. But it has to do with the repetition creating a new frequency--a new vibration that then changes your actions--and then opens the door to what you want being attracted into your life.

Make sense? You bet it does! And no worries about how to wedge it into your schedule, because you don't have to spend a lot of time on it either.

Just a few minutes a day will do it IF you do it the right way.

All you have to do is follow the simple strategy Bob explains in this video. It's easy. And when you do, here's what happens...

[You Become A Powerful Manifesting Magnet]

It's exciting and it's totally achievable with a very simple shift in your thinking and actions--believe me, I've personally experienced how powerful this is and it is truly the key to creating your most perfect destiny.

I don't want to give away all the goods here--so just take a minute and watch the video OK? In the next ten minutes you could literally have the keys to the kingdom.

To your manifesting success,

P.S. Have you ever gotten so excited about something you had a kind of tingle at the core of your being? Or you just felt like every nerve ending was on high alert?

That's what happens when you experience strong emotions.And here's a hint--those emotions have EVERYTHING to do with creating successful visualizations.

And now Bob is going to explain exactly how you can access that fantastic energy to supercharge your visualizations.

[See It. Feel It. GET It Right Here]

"Watch your manner of speech if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind. Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented and happy attitudes and your days will tend to be pleasant and successful."

-- Norman Vincent Peale


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Power Your Mind With Creative Visualisation

Creative visualization is the technique of using your imagination to create pictures of yourself achieving a desired goal or outcome and focusing on that image until you achieve your objective.

Use the power of your imagination to create what you want in your life.

Let go of your limitations - Act Now!

I found a very interesting software for your PC that supports you in manifesting your life dreams - all of them! I personally use it since a while and it is fantastic.

They say that statistics on rich and successful people show that simply shifting their thinking is the major key that has changed their lives. Manifesting your dreams does not depend on your education, on your ethnicity or heritage, and in no way is it determined by your environment. It is only the result of your thinking!

Learn more about here:

We need all the help we can get to keep our goals in the forefront of our minds, to continue creating and refining actin plans. An Inspiration Board is a great tool to achieve just that.

A design board, inspriration board, color board, concept board – call it what you want. A design board is a wonderful way to put all of your design ideas, concepts and colors for a project down in one place. Design professionals, such as kitchen designers, interior decorators and the lot use them to make presentations to clients, but you can do the same to help you consolidate your plans. How to make your own design board and more examples after the jump!

and the instructions are here ...

Staying well with Guided Imagery. How to Harness the Power of Your Imagination for Health and healing

by Belleruth Naparstek

Well-known guided imagery authority and psychotherapist, Naparstek provides a clear guide for using one’s imagination for self-healing and health maintenance.
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