Think your way to Prosperity

“A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.” ~  Gandhi

You’ve heard it all before and Gandhi is right – we are self-made.

Think it, feel it, behave like it and you become it.

What is ‘it’? ‘It’ is the consequences of our mind. Never under-estimate the power of your fastest vehicle towards a fulfilling life – your psyche.

Monkey Minds Block Prosperity

Deliberation and images are constantly dancing around in your mind. What you have to buy at the supermarket, whether you switched off the iron, and don’t forget to pick up little Johnny after school. A ‘monkey mind’ can divert you from quality thoughts. If you are busy focusing on minor issues that can take care of themselves then you miss the opportunity to nurture major possibilities.

Do not sweat the small stuff.

Make a list of all the things you don’t want to be bothered with. Use a diary to full advantage. These simple steps actually do free the mind. List writing before bed is a technique used to settle the ‘monkey mind’ to allow time for rest.

Choose wisely.

If you don’t like a song on the radio, you no doubt will flick the switch until you come across something that resonates with your personal frequency. Do the same with your thoughts – turn off from the rubbish.


A step towards prosperity - Move away from complacency.

No one grows until they become uncomfortable. Break the mould and take a plunge. I once read that people who always stick to the same old routine are more likely to get dementia. Try something new each day. This triggers off the belief that you are willing to step forward in your life. Have dinner at a different time or try a new hair style. It doesn’t matter what you change as long as it is peculiar. Treat yourself like you are someone special because you are.

No critical self-talk even when you think you are joking.

Every negative word is a vibration going out to the universe … the provider of abundance. Some common examples would be: “I’m such an imbecile.” No one is an idiot. As a matter of fact, not anyone! We all make mistakes and have to learn from goof-ups or experiences. Each single blooper does not define a complete person on the whole. If your value is a billion dollars, (actually, it is uncountable) and each error is worth a dollar then you are extremely unlikely to run out of value. Next time you find yourself in a troubled situation, think of it as ‘loose change’ in the scheme of things. “I never do anything right.” ‘Never’ is a big word. Surely, you cannot go throughout life and not do zilch right. No one does everything wrong and no one can only do right. I learnt this the hard way. At the other end of the scale, bragging about always being correct and not doing wrong also sends a negative message. Boasting about not getting a traffic ticket in my entire driving history, I was caught speeding the next day. Never say ‘never’. “I’m ugly, skinny, and dumb, obese, unloved, stupid, broke, and misunderstood” are all untruths. Yes, big fat lies! Change the programming. If you are in a relationship, where another person berates you, then do not put up with it. Affirmation: “I am a unique and amazing creation of this universe and I embrace the opportunity to grow to my full potential.”

Tips for prosperity

  • Giggle your way to a better quality life.

Stimulate the production of endorphins and change your brain chemicals through any enjoyable exercise, sport and a good belly laugh. Be happy – be worthy. Light-hearted folk are healthy-minded individuals. If you are having a dreadful day then stop, look and listen and ask why? If it is for no apparent reason, then pick your own brain; what have you been thinking about lately? Brooding ferments dilemmas, but envisaging ideas split problems down into chewable pieces.


  • Do not be needy.

Have you ever wondered why people who seem to already have enough come into luck? The answer is they are not desperate. Even when the electricity may be switched off and the phone company is hounding you for a payment … do not think ‘needy’. This is the hardest advice to follow when you are broke and is easier said than done, but with practise is accomplishable.

  • Do not be wasteful.

Respect what you have. Use the half tomato in the fridge before it rots. Switch off lights and turn off the television and computer when you are not using them.

  • Do not be a whinger.

A quote that goes back to my childhood is: ‘I once complained that I had no shoes until I met a man with no feet’. Complaining and whingeing wastes your brain-power – they are useless thoughts interfering with productive activity.

  • Be thankful for every little element in your life. Keep a gratitude journal and list people, objects and circumstances that you are appreciative of. The universe loves to be thanked.
  • Enjoy small delights such as the smell of coffee, watching your children play or your spouse snoring in an arm-chair. Recognition of the little treasures in life fertilise bigger abundance.
  • Clear away old clutter on every level of your life. Make the space to think and feel the freedom that comes from prosperity.


Do you use affirmations to attract prosperity?

Do you keep a gratitude journal?

When was the last time you had a good belly laugh?

How often do you exercise?

Do you complain?


Dawn Alice is a Tasmanian Psychic and Author, who has superior knowledge of the Tarot and Numerology with expertise in the area of metaphysics. Dawn Alice is also a Reiki Master with a deep understanding of Crystal and Colour Therapy. 

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