Many tools can be implemented for success in delivering your speech, whether you are giving a speech to a public audience, talking with members of a company board meeting, or simply offering a sales presentation. Such tools comprise explaining detailed examples, designing statistical charts, in addition to providing influencing testimony. Below, we will add another public speaking skill to the list and explain four special tips for using “evidence” in a influential speech.

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Are you looking for a marketing tool that is both effective and inexpensive? Then pull out your microphone and do some speaking! Why should you consider 'public speaking' as a way to obtain new customers? Because it doesn't cost anything, except your time, and it is effective.

The inimitable Guy Kawasaki - we cannot hope to imitate, but we can learn from his style.

How would you have handled the time problem?

If you speak for a living, whether you are part time, full time or BIG time, you need to be guided by strategies that get you the bookings. Here is what my 20 plus years booking and coaching speakers has taught me.   (... more)

 with Rogene Baxter, RN, MA, CMC
Rogene BaxterHaving a successful speaking/training/consulting business takes careful focus on consistent practices that can make or break your profitability. You’ve heard about spending time ON the business, not just IN the business — but what fun is that when you’d rather be speaking? Talented presenters have gone broke because they didn’t know how to squeeze the most profit from each engagement. If you don’t know how to do this you might be one of them.

Rogene has had a highly successful practice for nearly three decades. Clients flock to her for six-figure engagements. She’s figured out the small business practices that pay off big and keep her and a bevy of subcontractors thriving.

You will learn:

  • why to start with a business mind-set
  • how to develop formulas to more accurately determine fees in proposals so you are not underpricing your services
  • what key components to include in a contract to ensure your IP is protected
  • how to make sure you are paid on time and ramifications if you are not
  • how to you make sure you’re paid regularly for more than one-time engagements
  • ways to assure you are making what you think you are
  • what you should know about using subcontractors to extend your impact and business

Register or order the CD or MP3 recording

Date: Thursday, June 26
Time: 7:00 pm Eastern, 6 pm Central, 5 pm Mountain, 4 pm Pacific
Length: 60 minutes
Cost: $25

Special Limited-Time Offer:

If you want more information on ways to run your business more profitably, we’re offering a special discount — only $10 each (while quantities last) — on the audiotapes (note: not CDs or MP3s) of two earlier programs to complement Rogene’s program:

  • “Don’t Grow Your Career — Build a Business” with Rita Risser, JD, CSP
  • “Profitable Proposals For Contracts Beyond One-Time Events” with Warren Evans, CSP
  • “Make More Money By Doing Less: How to Leverage One Engagement into Profitable Results for Your Clients and Your Bottom Line” with Lorna Riley, CSP

With your order of Rogene’s teleseminar, CD or MP3, at checkout you will be offered these tapes and transcripts at a special discounted price of $10/each. This offer expires July 15.

Via Lisa's blog (who can embed videos - a skill I keep putting off, so I've put a link to the page on my website) - a video of a nine-year old from whom many or us could learn the value of self-possession, dignity, naturalness; oh and the value of a smile and excellent body-language ....


June 10

with Jon Schwartz, a.k.a. Vinny Verelli
Jon SchwartzYou tell stories in your presentations about your stern father, wise grandmother, bawdy aunt or clueless ex-boss. But what if you illustrated the character of their personality through your voice tone, accent, facial expression and/or body language? It would make your presentation much more powerful and the point of the story more memorable.

If you don’t incorporate memorable characters into your stories, you’re missing an opportunity to make a stronger impact on your audience. The more you can do to bring your stories to life the better chance you have of making a difference.

Jon is a master at characterization. His most memorable character is Vinny Verelli, The Goomba Guru of Negativity Management(R). Why does Vinny stand out? For one thing, he’s quite a character, literally one of dozens created by Jon.

You will learn:

  • simple tools that you can start using immediately, to add a new dimension to your presentations
  • tips on how to do accents and dialects
  • why less is more and the importance of doing nothing
  • how to explore character development on your own with tools and resources to help you
  • how to avoid common performance pitfalls

Register or order the CD or MP3 recording

Date: Tuesday, June 10
Time: 7:00 pm Eastern, 6 pm Central, 5 pm Mountain, 4 pm Pacific
Length: 60 minutes
Cost: $25

Special Limited-Time Offer:

If you want more information on ways to add different dimensions to your presentations, we’re offering a special discount — only $10 each (while quantities last) — on the audiotapes (note: not CDs or MP3s) of two earlier programs to complement Jon’s program:

  • “Breakthrough Customization Techniques: 85 Ways to Modify Your Presentation to Your Client’s Needs” with Rebecca Morgan, CSP, CMC
  • “Facilitating for Profit: Building Client Value with Facilitation” with Charlie Hawkins, MBA

With your order of Jon’s teleseminar, CD or MP3, at checkout you will be offered these tapes and transcripts at a special discounted price of $10/each. This offer expires June 30.

  Tuesday, June 3 at 5:30 PM Eastern Time
  With Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE

How many more sales could you make if you gave totally awesome sales presentations?
Remember, every sales presentation is a captured or a missed opportunity.
Sign up for the Tuesday, June 3 Webinar. You are guaranteed to learn how to:
- Properly structure your sales presentation
- Emotionally and intellectually connect with every prospect
- Effectively create third person endorsements
- Take your satisfied clients with you
- Be remembered and repeated
- Stand out as your prospects BEST choice!
Click through for information and sign up.
Tuesday, June 3rd at 5:30 PM Eastern Time:
Superstar Sales Presentations: The Inside Secrets
This is (2:30 Pacific Standard Time)

Are You Making These Mistakes in Your Sales Presentations?
By Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE
Whenever you open your mouth to a prospect or committee your have to get a specific message across. Do you make these mistakes?
UNCLEAR THINKING. If you can't describe what you are talking about in one sentence, and why the prospects are better off by doing business with you and have a clear presentation structure, you may be guilty of fuzzy focus or trying to cover too many topics. Make it easy for your prospects to follow what you are saying. Your goal is to speak to be remembered and repeated. This is especially important if you have strong competitors.

NO MEMORABLE STORIES. Propsects rarely remember your exact words. Instead, they remember the mental images that your examples inspire. Support your key benefits with vivid, relevant examples of satisfied clients.

NO EMOTIONAL CONNECTION. The most powerful communication combines both intellectual and emotional connections. Intellectual means appealing to educated self-interest with data and reasoned arguments. Emotional comes engaging the listeners' imaginations, involving them in your illustrative stories and by speaking from their point of view. It must be obvious to them..."What's in this for us?"
NO PAUSES. Good music and good communication both contain changes of pace and pauses. When you pause your prospects reflect what they have heard.

IRRITATING NON-WORDS. Hmm--ah--er--you know what I mean--. When you are comfortable with silence many of these irritations will be eliminated.

NOT HAVING A STRONG OPENING AND CLOSING. Engage your prospect or committee immediately with a powerful, relevant opening. "My name is...." does not fit the bill. Don't close with questions. Ask for them,
then deliver your dynamic closing. Your last words linger.

Remember, every sales presentation is a captured or a missed opportunity.
Sign up for the Tuesday, June 3 Webinar, or visit patricia Frip's web pages to learn more from this talented trainer


Use Speaking to Get More Clients

Speaking and making presentations that form memorable experiences, entertain and convey a high impact message can be a very profitable way to grow your business. In fact, public speaking is very comfortable for most lawyers. Like opera singers, many of us love to hear the sound of our voice. Whether it’s summing up to a jury or arguing a case before the Supreme Court, many lawyers are born speakers. Not only will speaking demonstrate your knowledge and expertise, but it will also allow you to develop an emotional bond with your audience. Speaking offers prestige, credibility, visibility, and can be a lot of fun.

Listen to Steve Markman tell you how to do it...Download steve_markman.mp3