“In a poor economy, companies should take care of the people who survive layoffs and end up staying in stressful jobs,” says epidemiologist Diana Fernandez. “It is important to focus on strengthening wellness programs to provide good nutrition, ways to deal with job demands, and more opportunities for physical activity that are built into the regular workday without penalty.”

... Read more

An article from Jonathan Benjem which outlines the basics of chakras

Chakras are the foci within our bodies where the energy which makes up our life force is generated. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel; a good representation of the spherical energy field the word refers to.

There are six Chakras which are located along the spine and a seventh one above these, removed from the physical element of your body.

We think of these Chakras as being composed of energy; but it is very important to realize that the Chakras are closely related to and have influence over your physical body.

A healthy alignment of all of the seven Chakras will allow you to maintain your own health and happiness during your life. It is important to understand what each of the chakras is, and what it does for you.

More here >>>

Too much stress can really affect all the aspects in us. Physically, when we get too much worked up in the office, we can feel like we have been electrified by a mini stun gun. Almost all parts of the body feel so tired and painful. Emotionally, we become really preoccupied with things that we want to cry and we become easily irritated. Our mental capacities are affected too because when we don't know how to manage stress, we have difficulty in making decisions.

These are just general and few of the things that can happen to us when we become exhausted. Stress is normally part of life. It is inevitable. The best thing that you can do is that you must know how to manage the pressure well. Stress management is important in order for you to handle and control situations. You must come up with different strategies that will help you resolve your exhaustion may it be at home, in the office or anywhere.

One very good strategy is to have a break and perform deep breathing exercises. This will give you ample time to think and relax. Through deep breathing exercises you can release the emotions that you feel inside. While doing this, tell yourself a million times that you can do it. When you have time, you can join yoga classes and other relaxing activities. Give yourself motivation and positive attitude so that you can do your work fine.

Aside from doing exercises, you organize your things in your working area. There are times when we become irritated immediately due to the pressure from deadlines. We become even more irritated when our table is very messy and we don't know where to find what we are looking for. How can you manage yourself if you can't manage your things? You must have certain boxes or containers for your files so that you can have access to them easily. Just like a TASER holster, it is widely used to keep the weapon in place just where you want it to be.

Moreover, you must reward yourself with a day off from work. You can choose from a wide variety of recreational activities that you can venture. If you want to play a sport then go for it. If you need to relax in massage centers or saunas then pamper yourself so that you will be energized. Watch a movie or hang out with family and friends. Give your body a break and let it loose for a little while. Do not hesitate to try new things

These are basic strategies which are very effective which you can use when you get all worked up and exhausted. Your body is not a super machine which can handle days of work. Even a machine needs some power to energize, how much more a human body which needs to rejuvenate the cells in order to work again. Give yourself a moment where you can relax and free your mind from an unorganized workplace.

Joseph Pressley is a certified TASER instructor and the founder of BestStunGun.com which provides non-lethal self defense products such as stun guns, Taser and pepper sprays. Discover how stun guns and TASERs can save your life. Receive a free report on "Top 10 Self Defense Secrets Everyone Needs To Know". Limited amount available. Visit us and get your own copy nowhttp://www.beststungun.com

Have you asked yourself how much your health is worth to you lately?

Is your health even something that you think about on a daily basis?

Are taking the most effective, purposeful actions to ensure that you achieve optimal health?

If you answered no to any one of these questions, I urge you to stop what you are doing for just a moment and listen to what I have to say as it may add year onto your life or perhaps even save it.

Chi is the life-force energy. Awakening your chi allows your mind,  body, and spirit to all be connected instead of operating in  fragmented parts.

Practicing chi allows you to leave chronic illnesses behind, it  allows you to go from an external-centered life to an  internal-centered life. Chi must flow freely and openly within you.

Today I'm excited to announce the release of Study Chi by Master Hypnotist Steve G. Jones.

--> bit.ly/5Q4MkN

You'll discover how to:

* Awaken your life force energy
* Heal your body, mind, and soul with chi
* Learn to balance your thoughts and emotions
* Powerful exercises to boost energy
* Access your karma

You'll receive 4 audio modules that take you from A to Z in Chi. And to ensure your success even further, I am going include a powerful hypnosis recording. You'll go from a novice to expert.

Here's why you must order today - Steve has priced this powerful system at what I consider to be a very generous and fair price... and in fact..it is only a market test. He will also be testing higher prices for this program.

Here's something you must realize - He reserves the right to jack up the price...probably by $20 minimum...at any time without notice. That could happen tomorrow, next week, or later today.

So, if you see that the investment is still just $19.95, consider yourself lucky and hurry and order right now.

If you don't order, you'll end up paying more later and kick yourself for not acting now. Please don't tell me I didn't warn you! So just take advantage of this offer today and get the "steal of a lifetime" by ordering today. Do it now.

Go NOW before Steve changes his mind 🙂

Study Chi

To Your Success


This is a cutting-edge event that's coming up soon - Nov. 6th - 8th to be exact.

It's your chance to get the tools, techniques, advice, and strategies from the best self development experts in the world - over 40 of them - all in one place.

You'll get everything you need to transform your personal self and your professional life into what you've dreamed of and keep it that way permanently.

It's the opportunity you've been waiting for - to become the healthier, wealthier, happier, more successful YOU!

I know you're ready for true happiness and true success and that's why I didn't want you to miss out.

It's called Yoovolution and it's the world's largest personal and professional self development conference in the history of the Internet.

What makes it a truly one-of-a-kind event is that it's being held in a completely 3D virtual environment. That's great news for you! You don't have to worry about travel hassles and eating bad hotel food, plus the ticket price is significantly reduced compared to other conferences of this magnitude and quality. They're able to keep costs down low because of the cutting-edge technology. And, when I say magnitude and quality ... I mean you'll be blown away. You'll have access to over 40 world-class speakers and experts, including T. Harv Eker, Brian Tracy, Frank Maguire, Les Brown, Mark Victor Hansen, Scott Martineau, Ellie Drake, Alex Mandossian, and many, many more. The 3D virtual experience will be every bit as good as attending an event physically. In fact, the speakers will be coming to you live inside the virtual world. And, you'll be able to network with all the attendees in ways you never thought possible.

Make sure you check this out. It's unlikely they'll be able to put an event of this kind with so many speakers in one place again.


Take steps to change your life

by Calliope Hart
Taking a walk to clear your head - putting some distance between you and the things that are stressing you out, at home or at work - even if it's just a quick jog around the block, is a simple way to ease tension. Add some focus to your meanderings (like breath awareness, affirmations, walking meditation or meaningful conversation) and you'll find that you can stretch your mind while you're stretching your legs.

Mindful walking can help you take giant steps towards greater emotional awareness. It can enhance your personal problem solving ability, boost creativity, ease tension and help you build better connections with family and friends. And since walking (like vitamins and your nutritional intake) has its own daily recommended guidelines (10,000 steps per day - that's about 5 miles total), why not reap even more mind/body/spirit benefits while burning up calories and keeping your health in check? You can do it simply by taking those steps mindfully!

Read more >>>

From Cheryl Koch

In early February, many of us heard about the results of new research on the effects of low-fat dieting.

Why was this information so widely publicized?

Because the 8-year study showed some unexpected results. For more than a decade doctors, dietitians, and others have been promoting the benefits of a low-fat diet to control disease and assist with weight control. The study of almost 50,000 postmenopausal women found that restricting dietary fats may not have the benefits we once thought.

Read more ...

Why was I only mildly surprised?!!!

Researchers say a wandering mind may be important to setting goals, making discoveries, and living a balanced life.


I am going to do my best to hold your attention until the very last word of this column. Actually, I know it’s futile. Along the way, your mind will wander off, then return, then drift away again. But I can console myself with some recent research on the subject of mind wandering. Mind wandering is not necessarily the sign of a boring column. It’s just one of the things that make us human.

Everybody knows what it is like for our minds to wander, and yet, for a long time psychologists shied away from examining the experience. It seemed too elusive and subjective to study scientifically. Only in the past decade have they even measured just how common mind wandering is. The answer is very. >>>

Imagine how much happier and more confident you’d be if you could train your body to function more efficiently and to look better in the process. With The Body You Deserve, you’ll get the expert guidance you need to take the struggle out of weight loss and finally create—and maintain—the lean, healthy physique you desire and deserve.

The Body You Deserve." Click Here!

What is self improvement? Well, the dictionary defines self improvement as "improvement of one's mind, character, etc. through one's own efforts. Seems pretty simple and straight forward.
So logically, the next question one would ask themselves is what should the efforts consist of? In other words, what techniques, principles & resources work most effectively?
Well, that is a question that Clinical Hypnotherapist, Steve G. Jones has been asking himself for many years.
Since the 1980's, Steve has been changing the lives of people all over the world for the better using the power of hypnosis.
One thing that he has always kept in mind in his search is that there is no "one magical formula" that can completely improve every single aspect of your life. Enhancing your level of self improvement is a process that consists of many different techniques and formulas. After all, one's self consists of many things and because we are all different, some of us need more improvement in certain places than others.
Taking the necessary steps toward enhancing your self improvement is like exercising. Only instead of training your body, you're training your mind.
When you exercise or train your body, there is no one universal program known to man that works for everyone. Rather, effective programs consist of a combination of many different techniques and exercises that come together at different points that create the desired result.
For example, let's say your goal is to build muscle. Because your entire body consists of different muscles that do different things, different exercises are required for each one. And for each muscle, there's probably 5-7 different exercises that you can perform to achieve your overall fitness goal.
Training your mind is no different. The techniques that you apply should always vary. The important thing is that they actually work.
Many people however, don't take the process of training their brain as seriously as they should.
They spend all of their time, money and energy on resources that they think will improve their lives without ever actually investing in their mind.
Think of your mind as the root and everything else as the branches.
The roots set the stage of success for everything else.
If you invest in your mind, everything else will fall into place.
And that's why Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. is proud to present his newest creation. Introducing the all new Brain Power Control System...
Consisting of Four Empowering Hypnosis Modules, this program will reveal secrets like:
Essential Brain Nutrition - While certain foods strengthen your brain, others weaken it. Here you'll learn which foods to avoid and which one's to make part of your daily regimen
The Secret Element Needed For A Healthy Brain - Without this element, your brain is sure to burn out.
Three Simple Ways To Strengthen Your Brain Using Physical Fitness -
These 3 simple steps will ensure your brain gets healthy doing everyday, easy exercises.
Seven Powerful Brain Techniques To Give Your Brain A Workout -
Aside from the physical exercise, you need mental exercise or your brain will get out of shape. Here I will disclose the most effective mental exercises known to man.
Five Simple Steps To Keep Your Brain Healthy - As all true successes can only be measured by results that last, you will discover the exact methods to sustain success.
And Much more...
Check it out:
