Tag Archive for: diet

Have you ever noticed those people who look super lean from head to toe, but have a weird little belly? Chances are it could be to do with their digestive health.

Being healthy is misunderstood these days. Health is all about taking responsibility for ALL areas of your life. Here are the tips I use with my clients, to help them achieve a whole new level of good health.

1. If it is white, don't eat it! The four white devils are white flour, white sugar, white salt and pasteurisation and homogenisation milk products. If dairy is a necessity and you can't get hold of raw dairy, choose certified organic as your second choice. For those who are lactose sensitive, full fat cream is very low in lactose.

2. If you can't pronounce a word on a label, do not eat it. Your liver won't like it!

3. The longer the shelf life, the more harmful it is likely to be to your body!

4. Choose products and meats in this order:

o Certified organic produce and free range meats
o Organic produce and organic meat
o Locally farmed produce and locally farmed free range meat
o Commercial produce and commercial hormone free meat
o Commercial meat

5. Always season foods and water with 100 per cent unprocessed sea salt. The best is Celtic, followed by sea salt from New Zealand, because there is less heavy metal toxicity there.

6. The minimum amount of water you should drink each day can be calculated by multiplying your body weight (kg) by 0.033. This gives you the amount of water (L) that you should consume per day. Remember, nothing substitutes for water, not tea, not juice, not beer – nothing! Always choose top selling brands such as Evian, Fiji, Trinity and Volvic because they sell the fastest and, therefore, have the least exposure to plastic bottles. The most health-giving waters have a hardness factor of 170 mg/L or greater and a Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of 300 or greater. Adding a pinch of sea salt to water is recommended to replace electrolytes. Additionally, it will harden otherwise good but soft waters and will significantly increase the TDS.

7. Follow the 80/20 rule. If you live healthily 80 per cent of the time, you can absorb the other 20 per cent.

8. Get to bed by 10pm and sleep until 6am minimum. The body (physical) repairs itself from 10pm to 2pm, while the mind (mental) repairs itself from 2pm to 6am.

After years of living an unhealthy lifestyle it will take a bit of time to repair the damage so you need to be patient and realise that this is a long-term endeavour, rather than something that will change overnight. Depending on how toxic your body is you might experience a number of reactions from eating proper food, which could include weight gain, weight loss, enhanced mood, increased energy and vitality.

When your foundation is established, there are other areas as well that can be looked into such as your digestive health, hormones, adrenal glands, amino acids, to name a few. In conjunction with the guidelines above you can start with the Gut Healing Program. If we eat all of these great foods and take all of these high-end supplements but have a gut dysfunction (low SIgA, parasites, fungus, bacteria, dysbiosis, etc), then what we eat will not have its benefits. The gut healing program consists of the following and should be done for a minimum of four weeks:

1. Remove caffeine, alcohol, refined sugars and processed foods and bad fats (all irritate and create inflammation in the gut).

2. Remove foods that you know you are sensitive to. It's worth getting a food intolerance test to find out.

3. Restore probiotics daily such using lactobacillus acidophilus/bifidus.

4. Repair with healthy fats such as fish oils and nut oils.

5. Eat whole foods, unprocessed, lightly cooked and organic wherever possible.

6. Remove antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, aspirin and tylenol.

7. Be aware that many other medications affect the GI tract(i.e., osteoporsis mediations, antidepressants, acid reduction medications).

8. Repair with herbs such as garlic, aloe vera, oil of oregano, and turmeric, nutrients such as L-glutamine, quercitin, fish oils, as well as specifically formulated low antigen medical foods to help promote healing.

You now have the healthy, natural tools that will help rekindle your health and save you a truckload of money on those vitamins and pills, and right now we all know how important it is to save money!

Article by Blake Worrall-Thompson. Blake's fitness industry experience and knowledge is outstanding having worked in an elite personal training studio in London along with owning and running his own bootcamp and holding management roles within Fitness First. He is the director and owner of Raw Solutions, which is an international mentoring and coaching program for those in the health and fitness industry looking to get the edge over others in the industry. Along with being the director and owner of Ministry of Wellbeing the corporate health and fitness program aimed at improving each company's productivity and health. Blake is also the author of the best selling book 'Switched on Health & Wellbeing Professionals' and is a regular contributor to a number of publications including Fitness First and the Network magazine.

Tips and healthy snacks to help calm you down.


A very angry trainer complained, "Grains, sugar, even GMOs aren't the problem. Lack of discipline is the problem. If the people on your page would stop sniveling about what the problems are and just stop eating them, and get off the couch and hire a trainer, they wouldn't look like disgustingly fat toadstools."

His perspective isn't uncommon, so since he has put words to a sentiment I find unfortunately shared by too many, let's address several key points here.

Discipline is not an attitude, but rather it is a momentum. You can rarely, "Just do it," unless you've already built up the capacity. You're capable of doing anything within the inertia you've already generated.

Like pushing a boulder over small bumps (challenges), you can overcome the size which your momentum allows. But a larger hill will rob your inertia and stop your boulder rolling if you do not add greater energy to it, in the proper amount, at the right time and at sufficient distance before the challenge. If you wait too long, too close, to try and build up more inertia, then the boulder will slow, stop and may even start to roll back on you.

This is the problem many people have looking backwards on challenges they've overcome. They neglect to realize it was not merely a choice to roll the boulder over the small bumps they encountered, but rather the inertia already generated long before. Even if they only had to add a little effort to it, it is the momentum which predominantly achieved the challenges.

When you face a new challenge, you need to take a running start at it: surveil the terrain for the small preliminary bumps which siphon off your momentum, gauge the distance required to build up sufficient speed, estimate the additional requirements you must invest so that when you hit the base of the mountain, you're not surprised that your boulder slows and becomes a grinding effort.

How To Increase Personal Motivation To Achieve Your Goals

Discipline is only a choice within the bandwidth of prior preparation. When you find people complaining that you should just suck it up and gut it out, try to remain patient with them, and keep compassionate of the surprise life is about to throw them. They are in far worse a situation than they know, for when they encounter a significant challenge which their current inertia cannot easily overcome, the weight of that poor preparation will crush their will, catastrophize their thoughts, and pollute their self-perception into one of weakness and incompetency. The language they now use toward others will suddenly be turned on themselves, and we are a sadistic self-critic.

These impatient ones, pity them. Life is coming. It is far more dangerous to be overconfident and fail to prepare, than to accept your doubts and successfully prepare.

Scott Sonnon
Scott Sonnon www.facebook.com/ScottSonnon

From registered dietitian Tara Gidus, also known as the Diet Diva, here are her four characteristics that you need to have to get started on the right path to losing weight: http://bit.ly/dYF9gS

Quick Description


With more than 1 out of 3 adults in the US (70 million) taking OTC or prescription pills for digestive disorders and the pain associated with them, as a nation, we have serious health problems. And we're spreading our problems around the world.

What most people are frustrated with is that even if they eat how most health professionals consider to be healthy, a large percentage of people STILL experience digestive problems. And so most people resort to drugs, surgery or eating bland foods. Or they just continue to suffer.

That's why the Great Taste No Pain System was developed -- to help slash some of the $42 billion dollars spent on those pills in the US alone.

This simple eating system is designed to dramatically reduce the acid pH measure in a person's entire body -- not just in the stomach. It does so by increasing the ratio of alkaline forming foods eaten and by showing you how to combine foods in a way that radically decreases the amount of acid digestive juices in the stomach and small intestines required to break down foods. With me so far? Hope so, because this is important stuff.

One of the primary components of the Great Taste No Pain System is the science of food combining, which was first introduced into the US in 1911 by Dr. William Hay, a New York surgeon who used it to cure his Bright's Disease, a kidney disease which was often fatal at that time. In fact, among the many thousands of lives it claimed was Teddy Roosevelt's first wife, who died of Bright's Disease at just 22 years of age.

A basic knowledge of Junior High chemistry is all it takes to see the logic behind this science: Mixing foods that require alkaline digestive enzymes with foods that require acid digestive enzymes slows and can even stop the digestive process. It can and does delay digestion by as much as 10 hours and more. This is incredibly bad for the body. The Great Taste No Pain system alleviates this problem, speeding food through your body, allowing it to absorb nutrients from foods at a much higher level.

In addition, one of the manuals in the Great Taste No Pain system, 'Foods That Create Acid, Foods That Take It Away,' is as clear as I've ever seen this data presented. Follow this simple guide and your body will use a minimum of energy in the digestion process, which leaves more energy for healing and other daily functions your body carries out.

This is a timely set of guides, because with our society's addiction to the convenience of processed foods, in many respects our health challenges are far worse than they were in 1911.

Great Taste No Pain author, Sherry Brescia, was a former Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) sufferer herself. In fact, in 1991, she spent 7 days in the hospital with bacterial colitis.

As a health insurance researcher and Chief Underwriter, she was able to research the benefits of an alkaline- balanced body and over the next 15 years perfected the system she now calls Great Taste No Pain.

She meshed a number of philosophies proven to help alkalize the body to create this simple system that anyone can follow regardless of where they are or what food choices they have available to them.


Whats to Like:


Taste: Unlike most restrictive diets, Great Taste No Pain cannot actually be called a diet, because it allows you to eat even great volumes of luscious, delicious food as long as you combine it according to a few simple guidelines. It truly requires very little willpower. Perhaps the greatest news for people who love to eat is that the 176 page recipe book in the system is stuffed with breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks that are unbelievably tasty. No rabbit food. Gourmet all the way, yet the meals (if you like to cook) only take between 15 and 30 minutes of prep time and make tons of yummy leftovers. So you can throw away the belief that you can't eat healthy on a super-busy schedule.

Speed: Ýou don't have to read 300+ pages before learning what to do. In the first guide, 'How To End Stomach Pain Forever, Even If Your MD says, "No Way,"' it provides a brief background on the science and then quickly moves onto the step-by-step 'how to.'

Simplicity: The second Guide in the GTNP System is 'What To Eat With What.' This is a massive compilation. Every kind of food that you could possibly put in your mouth is listed, along with the corresponding foods that combine with it for easy comfortable digestion, and those foods that don't. This guide is so complete and so easy to follow, if you screw this up, it's back to pre-school for you.

More Simplicity: Traveling is the one thing that can ruin even the healthiest eaters. But in Great Taste No Pain, Sherry gives you a 'Pocket Guide For Pain-Free Dining Out.' This tool is phenomenal. You can store this little baby with your credit cards and, until you understand what combines with what, all you have to do is pull out your pocket guide and quickly note the rule, so you can eat and enjoy the rest of your day, pain-free.

Would you believe that you could eat McDonald's food and not suffer gassiness and reflux? Now you can!

Meat: While meat is not something people with digestive issues usually tolerate well on a daily basis (hence the daily pain), the problem isn't so much the meat as it is what you eat with the meat.

That is why each of the Guides in the system, including the recipe book, lists every possible food you can combine with meats without suffering. Most people will suddenly be able to eat beef, chicken, fish, pork, turkey, venison and any other type of meat they want. As long as you combine it right... no pain at all! And broccoli, lettuce, cucumbers and other veggies that can create havoc suddenly will not.

Fruit: Ask anyone that suffers stomach problems about fruit and you'll hear horror stories. So sadly, the most perfect food on the planet is shunned by a huge part of our world's population. No longer. Because you will soon learn why fruit causes you trouble and how to easily change that. You CAN eat fruit again, even if it now makes you turn blue! It's true!

While each Guide in the system is detailed and complete, they are "dumbed down" in the clearest language possible. So I don't doubt Sherry's claim that any 11 year old could teach it.


Things To Watch For:


The one thing you want to be careful of is that once you start eating as prescribed in Great Taste No Pain, you could quickly begin to feel all powerful. You might start to think you are "cured" of your digestive problems since they went away so fast and since you have so much extra energy.

That would be a mistake.

Because technically there is no "cure" for most digestive problem, because technically they are not diseases at all. They are maladies brought on by eating the wrong foods and by eating them in the wrong combinations. So the principles in Great Taste No Pain is not a "cure," since people with sensitive stomachs will always be sensitive. GTNP is merely a way to make all symptoms go away forever and give you a lot more energy.

For example, let's say you've got it bad and have Diverticulitis or Crohn's. Great Taste No Pain can help you get rid of your symptoms very quickly.

But a year later, if you start eating like you used to, guess what? Yep, the symptoms will come back. You see, the principles that Great Taste No Pain is based on are sound. They work for everyone. But if you think that because you've been symptom-free for a long time, you've been "cured," think again. Go against these principles of easy digestion, and the problem can come back with a vengeance. Remember, good health comes from living a healthy lifestyle, not a"do it once and you're fixed" approach.

Another thing you might want to be prepared for is that since Great Taste No Pain cleanses your digestive tract, initially you could get a little diarrhea. If you experience constipation on a fairly regular basis, you might get a little "looseness" at first, but it will end soon.

Also, due to the detoxing going on, you might get a runny nose or get some other cold-like symptoms at first. It's nothing to worry about. If you do, while it might not be fun, it does mean it's working. It means your body is becoming purer and the toxins are leaving. And that is a very good thing.




For anyone who wants more energy, sounder and longer sleep, migraine headaches to stop almost immediately, pain from gastritis and acid reflux to stop almost instantly, and the pain of digestive problems to stop or be reduced dramatically, get over to:
- http://bit.ly/b3mG2y

now and get the whole system. You will be thrilled.

And frankly, it won't take a full day for most people to feel a major difference in their bodies. Often it just takes one meal. After you have been following it for a week or more, feel free to let me know how you like it. Anyone who adopts this simple, enjoyable food combining method will reap gigantic health benefits. So if that is what you are looking for, get over to - http://bit.ly/b3mG2y

and get started today.

If you are having problems with losing weight (we know sticking to a diet can be difficult), then this message will be the most important message you will ever read.

Here's why:

A major-league weight loss psychotherapist, Dr. Roberta Temes, has finally decided to publish the same sessions she uses with celebrities and other VIP New York clients.

These hypnosis sessions allow them to follow the advice of their dieticians almost effortlessly, even with their
hectic schedules.

She has had great success in working with people who have problems following their eating and exercise plans . . . the plans that they KNOW they need to use in order to get to and maintain their ideal weights.

Although she has worked with some celebrities we cannot name, she has also helped normal people finally gain control over cravings that they never believed they would overcome.

Ann Carlo from Sag Harbor, New York is an example:


"Enjoying Weight Loss is fabulous. Thought I forgot all about it yesterday, until I realized that I ate breakfast (which I rarely do), drank a lot of water, had a veggie dinner and DIDN'T EAT ANY SUGAR . . . A MIRACLE! Can't convince me that this system does not operate on some level . . . even though you're not always conscious of it at the time."


Dr. Temes is on the Department of Psychiatry at the SUNY Health Science Center Medical School, so everything she does is based on research and not "pop" psychology.

This is not the typical weight loss program that you might be used to seeing. It is not a "diet" or a "workbook" and it won't try to psychoanalyze you with a bunch of "inner child" mumbo-jumbo.

It is straight clinical hypnosis from the author of Medical Hypnosis, the first hypnosis textbook used in medical schools.

Here are some of the amazing things you will learn when you go through Dr. Temes' seven-session program:

* How to stop your cravings instantaneously, allowing you to stop binging before you start.
* How to get off the diet roller coaster. (Learn how to move from being a "dieter" to being someone who is permanently healthy.)
* How to create new neural pathways that empower you to replace unhealthy eating habits with healthy ones.
* Why willpower will not work long term, and how to create effortless motivation.
* How to eliminate your desire for sodas and replace them with a craving for WATER!

And that's just a tiny fraction of what you'll learn how to do in this 4-CD audio program.

The best part about this program is that it uses hypnosis, so there are no guidebooks or things you are supposed to do later. All you do is spend 15 minutes a day listening to the sessions and the changes start to happen. Most people notice a dramatic change within just 21 days!

This program comes with an iron-clad 1 YEAR no-questions-asked money back guarantee, and it's easy to

Best of all, because it is so important to your health that you get this program, [YOUR SITE'S NAME HERE] has
negotiated a special deal for you.

This offer, which includes the complete Enjoying Weight Loss 4-CD program and over $75 of valuable bonuses, will cost you less than $100. But only if you order in the next week, or until supplies run out.


To your health

P.S. This program is recommended by doctors,trainers, and dieticians who use it to help their clients with
diet adherence:

"I have been using the Enjoying Weight Loss program with my patients who tell me they don't even think
about 'bad' food anymore . . . it's just a fact in their mind. They find it easy to change self-destructive behavior and 'stay with the program' that I recommend. This has always been my biggest challenge as a clinician."

Dr. Deborah Baker-Racine
Huntsville, Canada


From Cheryl Koch

In early February, many of us heard about the results of new research on the effects of low-fat dieting.

Why was this information so widely publicized?

Because the 8-year study showed some unexpected results. For more than a decade doctors, dietitians, and others have been promoting the benefits of a low-fat diet to control disease and assist with weight control. The study of almost 50,000 postmenopausal women found that restricting dietary fats may not have the benefits we once thought.

Read more ...

Why was I only mildly surprised?!!!