Tag Archive for: success

Ideas are always a creative response to a problem without a present-day solution. People dream them up as the wonder what they might do to solve their problems, and they draw on inspirations from their environments around them to do so. What people forget is that neither their problems, nor the inspirations from which they draw solutions, are exclusively theirs. Everyone else is likely to face almost the same challenges. And they'll certainly come up with similar solutions.

This, more than any other reason, is why you often see the same idea surfacing in two or more places at once, even when the creative people proposing the solution don't know each other at all.

It seems logical to conclude, given this, that if you want to increase the success of your innovation efforts, getting more ideas will probably not have the result you're looking for.

Many people argue that what is actually needed is a systematic process which allows creative people to generate a track record of big product hits. This follows from the fact that it isn't ideas which are important to the innovation process, but the execution which follows them. Clearly, there are limited resources available in any organisation, so focussing on big ideas must be a good idea.

This, of course, is the strategy that's been followed by Apple, and other companies of its ilk. First, it released iPod, a massive hit that redefined the way that music is sold. Then it sold iPhone, which makes the name of the game in telephony about Apps, rather than features. And recently, it's released iPad, which it hopes will redefine the way customer acquire and use the products of the liberal arts.

None of these products are especially innovative, and they certainly aren't category unique. It is hard to say they are, by themselves, innovative. But they are designed beautifully, and each has built its success on the last.

This, in the end, is the real sign that a company has a successful innovation effort under way.

Would you like to create a track record of hit products? The easiest way to do it is create an innovation program with laser-sharp focus on what works. James Gardner's free online innovation book will help you start.

I found a very interesting software for your PC that supports you in manifesting your life dreams - all of them! I personally use it since a while and it is fantastic.

They say that statistics on rich and successful people show that simply shifting their thinking is the major key that has changed their lives. Manifesting your dreams does not depend on your education, on your ethnicity or heritage, and in no way is it determined by your environment. It is only the result of your thinking!

Learn more about here: http://bit.ly/clcjZ8

Once, a man named Joe and his little girl were crossing a wooden-bridge in Tarrytown, New York.

Joe was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter, "Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river."

The little girl said, "No, Dad. You hold my hand."

"What's the difference?" Asked the puzzled father.

"There's a big difference," replied the little girl.

"If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go."

In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond.

As you may already know, over the last 40 years of Bob Proctor's life he's been holding people's hands and leading them step-by-step across the bridge to a life of richness and success.

If you allow him to hold your hand... he promises to keep your faith and lead you to a world of insane wealth and prosperity.

Click here to find out exactly how he'll be holding your hand and leading you step-by-step to the other side of the bridge: http://bit.ly/9QdpQ1

Guest post by Anna Filipkowski.

What are you avoiding right now? What dream have you put on hold because you think you're too old, too young, too broke, too busy or too out of shape? What opportunities have you missed because you were too afraid of failing, embarrassment, abandonment or rejection? Why is it that most of us are more comfortable believing we can't than we can?

Everyone has a highly critical and negative little voice inside his or her head. Unfortunately, it keeps you in defensive or survival mode. Evolution calls this "Fight or Flight." It's a throwback to our more primitive selves. Since your critical voice only perceives in black and white, any obstacle is deemed a dead end rather than a challenge requiring a solution to move forward. Therefore, the critical voice usually stops us in our tracks and sabotages the concept of options.

Clearly, your critical voice is not your friend. And that voice does not define you. The real you strives for freedom and self-actualization. Your critical voice is nothing more than a schoolyard bully. You need to challenge it or ignore it. Like most bullies, it will eventually subside or back down.

Yes, you absolutely can quiet your negative inner dialogue by consciously changing your thoughts. The next time the bully inside you starts its whining diatribe, confront it head on. Calmly state, "What if I can?"

"You'll never get that job. You're too young, inexperienced and naive!"
What if I can?

"You're completely out of shape. And besides, there's no way you can run a half marathon at your age!"
What if I can?

"Start a business in this economy? You don't have enough money and that's just plain crazy! Besides nobody ever makes money doing that!"
What if I can?

"You'll never survive reality without booze or drugs!"
What if I can?

"You're too old and out of date to go back to school. You'll never keep up!"
What if I can?

"Just stay in the relationship and suck it up. Nobody else will want you and you can't make it on your own!"
What if I can?

"There are millions of out-of-work actors. You're not talented or attractive enough to break into that kind of business!"
What if I can?

"Do you know how many people actually succeed at that? It's just too hard and too competitive. You'll never make it to the Olympics."
What if I can?

"Your silly dream can wait another year. With all your other responsibilities, you're too busy to take on one more thing right now."
What if I can?

Be honest with yourself. If you were absolutely certain that you would succeed in your dream endeavor, would you do it? Or would you be afraid that your critical voice was telling the truth? Either way, you're right. That's how extraordinarily powerful your thoughts are. Remember, it takes just as much energy to succeed or fail. Focus your mind and heart and you can accomplish anything. Start now. That's how extraordinarily powerful your thoughts are. Remember, it takes just as much energy to succeed or fail. Focus your mind and heart and you can accomplish anything. Start now.

Anna Malandra Filipkowski, a downsized corporate executive is following her dreams and invites fellow latecomer entrepreneurs to journey down the path of freedom and prosperity in a global world.

Setting goals and intentions in your life is the single most important task in the entire process of creating the life you always dreamed about.

Can you imagine that almost 95% of all people simply don't do this? And the rest of the 5% do it, but only 10% of this small number ever reach their goals. That's why so many people struggle and businesses fail.

Tap Into the Infinite Power of Your Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind processes about 400 billion bits of information per second and the impulses travel at a speed of up to 100,000 mph! Compare this to your conscious mind, which processes only about 2,000 bits of information per second and its impulses travel only at 100-150 mph. ??

The conscious mind is almost a dim-witted cousin of the subconscious mind.

You might have the strongest desire to attain something, but as long as your subconscious holds a particular belief that is not aligned with that desire, nothing will ever happen to manifest the desire. ??

This is the single most important fact you have to understand. You set your goals with your conscious mind and you reach them with your subconscious mind.

This is where the Dream Manifestation Kit comes in. Manifest any goal, desire or life dream with this new award winning software and audio program. A simple and highly efficient process, using the power of your intention combined with dynamic images and your own voice, to re-program your mind for instant and lasting success.

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Every time you see your goal or intention presented by the Dream Manifestation Wizard on your screen you physically rewire your brain by creating new neural pathways. This is the most powerful way to change the definition of yourself.??

Unlock the emerging power within you to manifest lasting changes in your life and society. Use the latest technology and discoveries in quantum physics to create an extraordinary life. Be the change that you would like to see!

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10 Tips for Navigating the Waters of Life

While some of us might fit the stereotype of Jeff Spicoli beach bums who don’t care about anything other than riding waves, there is an entirely spiritual and zen side to the sport of surfing that gives us a chance to really understand how to navigate the waters of life. In fact one of the most common things you’ll hear a surfer say when asked about how much time they spend in the water is “Of course I surf every day that I can, it keeps you from going nuts.” So, here it is, in no particular order:

10 Tips for Navigating the Waters of Life

One of the key ingredients to a successful life is belief in one’s self. Without self confidence how can you hope to meet the challenges that you are bound to face in life?

You must believe that you are worthy of the things you desire. Do not let past setbacks or failures stand in your way. You are living in the present and this is where your actions will count. Remember the errors of yesterday only to learn from them. Use this knowledge to avoid the same pitfalls in the future.

You can also try some of the following simple tips to build self confidence and self improvement:

Is there a formula for success?

I have a very simple formula I've used that I want to share with you that can do wonders in your business and your life.

The formula is simple, but just because it's simple doesn't make it easy.

However, if you start to use it and follow it, it will yield great results for you. So ... what is this simple formula? In order to HAVE anything in life, we need to DO something to achieve it, and in order to DO the right things in the right way at the right time, we have to BE the right person ... which means BE X DO = HAVE.

If you want wealth, you must invest. If you want love, you must first give it. If you want respect, you must earn it.

No matter what, you need to DO something in order to HAVE something. But DO-ing is not the only thing you need to change in order to HAVE something. You must also BE-come the person who would DO these things well and thus HAVE the things you desire.

You must also develop the identity, beliefs and values of the type of person who has those things has. That's why many people who come into great wealth very suddenly find themselves worse off in just a few short years.


They never developed the inner beliefs and values to match their outer reality. In short, they never BE-came "millionaires." Business is no different. In order to HAVE amazing customers (and amazing businesses need amazing customers), you must develop your business into one that will attract amazing customers.



So how do you develop the mind-set and the skill-set to maximize the BE X DO = HAVE formula?

Work at it.

It's as simple as that ... but as I said before, simple is not always easy. First, you need to train, or re-train your brain. Just like our bodies need regular exercise, our minds do, too - or else they default to negative and unproductive thinking.

You also must remember that DO-ing is as important as or even more important than BE-ing.

I often say you can't sit on a mountain-top and "OHM" your way to wealth. So you must be prepared to do the extra and the "overtime" to HAVE great results.

To jump start this process, here are four things you can do to start working on the BE-ing and DO-ing parts of the formula.

1)Idealization: Start stretching your mind with possibilities. Choose your ideal life and how you want it to be, whether is it being a great parent or having your own jet. Choose it as already yours, and accept your new thoughts as true. Saying you "want" something causes your mind to think you don't have it - meaning you won't get it. Remember though, this is not an immediate process, it takes time to re-train yourself.

2)Visualization: Relax 10-minutes in morning and 10-minutes in evening and picture your ideal life as real. Visualize and accept your ideal self as real and believe what you want is already yours, because at the subconscious level, your mind doesn't know what is real and what isn't. And keep planting those "seeds" of positive thoughts every day.

3)Verbalization: Create a series of at least 20 "I AM" statements that you speak or shout out loud every day. Give them and yourself energy, passion and vibration. Again, you are re-training your mind to accept a new reality - yours. And yes, that little voice in the back of your head will disagree for the first few weeks, months or maybe even years, but you have to start somewhere.

4)Materialization: Be aware of your changing outer environment as the seeds you've been planting start to manifest - especially as you do the extra work you need to do to make it all happen. Realize it's not a week long process ... but rather one that happens over time. Your own energy and emotions about the goals that matter most to you bring those goals to you faster ... so become a passionate advocate of the best and only product you really have - you.

Be, Do and Have. These three little words really can change your life.

And now that you know, the rest really is up to you!


About the Author:   For more information on Brad Sugars please visit:  http://www.actioncoach.com/bradsugars  -or- for more information on Business Coaching please visit  http://www.businesscoachbook.com     Photo by brett reeves on Unsplash     and by Elena Saharova on Unsplash

by Bob Proctor

I believe we would all agree that having a winning feeling is prerequisite to achieving outstanding results. A person can't possibly expect to win if they're constantly focusing on failure! The real secret here is to capture that winning feeling of success as often as you can to create the environment necessary to succeed.    ... Article continues