Entries by bronwynr

Entrepreneurship by Sign. Astro ideas for a home based business

Good news! Your soul was born with all the talents, skills and interests you need to build a successful career. If you're professionally unhappy, it's likely that you've chosen a line of work that's mismatched with your interests. Luckily, you can take a new direction, and astrology can help you figure out what, exactly, that is. […]

Organizing and Decluttering Electronics

  Do you have a drawer full of used phones and adapters? Do you hide old computers and cords in a closet? Are you afraid to get rid of these cords, adapters and old phones for fear that you "might need them"? Or, is it a matter of just not knowing what to do with […]

Five Simple Tips for Your Personality and Personal Growth

Many people are in search of things that can develop their personality and personal growth. If you are the same as most people, though, you must be more interested on strategies and tips for self help personal development, which can help you obtain your objectives, boost your confidence, and encourage your personal spiritual growth. As […]

Facing Your Fears

What's stopping you from doing what you want and having what you desire? With rare exceptions, when you strip away all the excuses, it's fear-fear of doing whatever it is that you must do to achieve your goals. Fear is one of our most basic instincts and it's key to our survival. It's easy to […]

Networking On Instagram

  There are many ways to grow your networks, connect with others and do viable business while building quality relationships. Networking does not have to be in person but can also be done via internet, apps and other online avenues. Social media, in particular, is a tremendous way to engage with individuals, groups, companies and […]