Entries by bronwynr

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Change your mind set, change your life

  Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck From Publishers Weekly Mindset is "an established set of attitudes held by someone," says the Oxford American Dictionary. It turns out, however, that a set of attitudes needn't be so set, according to Dweck, professor of psychology at Stanford. Dweck proposes that everyone has either a […]

Communication with contrasting

When we listen, we do more than hearing words. We interpret messages using nonverbal communication,  intuition, observations and context. By using this additional information, we are able to have a deeper understanding of a message, or read between the lines. Sometimes the message may be misconstrued due to other factors (insecurity, signal misunderstandings, defensiveness, etc.). […]


"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." -William James Here's some inspiration for you about how you can make a difference in other people's lives. Enjoy this video!

"She's so sure of herself. I wish I could be like her."

Haven't you said something like that? Now you can make it happen. Become the person you're meant to be. http://bit.ly/bIkjzR You've seen people who seem to have all the confidence in the world. They behave comfortably in every social situation, respond to challenges with grace and poise, and express themselves with confidence and ease. Maybe […]


Setting Reachable Financial Goals

Creating a budget is a common need for everyone to tackle in order to put their money to work. However, before a budget is established, financial goals need to be set in order to provide a basis for the budget. The financial goals provide the long term motivation to stay with the budget. These tips […]