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Our vision of life, our expectations and mindset form either bridges to our achievement in life or stumbling blocks for same. Nobody can go beyond the furthest point of his or her imagination and knowledge. The earlier we know this in life, the better for us all.

Here are activities and mindsets can help you gain a supportive vision for life:

1. Imagination: Imagination builds cities, conquers diseases, develops a career, and sets off a relationship. Albert Einstein, the great atomic energy scientist said that imagination is superior to intelligence. That is to say that if you can extend yourself and envision the life you want without feeling limited by the problems of the present times, you have a great chance of achieving what you want. You have to imagine yourself being able to do everything required to ensure peace and progress for yourself and the rest of mankind. Put your imagination to good use and you will be well served.

2. Dreams: If you can't think of it, if you can't dream having it, if you can't see you doing it ahead of the action time, then it is not realizable. Give yourself the chance to dream and to risk. What do you want? If you can dream it, you can do it. You have the power in your hands. Your mental power is limitless. Majority of men and women lead incomplete lives when they can have more. They never really investigate their potentialities. They erroneously believe that tomorrow must be as unfulfilling as yesterday.

3. Desire: Your desire is the propelling force for the achievement of your goals and life purpose. Desire is the unexpressed possibility of an idea wishing to be expressed. You must want something before you can get it. The desire for a good life must remain constant no matter your circumstances in life. School your desires though and be sure it is not on mundane things.

4. Knowledge: You must seek knowledge unceasingly. You need quality knowledge for quality life. Hidden treasures are inside books, seminars and in network of net worthy people. University education is good and necessary. But daily study and action is the key to power and success. You cannot go beyond your knowledge in life. We are affected knowledge. What you don't know will hurt you. What you don't know will adversely affect your life, said Jim Rohn. You must continue to learn to remain alive and for a chance to succeed in life. Financial intelligence is critical. Wealth creation attitude is a necessity.

5. Faith: Faith means confidence, trust and belief. You need faith in two important areas of your life - (1) Faith in God, the Eternal Father and His Son Jesus Christ and the fact that they want you to be a success in life. (2) Faith in Yourself, in your ability to reach your fullest potential. And the good news is that your faith in God and yourself can be grown over time by study and action.

6. Purpose: Everyone has a WHY of his or her existence. What do you think is the WHY of your existence? What are you drawn to naturally that you feel at home doing? What do you enjoy especially in service to other people? What service to others excites you each time you think of or do it? One of the synonyms of purpose is reason. So, what do you imagine to be the reason(s) why God created you? You can find your why. You need to find your why.

7. Passion: The synonyms of passion include enthusiasm, zeal and excitement. You need to be passionate or enthusiastic about your life purpose, your goals and objectives. You need to pursue everything before you with zeal. You need to be excited about your studies, work and activities. And this is in spite of the circumstances. It is your life we are talking about here and the best way to live your life is to do so passionately. Only a passion driven life is worth living.

8. Goals, Strategies, Action: To succeed in life, you must specify what you want at every point in time, specify strategies (plan of action) and take those actions consistently. It is called goals, strategies and action (GSA). This is the same method used and advocated by J. Paul Getty, an American multi-billionaire in the 1960s and at that time the richest man on earth. Mr. Getty actually advocated massive action. Action would give you experience, experience would give you evidence and evidence would give you a testimony that it is true or not, right or wrong. Nothing happens unless you take action. In fact, there is no real knowledge without action.

Prepare by study, by prayer, by faith and by action and you would truly be ready for life, leadership and service. These activities will change your life. These activities will change you to a person of power and put you in a position to change the world for good. You will find happiness, wealth, peace and your place in service to your fellow men than in doing drug and crime.


Pivotal Network member, Francis Nmeribe helps people who desire a joyful relationship in their dating, courtship and marriage relationships. He is the author of numerous great relationship and personal development articles and books including - "Foundation For Joyful Relationships", "Wrong Reasons For Getting Married", "Growing From Your Experiences", "Action Quotes". If you need help with your dating, courtship and marriage relationships, contact Francis Nmeribe at [http://www.successpublishers.com.ng]. Subscribe to the RSS Feeds and get a free copy of the Ebook version of "Wrong Reasons For Getting Married". Read more free relationship articles on my blog http://marryright.wordpress.com. Email: Francis19561@hotmail.com.

Photo by Ethan Robertson on Unsplash