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Extemporaneous speaking should be practised and cultivated. It is the lawyer’s avenue to the public....

Abraham Lincoln

More Public Speaking Quotes

Using a pertinent activity as an opening gets the audience's attention because it makes them active. It gives them the opportunity to move physically which makes them more alert and comfortable. It lets them learn and participate with one another. Finally, it put you in charge. That's right, when you cede temporary authority to your audience you get larger in their minds.

Three keys to using a pertinent activity
The three keys to make this work are to organize the activity, set the limits, and debrief the activity strongly and smoothly. Let's walk through an opening activity you might try out.

  1. Organize the Activity
    "Before we go too far today I want us all to have a better sense of where we are in understanding the influence of women on financial planning in your practice. In a moment, when I say, 'Now' I want you to partner-up with two other people in the room that you do not already know. You might have to move a few seats to do that, that's fine. When I say "now" quickly form your group. Do you understand that? Groups of three, right?

    Once in your group share your answer to one of these two questions: Have you ever thought you had an agreement that you believe the women at the table torpedoed? Share that story quickly. Have you ever encountered a high quality prospect that was a women and failed to get the account? What happened?

    Pick the question you want to answer as you form your group. Once everyone is grouped you will have six minutes for each of you to share your answers. Ready?  Group up now.


  2. Set the limits
    Everyone in a group? Good. NOW!!!, You have six minutes.!

    As the speaker, feel free to move about the room. Do not lurk, simply move through the room so they know you are their. Answer questions quickly and quietly when they arise. Well before the six minutes is up get yourself back to the front of the room to your audience's left and wait for the six minutes to elapse. If you chose to sit be sure it is in a stool that leaves you a bit above everyone in the room. Otherwise, stand.

    Call out half time. Call out with one minute left. At six minutes. Move to point with a smile and to begin your debrief say, "Interesting stuff. Now who in the room heard a dosie? A real shocker, anyone? Now I don't want you to tell your own story again. Did anyone hear one that is everyone should hear?"


  3. Debrief Smoothly and Strongly
    Bob, you got one? Great, can you share it with us quickly? After you have taken a few of these close it off and share your key teaching points from what you got like this, "You see, this is a pretty common experience and it can be painful. Today I want to share with you along these lines:
    • First, women are an increasingly growing influence in the marketplace.
    • Second, women see financial planning differently than men.
    • Third, there is a simple, seven-step process to ensure your success in influencing women to favor you as advisors are chosen.

Let's take a look at women's influence in the marketplace today..."

And there you have it. Keep your opening activity relevant to your topic, make it interactive, maintain your leadership in the process.

From the PowerPoint and Beyond ezine

If you would like to receive Great Openings:Six Powerful Ways to Open Your Next Presentation Click here and type "openings" in the subject area. You will receive that document following the next issue which will include the sixth and final style of opening in this series.