Tag Archive for: change

I want to be happy for no reason this year except that I am here and alive and I claim this moment as my own. It's mine. Its got my name on it!

This year, I want to spend more time in nature, not on the path near my home, with its iPods, and cell phones and incessant chatter, but deep in a forest, where the earth recognizes my step, and the ground kisses my feet as I walk.

This year, I want to say no, more often, and not feel guilty, and say yes, more often, and not feel embarrassed.

I want to take the time to grieve fully this year, for those people that I have lost and mourn those things that I shall never have or be again.

I want to hear the sounds of creation and I can't tell you what those sounds are, because I have never really heard them before. I 've been too busy for that. But their music beckons to me in the stillness when I have finally given up my need to control.

I want to see, really see the sights of the universe and I can't tell you what those sights are, because I have never really seen them before. I've had my eyes closed. But their vision haunts me in my dreams and gently calls forth to me in my waking hours.

I want to take the child in me out to play more this year and step in mud puddles, get my feet wet, eat cotton candy, build a snowman, talk to strangers, kiss furry dogs and chase mangy cats.

This year I want to eat my spaghetti with a fork and forget about the spoon and get my face really dirty.

I want to get to know my teddy bear more this year. After all, he is really the only one who has always been there for me, in my darkest hour, comforting me and whispering sweet messages into my heart, that were more accurate than any psychic ever could be.

I want to see the world with new eyes this year, as if I have never seen it before, like an alien on an unfamiliar planet, and not take anything for granted.

This year, I want to talk less and say more. I want to taste more and eat less.

I want to write more about those things that really matter to me, with passion, the things that I know in my gut, the things that stir up my soul, and not give a damn about keywords or tags or where I rank in Google.

I want to sit with a flower this year and watch it bloom, and know what it feels like to finally surrender to life, to succumb to a purpose bigger than my own.

I want to talk to the moon and bask in the sun and gaze at the stars for hours and hours.

I want to be much more silly this year, and care much less about what people think of me. I have forgotten just how much fun being silly can be.

I want to laugh, harder than I have ever laughed before. And cry less for all of the pain and suffering that I think I can't fix, because I know that I can. Every time that I make the choice to be free, there is less suffering in the world, not a world with less pain, but less pain in the world.

I want to love more this year, not the sappy, greeting card kind of love they sell on Valentine's day cards, but a love that surpasses all distance, time, space and differences.

This year, I want to make friends with those parts of me that I am afraid of and attempt to do those things that still scare me to death. Well, at least some of them.

I want to appreciate more and complain less, accept more and judge less, forgive more and blame less. I want to ultimately do nothing and allow everything.

This year I want to break open the windows of my life and knock down the doors, remove the shackles and stare down the illusion until it sets me free.

So you won't find goals here or projects or timelines or objectives or plans or directions or bucket lists or targets.

You'll only find me.

Veronica Hay
Veronica Hay is the author of In a Dream, You Can Do Anything. An extraordinary collection of writings that will uplift you, motivate you, inspire you, and gently guide you along the inner path of your life.Go to: http://www.insightsandinspirations.com or feel free to email your comments about today's message to: veronicahay@telus.net

"When you're finished changing, you're finished."

-- Benjamin Franklin

I seem to use wry humour, or is it sarcasm? a lot. Hence the title of this blog post.

I think it comes of a natural inclination to want to make people, and especially myself challenge the way they think. To look at things differently.

When we think of change, whether we welcome it or not, I think everyone understands that it will involve some degree of stepping outside their comfort zones. That may be an exciting, adrenalin-producing event. or it might be a huge challenge, weighty and difficult.

One reason may be that in changing, in aiming for a different way of doing things, or different outcomes, we need to take on different ways of thinking, of subconsciously doing.

If I am right-brained, creative and impulsive, then I suspect dieting may be incredibly difficult. That especially applies if the success of dieting involves deliberate goal setting and carefully designed and executed programs and discipline.

If I am shy, introverted and lacking in social skills then networking for my business may be a weighty challenge.

So change may involve deliberately trying to change those thinking/doing patterns and skills. Maintaining a rigid discipline over my eating habits, or developing people skills. Does that sound like stepping out of a comfort zone?

It sure does - to me anyway.

But to bring in the excitement and motivation, maybe the goal needs to be the focus rather than the change ...

Consider what would happen if I were to follow you with a camera crew 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the next 100 days while you went for your goals?

I bet 3 things would happen....

1) You would START doing the things you say you need to do.

2) You would STOP doing the things you know you shouldn't be doing.

3) You would MAKE monumental performance gains and change your life.

This is ALL possible through the discipline of accountability. Accountability serves and protects your character, credibility and commitments. It ensures that what you want to accomplish gets accomplished.

Throughout every area of your life it's important to understand that ALL unfinished goals, projects and relationships are the result of broken promises, unfulfilled commitments, and lack of accountability.

With that reality in mind, I wanted to share with you an exciting opportunity to achieve every goal you set, to enforce ultimate accountability into your life, and show you how you can make monumental performance gains.

Gary Ryan Blair, otherwise know as The Goals Guy has put together what I believe to be the most comprehensive approach to goal setting and performance enhancement.

It's called the 100 Day Start Fast Challenge and it begins on January 11th to help you start the year strong.

=> Click here: http://bit.ly/7OgY88

The 100 Day Start Fast Challenge is a structured 14-week performance improvement program where challengers compete against themselves to achieve a number of challenging goals and start the year strong.

Free Special Report and Video

Gary is offering a powerful special report and video for free which is titled: How to Create Your Own Big Bang!

=> Click here: http://bit.ly/7OgY88

This report in my opinion is worth its weight in gold as it shows you how to create huge performance gains quickly. I encourage you to get your copy right now.

So what are you waiting for? The clock is ticking and if you want to seriously improve your life and corresponding results, I encourage you to check out the 100 Day Start Fast Challenge today as it will be one of the smartest decisions you'll make all year.

=> Click here: http://bit.ly/7OgY88


Bronwyn Ritchie

“Just as the tumultuous chaos of a thunderstorm brings a nurturing rain that allows life to flourish, so too in human affairs times of advancement are preceded by times of disorder. Success comes to those who can weather the storm.”
-- I Ching No. 3

“I can change. I can live out my imagination instead of my memory. I can tie myself to my limitless potential instead of my limiting past.”

-- Stephen Covey

Dave Pollard has produced a wonderful diagram .....

It's essentially about finding or creating work that is at the 'sweet spot' where your Gift (what you do uniquely well), your Passion (what you love doing) and your Purpose (what is needed) intersect

and if you don't read any further it's a great tool for deciding on your career future.

But Dave has gone further and factored change into the situation.

Dave's blog - How to Save the World

Having a problem you are stuck on? An obstacle you can't seem to solve or overcome? A goal you can't seem to figure out how to make come true?

Try my 17 solutions system using the well known SCAMPER system I'll explain below. Here's how the process works:

1. Write your current problem, obstacle or goal in the form of a question on the top of a page. Ask the question in the form of the result you want, for example:

  • "How do I get........?"
  • "Where or when can I find...."
  • "Who would have....."
  • "What ..........could I use to get this resolved?"

2. Generate 17 different answers or solutions to this question. Why generate 17 solutions? The first few will come easy. The idea is, after a few easy ones, you have to stretch and think. This is where your breakthroughs may be hiding, keep coming up with new answers. This is where SCAMPER comes in handy.

3. Select the best solution to implement. Once you come up with this solution list and pick your best option, implement it right away! In turn, it may lead to your breakthrough. 

Use the SCAMPER system to come up with the most effective solutions and answers:

Scamper is an acronym of seven different ways to look at problems from all different angles and applications concepts. Said to have been designed by Alex Osbourne. Here is what each letter stands for:

  • Substitute
  • Combine
  • Adapt
  • Modify
  • Put to other use
  • Eliminate
  • Reverse or Rearrange

How do you use SCAMPER to get a fresh look at any subject? Play with any one or any combination of any of these concepts:

Substitute - One usage for another. One idea or concept or application for another. Try a fresh, unusual, surprising or modern approach. Example: Chicken instead of veal. Plastic instead of wood.

Combine - two or several concepts that work in other arenas. Flikr combines the internet with photo albums.

Adapt - an application from one system to another. Quisnos and Subway sandwich shops adapted the assembly line oven concept perfected by McDonalds and Burger King.

Modify - larger, faster, easier, bigger, smaller, adjusted any one element or combination of elements. Today's auto engines produce the same horsepower with much smaller aluminum block engines.

Put to other use -  same use in different industry, technology, and city. Ask: "how else could I use this?" An example of this is Walkie talkies. They were first used by military, now available to consumers from many cell phone companies like Nextel.

Eliminate -     reduce time spent, steps needed, pieces, cost. Take away one part of a system and see if it results in a better product. For example, Flat screen TV use technology to eliminated the heavy weight and size of big bulky TV's.

Reverse or Rearrange -   reengineer, put in different order, any part of a process or product. For example , in baseball, managers will regularly switch around the batting order if someone is hot or in a slump.

Try this process for yourself to see if you can use it to bust through any challenge or obstacle you may have. Write me if it works for you.

The author and Personal Marketing Consultant, Larry LaFata, helps individuals and the self-employed to live their Purpose through a comprehensive discovery program at http://CraftYourCalling.com. Get your copy of my other free self-empowerment guides at http://www.DoWhatYouLike.com

Self-improvement is improving yourself for your own sake. May it be your confidence, self-esteem, your looks…whatever you want to change about yourself. To change yourself however, you must know what you want to change and this means understanding yourself. In this article discover 5 questions you should ask yourself to see what you need to change about yourself.   >>>