Tag Archive for: lifestyle


Our vision of life, our expectations and mindset form either bridges to our achievement in life or stumbling blocks for same. Nobody can go beyond the furthest point of his or her imagination and knowledge. The earlier we know this in life, the better for us all.

Here are activities and mindsets can help you gain a supportive vision for life:

1. Imagination: Imagination builds cities, conquers diseases, develops a career, and sets off a relationship. Albert Einstein, the great atomic energy scientist said that imagination is superior to intelligence. That is to say that if you can extend yourself and envision the life you want without feeling limited by the problems of the present times, you have a great chance of achieving what you want. You have to imagine yourself being able to do everything required to ensure peace and progress for yourself and the rest of mankind. Put your imagination to good use and you will be well served.

2. Dreams: If you can't think of it, if you can't dream having it, if you can't see you doing it ahead of the action time, then it is not realizable. Give yourself the chance to dream and to risk. What do you want? If you can dream it, you can do it. You have the power in your hands. Your mental power is limitless. Majority of men and women lead incomplete lives when they can have more. They never really investigate their potentialities. They erroneously believe that tomorrow must be as unfulfilling as yesterday.

3. Desire: Your desire is the propelling force for the achievement of your goals and life purpose. Desire is the unexpressed possibility of an idea wishing to be expressed. You must want something before you can get it. The desire for a good life must remain constant no matter your circumstances in life. School your desires though and be sure it is not on mundane things.

4. Knowledge: You must seek knowledge unceasingly. You need quality knowledge for quality life. Hidden treasures are inside books, seminars and in network of net worthy people. University education is good and necessary. But daily study and action is the key to power and success. You cannot go beyond your knowledge in life. We are affected knowledge. What you don't know will hurt you. What you don't know will adversely affect your life, said Jim Rohn. You must continue to learn to remain alive and for a chance to succeed in life. Financial intelligence is critical. Wealth creation attitude is a necessity.

5. Faith: Faith means confidence, trust and belief. You need faith in two important areas of your life - (1) Faith in God, the Eternal Father and His Son Jesus Christ and the fact that they want you to be a success in life. (2) Faith in Yourself, in your ability to reach your fullest potential. And the good news is that your faith in God and yourself can be grown over time by study and action.

6. Purpose: Everyone has a WHY of his or her existence. What do you think is the WHY of your existence? What are you drawn to naturally that you feel at home doing? What do you enjoy especially in service to other people? What service to others excites you each time you think of or do it? One of the synonyms of purpose is reason. So, what do you imagine to be the reason(s) why God created you? You can find your why. You need to find your why.

7. Passion: The synonyms of passion include enthusiasm, zeal and excitement. You need to be passionate or enthusiastic about your life purpose, your goals and objectives. You need to pursue everything before you with zeal. You need to be excited about your studies, work and activities. And this is in spite of the circumstances. It is your life we are talking about here and the best way to live your life is to do so passionately. Only a passion driven life is worth living.

8. Goals, Strategies, Action: To succeed in life, you must specify what you want at every point in time, specify strategies (plan of action) and take those actions consistently. It is called goals, strategies and action (GSA). This is the same method used and advocated by J. Paul Getty, an American multi-billionaire in the 1960s and at that time the richest man on earth. Mr. Getty actually advocated massive action. Action would give you experience, experience would give you evidence and evidence would give you a testimony that it is true or not, right or wrong. Nothing happens unless you take action. In fact, there is no real knowledge without action.

Prepare by study, by prayer, by faith and by action and you would truly be ready for life, leadership and service. These activities will change your life. These activities will change you to a person of power and put you in a position to change the world for good. You will find happiness, wealth, peace and your place in service to your fellow men than in doing drug and crime.


Pivotal Network member, Francis Nmeribe helps people who desire a joyful relationship in their dating, courtship and marriage relationships. He is the author of numerous great relationship and personal development articles and books including - "Foundation For Joyful Relationships", "Wrong Reasons For Getting Married", "Growing From Your Experiences", "Action Quotes". If you need help with your dating, courtship and marriage relationships, contact Francis Nmeribe at [http://www.successpublishers.com.ng]. Subscribe to the RSS Feeds and get a free copy of the Ebook version of "Wrong Reasons For Getting Married". Read more free relationship articles on my blog http://marryright.wordpress.com. Email: Francis19561@hotmail.com.

Photo by Ethan Robertson on Unsplash



Introducing the new Bio-Optic Organised Knowledge device, trade named: B.O.O.K.


B.O.O.K. is a revolutionary breakthrough in technology: no wires, no electric circuits, not batteries, nothing to be connected or switched on.  It is so easy to use, even a child can operate it.


Compact and portable, it can be used anywhere – even sitting in an armchair by the fire – yet it is powerful enough to hold as much information as a CD-ROM disc.

Here’s how it works:


B.O.O.K. is constructed of sequentially numbered sheets of paper (recyclable) each capable of holding thousands of bits of information.  The pages are locked together with a custom-fit device called a binder, which keeps the sheets in their correct sequence.


Opaque Paper Technology (OPT) allows manufacturers to use both sides of the sheet, doubling the information density and cutting costs.  Experts are divided on the prospects for further increases in information density; for now, B.O.O.K.s with more information simply use more pages.


Each sheet is scanned optically, registering information directly into your brain.  A flick of the finger takes you to the next sheet.  B.O.O.K. may be taken up at any time and used merely by opening it.


Unlike other display devices, B.O.O.K. never crashes or requires rebooting, and it can even be dropped on the floor or stepped on without damage.  However, it can become unusable if immersed in water for a significant period of time.  The “browse” feature allows you to move instantly to any sheet and move forward or backward as you wish.  Many come with an “index” feature, which pinpoints the exact location of selected information for instant retrieval.


An optional “B.O.O.K. mark” accessory allows you to open  B.O.O.K. to the exact place you left it in a previous session – even if the B.O.O.K. has been closed.

B.O.O.K. mark fits universal design standards; thus, a single B.O.O.K mark can be used in B.O.O.K.s by various manufacturers.  Conversely, numerous B.O.O.K markers can be used in a single a B.O.O.K. if the user wants to store numerous views at once.   The number is limited only by the number of pages in the B.O.O.K.


You can also make personal notes next to B.O.O.K. text entries with an optional programming tool,  the Portable Erasable Nib Cryptic Intercommunication Language Stylus (P.E.N.C.I.L.S.)


Portable, durable, and affordable, B.O.O.K. is hailed as a precursor of a new entertainment wave.  Also, B.O.O.K.s appeal seems so certain that thousands of content creators have committed to the platform and investors are reportedly flocking.


Look for a flood of new titles soon.






If your car is a lemon, you’ve got problems. But if it actually smells like lemon, it may make its owner a better driver. Or so concludes the British RAC Foundation for Motoring which has done research on the effects of smells on drivers and claims that certain scents can enhance or diminish driving performance.

Psychologist Conrad King explained that because "smell circumnavigates the logical part of the brain...the ability of various smells to over or under stimulate us as drivers can have catastrophic results."

Scents like coffee, peppermint, cinnamon, and salty sea air, they claim, can increase alertness and concentration almost imperceptibly.

On the other hand, fried food and baking smells can stir up road rage potential because drivers who feel hungry tend toward irritability and excessive speeds.

The scents of chamomile, jasmine, and lavender are also dangerous, since they can to cause drivers to relax - possibly too much - and feel sleepy.

Natural odors, like pine, cut grass, or wildflowers can distract from the task at hand as well.

Before abandoning the air freshener dangling from the rearview mirror for good, however, take note: even scentless car interiors can be problematic; they may heighten irritability and even incite the driver to odor hallucinations.




  • I typically drive 10 or more miles/hour over the speed limit.

  • I interrupt others and/or finish their sentences.

  • I get impatient in meetings when someone goes on a tangent.

  • I find it difficult to respect people who are chronically late.

  • I rush to be first in line, even when it doesn't matter (for example, getting off an airplane first in order to stand at Baggage Claim longer).

  • If I have to wait over a few minutes for service in a store or restaurant, I get impatient and leave or demand service. To me time is money!

  • I generally view as less capable those who may be slower to speak act or decide. I admire people who move at my speedy pace! I pride myself on my speed, efficiency, and punctuality.

  • I view "hanging out" as a waste of time.

  • I pride myself on getting things done on time, and will sacrifice the chance to improve a product if it means being late.

  • I often rush or hurry my children and/or spouse.


*You can find more on "Hurry Sickness" in the Bantam book, Time Management For Unmanageable People by Ann McGee-Cooper.

What is "Hurry Sickness?"

The hurrier I go, the behinder I get!" Ever have that overwhelming feeling of hopelessness? You go into work earlier, determined to get caught up, only to get hit with a deluge of crises, interruptions, and new projects. By the end of the day, you've worked as hard as humanly possible. Yet you marked nothing off your list while you added six big new responsibilities.

Sound familiar? Then you aren't alone because most people are experiencing the influence of downsizing, the acceleration brought about by new technology and the pressure to get more done in less time with fewer people and fewer dollars.

But Hurry Sickness is more than just feeling rushed and wanting to get off the "worry-go-round" of daily obligations, the corporate rat race, or relief from pressure cooker lives.

Just as Pavlov's dogs learned to salivate inappropriately, we have learned to hurry inappropriately. Our sense of urgency is set off not by a real need to act quickly, but through learned cues. Our 'bells' have become the watch, the alarm clock the morning coffee, and the hundreds of self-inflicted expectations that we build into our daily routine. The subliminal message from the watch and the clock is: time is running out; life is winding down; please hurry," says Dr. Larry Dossey in his book, Space, Time &Medicine. He continues, "The perceptions of passing time that we observe from our external clocks cause our internal clocks to run faster ... [Hurry sickness then is] expressed as heart disease, high blood pressure, or depression of our immune function, leading to an increased susceptibility to infection and cancer."

Another metaphor comes from the medical world, called fibrillation. When your heart begins fibrillation (a rapid beating), the blood is blocked rather than pumped through it. In Hurry Sickness, you begin to rush without noticing that you may be defeating your larger purpose. By rushing through a meeting, for example, you may "end the meeting on time" but fail to build the trust or gain the buy-in needed from all parties. If you rush through a phone call, proud of your efficient use of time, you may miss the hesitation in your client's voice, and lose the sale as a result.

Most important of all, you may rush through your life - be the youngest to become CEO, first to win the marathon, and first to earn your million - only to realize that, in your rush, you never quite had the time to enjoy your loved ones, or all the special moments that make life worthwhile. When a grown child tells you that you were never there for them, it can be too late to go back. However, it's never too late to hear the "wake-up call" of choosing to change and live life differently.

OK, so you've made your point! But how do I change when all my life I've been rewarded for rushing?

It's true. In school, you rushed to be first in line. You were rewarded for good work by being first to go to lunch. And the best student was described as being first in his/her class. So you must do lots of unlearning if you are serious about renewing your spirit, rediscovering your true effectiveness and enriching the quality of your life, work, purpose, and joy.

Here are some ways to begin:

  1. As you plan each day and look ahead to the week, plan windows of time to go off the clock.

  2. Take off your watch for the evening or weekend.

  3. Plan time to do nothing.

  4. Enjoy day-dreaming, doodling, snoozing, or coasting.

  5. When you evaluate your day, week or month, reward yourself for creating a balance of doing AND being, accomplishing work AND smelling the roses, being efficient AND being aware.

  6. Purposely plan silence into your life. Listen to your body, your feelings, and your intuition. The inspiration of genius rises out of silence.

Did you ever stop to notice the cars in the "Indy 500" race? Of all the cars that begin that race each year, less than half finishes the race! Not a great performance record for the most expensive, best engineered, and most carefully maintained cars with price tags of approximately $.5 million. What is the single greatest factor leading to their failure? They are driven at only one speed - and the faster the better!

If you have the courage to recognize your own Hurry Sickness and choose to balance this compulsive life style with a more nurturing and balanced blend of speeds (neutral, 1st gear, 2nd gear, and even reverse), you will improve your health, long-term effectiveness, and quality of life. You'll also become a far better leader and a positive role model for those who love, respect, and trust you.

Author:  Dr Ann McGee-Cooper


Can you recall what anger in a relationship feels like? Anger is a learned reaction to something negative in a situation, often referred to as a trigger. It’s best described as an unbridled horse. For instance, if you do not take control, it is likely to control you.

I would like you to think about what provokes your anger. Make a list of your specific anger triggers. Now, look at your list and think of additional ways to help deal with stressful situations. This simple exercise will help you to recognize and then admit to your anger.

Keep in mind that anger is controllable and a choice that you can choose to do something about if you want. If you tell your spouse or partner when you are angry, then it will help avoid a situation that could be otherwise pushed to the boiling point.


Are you beginning to see how choosing to control your anger is an important first step?

Now I want you to go deep into your own mind and visualize the signs when you are angry. Are you trying to conceal your anger by using sarcastic remarks toward your spouse or partner, wanting to lash out at someone or just feeling altogether aggravated?

If you feel hot and flushed and your heart is pounding rapidly, there is a good possibility you’re angry. Other signs of anger include feeling tense or your head is throbbing because your blood pressure is skyrocketing. Stop yourself! Calm down before you say or do anything you are going to regret later.


Fix Your Marriage


When it comes to anger in a relationship, always try to understand the other person's point of view. It’s not easy to put yourself in someone else's shoes but it can be done if you try hard. Be aware that the other person does not enjoy your anger anymore than you do.

Just because you have a misunderstanding, be willing to cut the person you love some slack whenever possible. When you argue with your partner, do so in a helpful manner. Never, ever call the other person names or bring up experiences that happened in the past because it can serve to drum up painful memories.

Never begin a sentence with "You never," instead focus on explaining how you feel, such as by saying, "I need" or "I want."  This helps to deflect some of the anger and doesn't put the other person on the defensive right away.

Sometimes in order to keep the peace it is necessary to walk away from a situation that is bringing up angry feelings on both people's parts. Often getting away from a situation will help you put it into perspective and then after you feel better you can go back and set things right.

Author: John Doetsch Don’t let procrastination, hesitation or fear stop you. You can easily control anger in a relationship by visiting this site now: http://www.angermanagementstrategies.com/


'I have an obsession with wind farms.'


'Yes. I'm a huge fan.'


There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.


Q: Did you hear the one about the aluminium recycling plant?

A: It smelt!


In honor of Earth day, I'm sending all of my work-related emails to my "recycle" folder.


Q: What did one tree say to the other?

A: Are you a Sap!


Obviously you can't confess all your sins in one go but must separate bottle, paper and plastic confessions.


Q: What is the difference between a person and a tree?

A: One is illegal to hit with an ax!


We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors we borrow it from our children.


Q: What can the climate do that weather can't do with a tree?

A: Climb it.


An environmentalist dies and reports to the pearly gates. St. Peter checks his dossier and says, 'Ah, you're an environmentalist - you're in the wrong place.' Thinking that heaven could never make an error, the environmentalist reports to the gates of hell and is let in.

Pretty soon, the environmentalist gets dissatisfied with the environment in hell, and starts implementing eco-friendly improvements. After a while, global warming, air and water pollution are under control. The landscape is covered with grass and plants, the food is organic and the people are happy. The environmentalist has become a pretty popular guy.

One day God calls Satan up on the telephone and says with a sneer, 'So, how's it going down there in hell?'
Satan replies, 'Hey, things are going great. We've clean air and water, the temperature is better and the food tastes better, and there's no telling what this environmentalist is going to fix next.'

God replies, 'What? You've got an environmentalist? That's a mistake; he should never have gotten down there, send him up here.'

Satan says, 'No way. I like having an environmentalist on the staff, and I'm keeping him.'

God says, 'Send him back up here or I'll sue.'

Satan laughs uproariously and answers, 'Yeah, right. And just where are you going to get a lawyer?'


Why are Eco warriors bad at playing cards?

They like to avoid the flush.


Q: What's the name of the new Tom Cruise eco-thriller?

A: Mission Compostable!


The Reverend Martyn Hind, parish priest, is to offer 'eco-sinners' the chance to confess in what is thought to be the first 'green' confessional booth.


Q: Why does a Time Magazine survey state only 85% of Americans think global warming is happening?

A: The other 15 percent work for the oil industry!


17 trees are saved by every ton of existing paper that is recycled. That means if we pulped every Harry Potter book we wouldn't be able to see the sky for foliage.


A woman called her husband during the day and asked him to pick up some organic vegetables for that night’s dinner on his way home.

The husband arrived at the store and began to search all over for organic vegetables before finally asking the produce guy where they were. The produce guy didn’t know what he was talking about, so the husband said: “These vegetables are for my wife. Have they been sprayed with poisonous chemicals?”

To which the produce guy replied, “No, sir, you will have to do that yourself.”


Q: How do you know your a bad recycler?

A: You give the recycle bins to your kids to use as toboggans.


Greenhouse effect is an anagram of:

'Huge trees offence'



Does your home attract positive people and prosperity? Are you living in and enjoying your environment? Whether the answer is no, or yes, the hints I am sharing will benefit you


Welcome Home

Walking into a familiar haven after a day’s work or outing can feel so unassuming. There is a slight adrenalin rush knowing you are about to step into your own sanctuary.  The shoes get kicked off; the kettle put on to boil and it is time to mellow out with a cup of tea, coffee and for some, a wine. The first sip is ecstasy. Within your own four walls, whether it is a caravan, tent, mansion or shanty, you are allowed to be ‘YOU’.


The tangible ‘bricks and mortar’ aspect of your home can absorb and reflect your personality. It attracts what and who you are. Is it attracting the abundance you deserve? Have you control over your environment?


Tips on How to Improve the Energies of your Home

I am not a feng shui expert and have given up on working out directions and all the technicalities. I am an intuitive and go with what feels right for me and advise that you do the same. Let’s start the tour at the threshold, which is described as the mouth that nourishes the home.)


  1. A welcome mat serves as more than a shoe wiper. The word ‘WELCOME’ tells the world that you are ready to receive visitors bearing gifts of friendship, love, happiness, wealth and health. It also relays the message that you are happy to give of your hospitality.
  2. An exemplar passage way allows an air flow throughout the home. This is lost when the front and back door are in line, or there is a mirror throwing the energy back.  A painting of a water-fall will have a similar effect to a mirror.  Chi leaves as quickly as it arrives when it is reflected.
  3. A bad omen is to have the toilet in direct sight of the entry way. If this is the case, always leave the lavatory door closed.  Regardless of toilet position, always leave the cover down. Apart from the germs, it is said that money flushes down the potty that has its lid up.
  4. Do not be in the habit of dumping shopping bags, shoes, umbrellas and so on at the front door. Keep the area clear of clutter.
  5. A small table near the entrance with a few crystals, a bell, flowers or plant is ideal. An angel photo or statue of Archangel Michael is a reminder that the angels protect your space.
  6. A candle glow or small light guides the energy towards your home. We have a candle burning in our entrance area with a fake $100 note underneath as a stimulant.
  7. If your home is facing mountains or you live in a dry area, a flowing fountain can be placed in the front yard or near the entrance. Mountains supporting the energy from the back and water at the front are optimal.  Too much drenching though can drown your fortune.
  8. Just as I explained the entrance as the mouth, the living areas can be the heart of the home. Fresh fruit, flowers, plants, crystals, shells and happy family snaps all contribute to the semblance.
  9. Ward off negative radiation from electronics with a combination of clear quartz crystals and heavy stones such as Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz or Jasper.
  10.   Set the mood with sound. Sing, put on an uplifting CD, have fun with a bell or drum and listen with your eyes … you will notice the difference.
  11. Laugh! If you are a grumpy-bum then visitors to your home will feel uncomfortable. Laughter lifts the vibrations.
  12. Pets are wonderful, but be aware that savage animals are negative to have in your home, whereas cuddly pets give a loving cosy feel. Kitty Litter should be well away from the living area.
  13.  Clean your home regularly. You don’t have to have it spotless, but at least pleasantly clean and neat. If you are a busy person with little time for cleaning then at the least always empty your kitchen garbage daily.
  14.  Dark homes are gloomy. Think about how much natural light filters through. Are your walls too dark? Are the drapes too heavy? Contrary to this is a home in tropical climates with too much light.
  15.  Name your place of residence.


No matter where you live, the bottom-line is how happy you are in your abode. If you would rather be elsewhere, but are restricted then consider following a few of the suggested hints and watch the difference.


Name Your Home

The name of our home is ‘Tir-Na-Nog’.   ‘Tir-Na-Nog’ is an Irish fairy-tale describing a place of utopia where happiness lasts forever and ever.  As legend tells, it is an island located beyond the edge of the map.  The journey is dangerous and hard to endure, but the destination is rewarding. One might be lucky to receive an invitation from the fairy habitants, in which case the passage of transit is made easy. Suffering, sickness and death do not exist in the ‘Land of the Young’ as it is a place of eternal youth and beauty.


Affirmation for the Home
This affirmation can be written on the back of a drawing or a picture of your dream home.
“I am now living in, and enjoying the energy of my dream home. My home attracts only positive people and prosperity.”


Dawn Alice is a Brisbane Psychic and Author, who has superior knowledge of the Tarot and Numerology with expertise in the area of metaphysics. Dawn Alice is also a Reiki Master with a deep understanding of Crystal and Colour Therapy.  Visit Dawn's Profile at http://bit.ly/2mPLu1P


We live in a time where there is intense focus and even an obsession when it comes to our environment. In many ways, I believe that this is a good thing. The questions that arise for me are; what causes us to act in ways that are so destructive to the environment? And at the same time, why is it that we only seem to care about our environment, now that it is in such a precarious position. This is a position, which has been described by many, as the point of no return.

Now, I don't believe that global warming is black and white and that one way or one approach will solve all of the problems. So with my understanding of the psychological and emotional aspects, I will focus on that side of the equation.

My perspective is that through our own avoidance of looking at our own pain and processing that which we find unpleasant and causes us conflict; we have become dissociated from ourselves. By this, I mean we have become numb to how we truly feel, and as a result of this, we not only treat ourselves badly, it also extends to our own environment.

When we act out of dissociation, one our abilities that makes us human, our ability to empathise is very much out of action. This then leads us to act unconsciously and react to life and in doing so we lose our capacity to act consciously, to question, whether what we are doing is helping our harming ourselves and others.

So when it comes to the question of why do we treat our environment so badly, I would add, do we truly treat ourselves much better? And that is our environment just a mirror of what is going on inside of ourselves? I don't believe that our own environment can be looked at in isolation, if we want to gain the right perspective and see the full picture. I believe that we have to look at all aspects to gain the right point of view.

This perspective clearly won't become front page news or a stance that will be favoured by many. I would say this is due to living in a society that is largely identified with the mind and as a result rarely has the ability to observe it. With dissociation being a defence mechanism of the mind, it is a way for the undeveloped ego to escape looking at itself and to avoid responsibility. I would say that the majority of what is supported by the mainstream is that which validates and strengthens the ego mind.

This is why I believe it is important not to get caught up in the media fear frenzy, as although there are clearly problems, as human beings we are also projecting our own meaning onto the world and that meaning is not the world. And as much as we try to understand what is happening through science and research, we can never see the whole picture and know everything. So being in a place of fear and hopelessness as a result of what the media says could be complete waste of our energy, as it could not only be false, but we could be using that energy to make a difference.

If we see the environment as an extension of ourselves and we bring our awareness to that point, we can begin to ask the question of, what are we holding onto that doesn't serve us? And as a result of this, is also harming our environment.

If we take the perspective that our environment is a living organism, that has feelings and needs just like ourselves and is not an inanimate object, would we start to treat it differently? As we start to love and appreciate ourselves more, will we also treat our environment in the same way? And if we see ourselves as separate from our environment, does his also make it easier for us to harm it?

The film Avatar by James Cameron, posed plenty of questions when it comes to our environment. While there has been numerous interpretations of what the film was about, Cameron himself has said his meaning was about mans sense of entitlement when it comes to the environment. How we believe that we are above and have complete control over our environment. Seeing our environment as sacred and something we can work with and not against, is overlooked and usually dismissed. Perhaps this way of looking at nature seems a bit bizarre to many people and might even draw comparisons to pantheism.

There is also the view point that nature reacts to how we feel and absorbs our emotions. This sounds normal to me; however I have no empirical experience to know it at a deeper level. If indeed this is so, would it explain a lot of what's going on, with the amount of negativity it would have to process from us all?

The outlook I have, is through our disassociation from ourselves, we start to become dissociated from our environment, as this happens we begin to project separation onto life. As this is all occurring we try to control and dominate our environment, as a way to compensate for our perceived loss of power. One of the consequences of this is we destroy the very thing that supports and nourishes us. Although our ego is there to give us our sense of individuality, when we have forgotten that we are also connected at the same time, it can naturally lead one to feel powerless.

The second question I posed was why does there only seem to be widespread concern for our environment now that it is in dire straits. As I look at this occurrence, I can see that there are many examples in life where this happens. Whether it relates to our health, our diet or how physically fit we are, very often we are only motivated to do something about these areas when they are really bad and rarely in the early stages of when the signs first start to appear.

I currently believe there are two reasons for this. The first is that one of the ways the mind operates is through pleasure and pain. The other reason is gained, by looking at how defence mechanism's work.

I would say that these two aspects work together to motivate what we do and don't do. However when we are the observers of our mind, we can become conscious of them and decide whether we want to live that way or change how we are. This is something that is not possible if we remain unaware of their influence over us.

So there could be a degree of pain in our life and yet very often it is not enough to motivate us to change. However the more we avoid the pain, the stronger it gets. As it accumulates we will continue to receive warning signs and the consequences will continue to compound. With the egos need to feel safe, being the very thing that often leads to our own downfall. It has just occurred to me that defence mechanisms are the application of pleasure and pain, as they allow us to avoid pain momentarily or that's what their intention is. This is done by using any of the defence mechanism that will allow for the instant release and escape of that pain. Although there are many different ones, they all serve the same purpose.

So I believe, as we continue to appreciate and love ourselves, not only will we as individuals treat our immediate environment better, we will also see a global change as a result. I believe there is always a way, and our own mind wont necessarily be able to comprehend another way. And this is normal, as the only thing the mind knows is the past and a combination of the past, however as we continue to expand what we know and trust in our hearts, the answer's and solutions will be revealed.

My name is Oliver J R Cooper and I have been on a journey of self awareness for over nine years and for many years prior to that I had a natural curiosity.

For over two years, I have been writing articles. These cover psychology and communication. This has also lead to poetry.

One of my intentions is to be a catalyst to others, as other people have been and continue to be to me. As well as writing articles and creating poetry, I also offer personal coaching. To find out more go to - http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk/

Feel free to join the Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/OliverJRCooper