
Pivotal Package

The "Ways to Motivate Yourself" Package

Use the resources in this package to

...Get motivated - learn the techniques, set your goals and develop your self confidence...


What do you get?


Public Speaking Sucess

2 eBooks

  • Set your Goals and Implement Them - Experts tell

10 articles from experts in the field, each giving you proven techniques for setting your goals and for successful implementation of them

  • Unshakeable Self-Confidence

Never underestimate what's inside you!  Confidence is one of those things that seem like a catch-22.  If you don’t already have a certain measure of self-confidence, it’s difficult to become more confident.  Don’t you need inner strength in order to build your confidence?  It may seem so at first glance, but fear not.  This guide will walk you through a simple process to build your confidence.  And it will be easier than you think! ...







Value: $23.95

 2 videos

  • Genius

Millions of people worldwide dream of making a "good" living, of attaining great wealth and living an extraordinary and fortunate life. However, they haven't yet found a way of attaining it and they fear they can only attain such a life at the expense of others, and by compromising their higher spiritual values and virtuous nature.


  • Habits of happiness

What is happiness, and how can we all get some? Biochemist turned Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard says we can train our minds in habits of well-being, to generate a true sense of serenity and fulfillment.


My research ... free for you

1 4-part audio course

The Art of Success


Value: $48.95
1 collection of inspiring quotations - "Pivotal Quotations"

Quotations can have so many uses in our lives. They can pick us up when we’re down; provide insight when we are lost. We can copy them onto sticky notes and place those where we will find them a times during the day when we might need to be reminded of their wisdom.  They can add power to our speeches and presentations.  They can bring consolation and support to our friends and clients.   


Value: $17.95
100 Ways To Motivate Yourself: Change Your Life Forever

by Steve Chandler

 If you've read or tried to put into practice many motivational books with minimal long-term results, you will really appreciate this one.  Chandler's suggestions will not just motivate you, if you follow them they can change your life.  

As the author notes, the ideas he shares are among those which enabled him to rediscover himself. He is passing on what has actually worked for him and his clients so his comments are rock solid.



Amazon List price £11.99

Total Value

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Just over one-third of the total list price

Pivotal Gold Members pay just $25.00.  Email me for an invoice...


Alternatively, you can just buy the book from  Amazon

You pay:£11.99


Option B

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Pivotal Gold members click here to get your copy at no cost

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But remember, you're turning down a real bargain, unless you buy the package - the electronic resources to build components of motivation - implementing goals you have set, developing self confidence and the book to show you the practical ways to keep yourself motivated - and you get this package for less than a half of its total list price.


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