Spiritual Networking is a cutting edge concept that transcends the usual networking notion. Spiritual Networking in itself embraces many aspects and manifestations that pertain to human connections. It is a Holistic and Organic approach, and a way to use a new outlook to translate connections.

Being part of a growing multifaceted community can enrich our lives, and at the same time create a myriad of new possibilities for interactions, relationships and connections. As we organize into a normal social network, Humanity Healing is setting the standard, providing the backdrop of Global Service, Ethical Standards, and Professional Excellency.

Humanity Healing's concept of Spiritual Networking can be condensed down to this single concept: to make this world a better place by gathering as many willing hearts as possible, be they individuals or organizations, and assisting with synchronization so that together we can send our actions and intentions out through the connection of our shared Humanity.

The Ripple Effect concept has been a labor of love for Humanity Healing.

The pebble has been dropped. The ripple is spreading. Will you be a part of the wave?

The Godfather may be able to make people offers they "can't refuse," but for the rest of us persuasion will get us much further than force. The ability to influence people without threats, bribes, or manipulation will greatly assist in your negotiations. While negotiation involves reaching an agreement on price or specific terms of a contract, persuasion involves getting people to go along with your point of view or to see it your way. Good negotiators are also good persuaders. The skills go hand in hand. Persuasion, just like negotiation, involves much more than we can cover in this small section, so let us look at some of the personal characteristics you can develop to become more persuasive and charismatic.

Charisma is hard to define. It is the rare quality that makes people like you; makes them want to follow you, to be around you, to be influenced by you. Some people seem to ooze with it, while others could not seem to buy it if they were millionaires. Think of our most popular leaders and celebrities, Presidents like Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy had charisma. Actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Denzel Washington have charisma. "The Apprentice" star Donald Trump certainly has charisma. Charisma is the quality that makes people like you, and while a certain amount may be inherited, there are things you can learn and do to increase your charisma and by doing so become more persuasive.

One of the simplest ways to develop charisma is to treat each person you meet as the most important person you know. When it comes down to it, the person who you are dealing or communicating with is the most important person in your world at that time. So treat him or her like it! One of the easiest ways to gain cooperation is to be genuinely interested in the person you are communicating with. Greet people with animation and enthusiasm while showing a genuine interest in them. Continue to treat each and every person as the most important person you know, and you will not only develop more friends in life, but also loyalty from employees, loyalty from customers, and people discussing your charisma. People are our greatest resource, and people are what make the world go around. So treat people well, be genuinely interested in them, and you will reap many rewards in return.

Another very simple way to develop and increase charisma is to smile. In "How To Win Friends & Influence People," Dale Carnegie wrote, "Charles Schwab told me his smile had been worth a million dollars. And he was probably understating the truth." A smile says "I like you." It is a universal gesture, and one of the first learned. Smile at a three month old baby and what does the baby do in return? Smiles back. There is an ancient Chinese proverb that says, "A man without a smiling face must not open a shop."

Along with your smile, develop a handshake that is neither limp nor crushing. While Donald Trump may prefer the Asian custom of bowing over the handshake, you can bet when he shakes someone's hand, it is firm and projects charisma. This is one of the reasons Sam was so awe struck when Trump shook his hand and wished him luck in week three of season one. A good, firm handshake, looking into the eyes of the person you are shaking hands, will go a long ways in establishing charisma.

Charisma is non-verbal, and that means looks matter. But if you were not blessed with good looks, all is not lost. There have been extremely charismatic and influential leaders that many would call ugly. The key to charisma is doing the best with what nature gave you. Everyone can take care of themselves and make sure their appearance is the best it can be.

Along with your charisma, develop a dynamite sense of humor. Even hostile people can be won over with the use of humor. A great sense of humor goes a long way toward persuading someone, and it can be used as a way to point out to the other person he is wrong without causing offense. The ability to laugh at ourselves and find humor in life goes a long ways toward making life more enjoyable. This in turn can decrease stress and prevent burnout. This does not mean you should be a stand-up comedian at all times, cracking jokes left and right. Do this and you will not be taken seriously, and you will have trouble developing the credibility of a person who takes things seriously. However, understanding humor, seeing the humor in life around you, and being a person with a great sense of humor will assist you in your persuasion of others.

The final point regarding persuasion is to increase your ability to remember names. Nothing is more important to people than a person's name. Develop an ability to remember names, and you will increase your persuasive power tremendously.

Alain Burrese, J.D. is a performance and personal development expert who teaches how to live, take action, and get things done through the Warrior's Edge. Alain combines his military, martial art, and Asian experiences with his business, law, and conflict resolution education into a powerful way of living with balance, honor, and integrity. He teaches how to use the Warrior's Edge to Take Action and Achieve Remarkable Results. Alain is the author of Hard-Won Wisdom From The School Of Hard Knocks, the DVDs Hapkido Hoshinsul, Streetfighting Essentials, Hapkido Cane, the Lock On Joint Locking series, and numerous articles and reviews. You can read more articles and reviews and see clips of his DVDs as well as much more at http://www.burrese.com andhttp://www.aikiproductions.com

It is the inevitable topic of conversation at a networking event: Tell me about your job.

When I explain my life's work -- teaching leaders to achieve their dreams through powerful public speaking -- my conversation partner often shrugs and says, "Oh, I could never deliver a speech. I get too nervous."

My response: "What do you think you are doing right now?"

Make no mistake, when you network, you are delivering a series of minipresentations. If you don't know how to put your best foot forward in these business-critical situations, you can forget about building your business or advancing your career.

Master networkers realize that attitude and preparation are vital ingredients for success. How do these pros set themselves up as winners in the networking arena? Let's examine a dynamic dozen techniques:

It is the inevitable topic of conversation at a networking event: Tell me about your job.

When I explain my life's work -- teaching leaders to achieve their dreams through powerful public speaking -- my conversation partner often shrugs and says, "Oh, I could never deliver a speech. I get too nervous."

My response: "What do you think you are doing right now?"

Make no mistake, when you network, you are delivering a series of minipresentations. If you don't know how to put your best foot forward in these business-critical situations, you can forget about building your business or advancing your career.

Master networkers realize that attitude and preparation are vital ingredients for success. How do these pros set themselves up as winners in the networking arena? Let's examine a dynamic dozen techniques:

Last week’s blog about networking events not working, got me thinking about the word ‘networking’ itself. I have often thought it a rather unfortunate choice of word for a people skill deemed so important in business. Whilst you may hear that ‘networking’ may help you to run your business successfully, this word really doesn’t convey the power of people and strong relationships in business.

Indeed ‘net-working’ can at times seem slightly contrived and manipulative especially when people only start to network because they desperately need new customers or a new job. Whilst stop-start networking activities also can also add to the feast and famine syndrome in business, networking itself may be unsuccessful when speed seems of the essence. Frequently people simply fail to grasp that good relationships just cannot be rushed!

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It is the inevitable topic of conversation at a networking event: Tell me about your job.

When I explain my life's work -- teaching leaders to achieve their dreams through powerful public speaking -- my conversation partner often shrugs and says, "Oh, I could never deliver a speech. I get too nervous."

My response: "What do you think you are doing right now?"

Make no mistake, when you network, you are delivering a series of minipresentations. If you don't know how to put your best foot forward in these business-critical situations, you can forget about building your business or advancing your career.

Master networkers realize that attitude and preparation are vital ingredients for success. How do these pros set themselves up as winners in the networking arena? Let's examine a dynamic dozen techniques:

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by Andy Lopata , Peter Roper

From the reviews:
It has often been said that the two key skills for any business in the 21st Century are an ability to communicate a message - and a hungry market to communicate that message to. Now, for those outside of the corporate world, the best way to achieve these two objectives is through networking and speaking to groups.
Andy Lopata and Peter Roper have written a really handy book on how to achieve this. But the book is more than just a guide to the shy and anxious. In a very simple way Andy and Peter have explained how anyone can improve the way they are perceived in the market place through networking and public speaking.

: Everything You Need to Know to Close Deals, Build Relationships, and Create Win-Win Outcome

by Paul S. Goldner, Peter McKeon
Negotiation is a key skill for all salespeople. Great sales professionals need to be able to counter clients who are naturally trying to get rock-bottom prices, but at the same time maintain a good relationship, so the client will want to do business with them again. Negotiation is more than just closing a sale. It’s the art of continuing a partnership that is successful for both parties. Red-Hot Sales Negotiation provides practical tips and strategies to help salespeople:
* prepare in advance
* ask Power Negotiation Questions to instantly draw out useful information
* learn the difference between the customer's "positions" (what they're asking for) and the customer's "interests" (what they really want)
* find a "win-win" solution.
Red-Hot Sales Negotiation is a vital resource that enables readers to perfect their negotiation skills and take their sales into the stratosphere. Book Description
Negotiation is a key skill for all salespeople. Great sales professionals need to be able to counter clients who are naturally trying to get rock-bottom prices, but at the same time maintain a good relationship, so the client will want to do business with them again. Negotiation is more than just closing a sale. It’s the art of continuing a partnership that is successful for both parties. Red-Hot Sales Negotiation provides practical tips and strategies to help salespeople:
* prepare in advance
* ask Power Negotiation Questions to instantly draw out useful information
* learn the difference between the customer's "positions" (what they're asking for) and the customer's "interests" (what they really want)
* find a "win-win" solution.
Red-Hot Sales Negotiation is a vital resource that enables readers to perfect their negotiation skills and take their sales into the stratosphere.

Networking is more than just a buzzword. It's probably the best opportunity you will ever have to make connections, build relationships and help yourself and others in the networking group succeed. Networking with like-minded individuals is also a great way to explore new career options, learn more about a specific industry, gather insights from peers on critical business issues and grow professionally.

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Successful individuals are first, last, and always salespeople. They are constantly selling themselves and their ideas to investors, management, co-workers, vendors, and even their families.
An opportunity to sell yourself and/or your ideas can come up on the subway, in the checkout line at the grocery store, after your yoga class - just about anywhere. To be ready to make a useful connection at any time, it's a good idea to be prepared with a short (one minute is ideal) self-promotional speech.

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