Tag Archive for: attitude

Not long ago I woke up with a "brown" taste in my mouth and everything started to just go wrong! I remember thinking, "Why is everyone against me!" Then I stopped and thought, "Wait a minute! Not everyone is against me!"

I grabbed a note pad and started writing down the names of everyone that was openly resisting my efforts to just live in peace and joy. Three....That's right - 3 people! Then I thought about how many people were "in favor" of me and supported me in some way. Double digits! Then I thought globally. Most people don't even know I exist and out of the ones that do know me and have some interaction with me they remain involved in their own lives and are basically "neutral" toward me.

Then I started thinking about how out of ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE EARTH only 3 people resisted me and how much time did I spend a day interacting with these three people? On even the worst days I couldn't think of more than a few minutes of actual interaction. So then I thought about ALL THE NEGATIVE ENCOUNTERS that I had in a single day. You know everything from the guy who cuts you off in traffic to the rude comment by someone I don't even know. I was hard pressed on even the WORST day to find more than 5-15 minutes of actual interaction with unpleasant people a day!

This reality hit me with insight! There have been times when my 24 hour day has been ruined by 15 minutes (and in most cases less than 15 minutes) a day of actual interaction with negative people! How could that be possible? I survived the 15 minutes so why did this ruin my entire day? Even when I was "cussed" and "cursed" the words didn't hurt me and the curses never came to pass. Everything that was spoken against me was a threat and did not manifest as a reality! How could something as false and "unreal" as a "threat" ruin my day?

The answer is simple. The threat got into my own thinking and contaminated my mind. People annoyed me for less than 15 minutes and I annoyed myself in my thinking for 23 hours 45 minutes or more a day and I ruined my day! Now I have learned to put my focus on the positives in my life and to be grateful for all that I have!

Life is all about choices. Is the glass half full or half empty? You decide.

Jami Sell

Jami Sell wanted to share this message of positive thoughts to inspire others. Feel free to send Jami an email on your thoughts to today's message at: catseyeview@hotmail.com



The difference in success, or failure, is not how you look, not how you dress and not even how you're educated. It's how you think. One can't overstate the importance of being able to maintain a positive attitude but let's be honest...it's not easy.

That's why there's so much to love about this book, Attitude is Everything...10 Rules for Staying Positive. It breaks down the #1 key to success in a simple, but unforgettable way. The bottom line is that no matter what you do in life, the wisdom in this little book will help you succeed!

Today, we have an excerpt from a chapter titled: "Wait to Worry," which is great advice for everyone we know! Enjoy.





Excerpt from Attitude is Everything
by Vicki Hitzges



The excerpt is only available to PIVOTAL Members.  Log in to access it or join now (membership is free)



This beautiful little book makes a treasured gift for any occasion

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"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'"

-- George Bernard Shaw

If you watched the swimming events at the [Olympics], you probably observed the incredible focus the medalists demonstrated. Sure, they're strong and fast. But when hundredths— maybe even thousandths—of a second are all that separate the winners from the losers, it's obvious that something besides strength and speed is at work.

A comment by Flip Darr, a former collegiate swimming coach who played a part in training eight Olympic medalists, sheds some light on what that critical ingredient might be. "I felt in my coaching career that if I would work on [the swimmers'] head[s], their bodies would come along," he said. "A lot of coaches work on their bodies and then at the last moment try to do their heads. The thing is, if they are working with their heads all the time, and working with their head over the body, mind over matter, they will have more confidence when they walk up to the block."

What a great illustration of the value of good thinking. Athletic ability is important, but preparing for the biggest race of one's life is as much mental as it is physical—if not more so. As Bill MacCartney, the former head football coach at the University of Colorado, once told me, "Mental is to physical what four is to one."

That's a powerful argument in the case for good thinking—on the football field, as well as in your office at work. The specific thoughts that increase your effectiveness as a leader might not be the same as those required for an Olympic medal, but the overall commitment to thinking is identical.

As we continue the discussion about thinking that we began in the last issue of Leadership Wired, here are five statements that further underscore the importance of solid contemplation.

1. Everything begins with a thought. Every great invention, every technique, every conversation, every leadership practice and every bit of personal growth starts in someone's head.

2. What we think determines who we are, and who we are determines what we do. What kind of person do you want to be? What do you want to accomplish in your life and career? Are your thoughts paving the way for you to achieve those goals, or are they getting in the way?

3. Our thoughts determine our destiny, and our destiny determines our legacy. That's pretty sobering, especially for those of us who have already passed life's halfway point. The good news is that, no matter how old you are, it's not too late for good thinking to influence your legacy in a positive way. This quote by James Allen says it well: "You are today where your thoughts have brought you, and you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you."

4. People who go to the top think differently than others. There are many reasons for this, but it's absolutely true. As William Arthur Ward said, "Nothing limits achievement like small thinking, and nothing expands possibilities like unleashed thinking."

5. We can change the way we think. This is a comforting thought, especially in light of the previous statement. One of the best ways to change the way we think is to invest in resources that help us improve our leadership methods, our relationships, our technical competencies, our time-management skills, our ability to handle conflict, and so on. Over the years, I have been helped tremendously by books and tapes that cover such issues. They boost my thoughts and add great value to my life.

Before I close, I want to highlight the positive influence other people can have on our thought processes, and the critical impact we can have on theirs. For example, Flip Darr understood that one of his functions as a coach was to help his athletes develop the mental stamina necessary to win the big races. That's why he spent so much time "working with his swimmers' heads." As leaders, one of our jobs is to help our people learn how to think for themselves so they can perform successfully when we're not around.

At the same time, we also need to spend time with people who help us think better. I love interacting with good thinkers. They energize me. They stimulate my thoughts, challenge my ideas and stretch my mind like nothing else can. That's why I like to say that some of my best thinking has been done by others!
The bottom line is this: When it comes to success in life, the ability to think well isn't just an asset; it's a necessity. And when you make good thinking a priority today, you lay the groundwork for success tomorrow.


"This article is used by permission from Dr. John C. Maxwell's free monthly e-newsletter 'Leadership Wired' available at www.MaximumImpact.com."


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Bronwyn Ritchie

"The last of the human freedoms is to choose one's attitudes."

-- Victor Frankl

What would you like to have?
What would you like to do?
What would you like to be?
Yes, what is it?

Now, whatever you said, what's stopping you?

Why don't you have it? Why don't you do it? Why don't you be it?

Put yourself on the spot, what is it?

Be brutally honest with yourself. Do you really want that? Sometimes we think we want something and then when we really get right down to it, it isn't that important to us. You may have already seen that when you've released on goals. What you thought was something you just must have, you find out, after releasing on the goal for awhile, that maybe you really don't want it at all.

So let's get that out of the way, because there is something you definitely would like to have, do or be.

What is it and why isn't it yours?

Check right now.

What's your block?

What's standing in your way?

Is it because there's an "I can't" thought? "I can't do it. I can't have it. I can't be it." Then the many assorted excuses follow: I can't because, not enough money, not enough time, no one to help me, it might not work out anyway, too old, too young, not enough education, too much education, don't know how, don't know who, don't know where to start, don't have what it takes, haven't done it yet so probably won't do it now, it's too late… That's only a partial list. We humans can get very creative about our "I cant's." What is it for you?

I can't because ____________________.

You know, that behind any "I can't" is, ‘I won't." And behind the, "I won't" is fear. Check that for yourself right now. It's the fear that blocks you. Fear is just a feeling and you can let it go. In fact, you must let it go or you'll stay stuck there in fear forever and never be able to move into having, doing or being.

What does it take to attain the objects of your dreams? It begins with an attitude of, "I can. I can do it. I can have it. I can be it."

Notice the difference in energy?

Try it. Say, "I can't" four times. Now, say, "I can" four times. Notice, "I can't" is weak energy? Notice it's low energy? Notice it has a pathetic feel to it. Notice there's a despairing, defeated, forlorn feeling behind, "I can't?"

How about when you say, "I can?" Now how does that feel? It feels much better doesn't it? Does the word, "Yes," come to mind when you say, "I can?" Does "I can" feel bold? Does "I can" have power to it? Does "I can" feel like a strong energy? Does it feel like a high energy?

What's more, when you say, "I can," do you notice that it's a done deal? When you say, "I can do it," game over. It's done. Yes, you might have to carry out the steps to finish it. But it's done when you say, "I can." When you say, "I can have it," notice, it's a fait accompli. You have it. Notice the feeling that the universe is behind you organizing all the pieces and parts when you say, "I can do it."

When you say, "I can," you are setting in motion the remarkable power of Courageousness. Can you feel that power? When you say, "I can," you are in Courageousness. And no one or nothing can stop you. Courageousness is power-packed energy that says, "It is done."

Courageousness opens the door to Acceptance. "I can do it. I can have it. I can be it." Notice the Acceptance. Courageously saying, "I can," automatically moves you into acceptance. And right behind Acceptance, Peace. When you move into Acceptance, Peace flows in and envelops you like the warm sunshine. Do you notice that?

When you make the decision, "I can," you're in Courageousness. There's no doubt. There's no questioning. There are no excuses. There is no wanting. When you move into "I can," the Courageousness energy, there is Acceptance that's it's all done, and there's Peace, because the mental racket attached to "I can't" is all gone.

And as Lester Levenson says, "Everything falls perfectly into line."

You get into Courageousness, the "I can do it, I can have it, I can be it" energy by releasing. You mentally dive into those feelings. You find out what's hiding-out in there and you let it go. You bring whatever thoughts or feelings you find in your way to wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and you let them go. The Third Way to Release: Immediately see all your feelings culminate in wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe. And immediately let go of wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe.

Momentum is the key that unlocks the door to maximizing your releasing. With momentum you live your life in full time, all the time Courageousness.

The Release Technique® offers you so many ways to power up your Momentum. Keep your momentum at a high level, and dwell in the energy of Courageousness. The best way to spike your Momentum is the Seven Day Retreats. Why not go to the next Seven Day Retreat? What's the hold back? What is the, "I can't?" Move into, "I can." Test it. Check it out for yourself. When you decide, "I can. I can do it," you're in Courageousness and the universe revs up your engine and nothing can stop you. Find out for yourself.

Can you do it? It's a decision. Yes you can.

The Author:
Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives.
The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide.
The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson.

This article originally appeared in the Pivotal Personal Best ezine. You can read the current issue here


Real power isn't the ability to imagine and implement an endless series of new solutions to old problems, but to awaken the higher understanding that allows us to transcend the need we have to live with any painful problems at all. Which would you rather have: a big fire hose with a hydrant and a fire to put out every day, or a life without fires in them?

But what we have to examine here is the way we think! Most of us wouldn't know what to do if there wasn't something pressing us. Isn't it weird that we'll come up with a path, a solution, something that we're going to do, that once we do it we'll become whatever we've imagined? No more pressure, no more fear -- but then, the very thing that we set out to obtain, to make us fearless, to take the pressure out of our lives, becomes the source of a new fear and a new pressure! And then when that doesn't work, we do it again, and again, and again.

We have no idea of the power that we're created with. We are granted at birth the possibility of a freedom that has absolutely no contingencies whatsoever that can fall apart because the conditions in our lives do.

The kind of power I'm talking about is so simple. For instance, ordinarily we're trying to obtain things so that we can control or manipulate conditions, but we're not talking about that. Instead, how about the authority over our own negative reactions? That's a completely different kind of power, isn't it? To possess ourselves as opposed to trying to possess things or relationships through which we have a measure of security. The power to possess ourselves can't be granted by anyone or anything outside of us. It doesn't exist. No teacher, no book, nothing can grant us what it is that our heart of hearts actually longs for.

But something has gotten twisted up inside of us. We set out for life the minute we're born through family and tradition. We see our parents -- and every last person we meet -- striving for the power to achieve or protect. It never occurs to us that all we've seen and done in our lives has not produced what it is we're looking for. If we ever get far enough to even suspect the truth of that, then it turns the whole question on a dime.

What we then want to do is understand the nature of this illusion we have of being powerless in the first place! Because who seeks power? Who seeks power other than someone who feels powerless? That is the only reason that a person looks for power, whatever it may be. It is because something inside of us is afraid. So where did the whole notion come in this life that there is something that we're to live with that produces fear in us, and for the fear then sends us out for ways to find power to fulfill the end of our own fears?

The true powers put us in relationship with what grants us power instead of us looking for powers to control relationships as we presently do. There is a reversal that has to take place in our understanding. This reversal begins with the simple act of understanding what we've been talking about, which is: "I'm afraid of something... I'm going to go have dinner with someone in a few minutes," or "I have a meeting tomorrow," or "My health isn't what it should be..." What happens in the moment where the mind considers its own condition? It can't help but consider at the same time everything that it has collaborated with to make as perfect -- its expectations, "how things should be." The more it tries to keep what it wants, the more it refuses what it's been given. In other words, there are possibilities that are all the time being handed out to us that we simply push away because there is something in us that prefers the pain of trying to control problems -- while in reality they don't exist the way our mind imagines them.

Work to remember yourselves. Work to remember that at any given moment you don't have to be captured by anything that presently causes this compromise of your soul. Remember, there are always higher possibilities.

Excerpted from Seven Powers, "Freedom From the Fear of Feeling Powerless" by Guy Finley

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