Tag Archive for: change

"I know for sure that what we dwell on is who we become…
Become the change you want to see—those are words I live by."
- Oprah Winfrey

What would you like to have?
What would you like to do?
What would you like to be?
Yes, what is it?

Now, whatever you said, what's stopping you?

Why don't you have it? Why don't you do it? Why don't you be it?

Put yourself on the spot, what is it?

Be brutally honest with yourself. Do you really want that? Sometimes we think we want something and then when we really get right down to it, it isn't that important to us. You may have already seen that when you've released on goals. What you thought was something you just must have, you find out, after releasing on the goal for awhile, that maybe you really don't want it at all.

So let's get that out of the way, because there is something you definitely would like to have, do or be.

What is it and why isn't it yours?

Check right now.

What's your block?

What's standing in your way?

Is it because there's an "I can't" thought? "I can't do it. I can't have it. I can't be it." Then the many assorted excuses follow: I can't because, not enough money, not enough time, no one to help me, it might not work out anyway, too old, too young, not enough education, too much education, don't know how, don't know who, don't know where to start, don't have what it takes, haven't done it yet so probably won't do it now, it's too late… That's only a partial list. We humans can get very creative about our "I cant's." What is it for you?

I can't because ____________________.

You know, that behind any "I can't" is, ‘I won't." And behind the, "I won't" is fear. Check that for yourself right now. It's the fear that blocks you. Fear is just a feeling and you can let it go. In fact, you must let it go or you'll stay stuck there in fear forever and never be able to move into having, doing or being.

What does it take to attain the objects of your dreams? It begins with an attitude of, "I can. I can do it. I can have it. I can be it."

Notice the difference in energy?

Try it. Say, "I can't" four times. Now, say, "I can" four times. Notice, "I can't" is weak energy? Notice it's low energy? Notice it has a pathetic feel to it. Notice there's a despairing, defeated, forlorn feeling behind, "I can't?"

How about when you say, "I can?" Now how does that feel? It feels much better doesn't it? Does the word, "Yes," come to mind when you say, "I can?" Does "I can" feel bold? Does "I can" have power to it? Does "I can" feel like a strong energy? Does it feel like a high energy?

What's more, when you say, "I can," do you notice that it's a done deal? When you say, "I can do it," game over. It's done. Yes, you might have to carry out the steps to finish it. But it's done when you say, "I can." When you say, "I can have it," notice, it's a fait accompli. You have it. Notice the feeling that the universe is behind you organizing all the pieces and parts when you say, "I can do it."

When you say, "I can," you are setting in motion the remarkable power of Courageousness. Can you feel that power? When you say, "I can," you are in Courageousness. And no one or nothing can stop you. Courageousness is power-packed energy that says, "It is done."

Courageousness opens the door to Acceptance. "I can do it. I can have it. I can be it." Notice the Acceptance. Courageously saying, "I can," automatically moves you into acceptance. And right behind Acceptance, Peace. When you move into Acceptance, Peace flows in and envelops you like the warm sunshine. Do you notice that?

When you make the decision, "I can," you're in Courageousness. There's no doubt. There's no questioning. There are no excuses. There is no wanting. When you move into "I can," the Courageousness energy, there is Acceptance that's it's all done, and there's Peace, because the mental racket attached to "I can't" is all gone.

And as Lester Levenson says, "Everything falls perfectly into line."

You get into Courageousness, the "I can do it, I can have it, I can be it" energy by releasing. You mentally dive into those feelings. You find out what's hiding-out in there and you let it go. You bring whatever thoughts or feelings you find in your way to wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and you let them go. The Third Way to Release: Immediately see all your feelings culminate in wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe. And immediately let go of wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe.

Momentum is the key that unlocks the door to maximizing your releasing. With momentum you live your life in full time, all the time Courageousness.

The Release Technique® offers you so many ways to power up your Momentum. Keep your momentum at a high level, and dwell in the energy of Courageousness. The best way to spike your Momentum is the Seven Day Retreats. Why not go to the next Seven Day Retreat? What's the hold back? What is the, "I can't?" Move into, "I can." Test it. Check it out for yourself. When you decide, "I can. I can do it," you're in Courageousness and the universe revs up your engine and nothing can stop you. Find out for yourself.

Can you do it? It's a decision. Yes you can.

The Author:
Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives.
The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide.
The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson.

This article originally appeared in the Pivotal Personal Best ezine. You can read the current issue here

"Employ the power of positive quitting. Most of us view quitting as something negative, but it’s not. ‘Winners never quit,’ we’re told, when, in reality, winners quit all the time: choosing to stop doing things that aren’t creating the results they desire. When you quit all the things that aren’t working for you, when you quit tolerating all the negative things that hold you back, you’ll create a positive ‘charge’ in your life as well as create the space in your life for more positive experiences."

-- Jim Allen

Image by Aran Ho Yeow Yong.


If the past year wasn't your greatest, if you have already broken your New Year Resolutions, and if you are not as prosperous and fulfilled as you would like, you need to do something differently, and you need to do it now.

Why? Because all change, all progress begins with a single decision, a single action, a single YES!

You and I both know that no matter how good or bad your results were last year - you can always do better.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people and companies don't take the time to plan for their future and they are simply plugging along with their heads down.

It's similar to the pattern of Bill Murray's character, Phil Connors, in the hilarious movie Groundhog Day.

But, instead of repeating the same day over and again, both companies and individuals seem to repeat the same outlook, approach, and strategies.

Is it any surprise that they repeat the same results?

February 2nd is an important date not just because it's Groundhog Day and we all want to know if Punxsutawney Phil (the Groundhog) sees his shadow.

More importantly, it marks the date when thousands of people from around the world make the decision to begin the 100 Day Challenge and change their life for the better and I mean much better.


The 100 Day Challenge is an extreme goal achievement and performance improvement program that creates radical results--quickly.

Think P90X for your life!

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Looking at a brand new year with new goals can help revitalize your team’s attitudes and renew their energy. Build on their enthusiasm by sharing the movie “Change is Good…You Go First” to inspire them.

Lately, I've become intrigued by the idea or process of "alchemy." Funk & Wagnall tells me alchemy is a transformation, "a change in nature, form or quality." So how to take charge of your own personal alchemy? For me, it's about changes and transformations of mind, body and spirit. Therefore, in this article I've outlined three of my favorite ways to approach personal alchemy on the path to wholeness and health.

Step One: Dissect A Past Transformation:
It's easy to feel overwhelmed when thinking about the process of making a personal overhaul. Therefore, it's important to break this idea down to its least common denominator. To begin, recall if you can a positive transformation you've made in your life. It could be as simple as beginning and staying with an exercise program. In your mind locate and focus on one specific personal transformation.

Next, break down your transformation into its components: mind, body and spirit. I tend to look at everything in this tri-fold sense. I believe it is important to see the way a particular event contributes to the growth of each component. Right now, take a moment to observe the ways each of these components have contributed to your transformation:

Mind: Was your mind committed to making this positive change?

Body: What daily actions did it take to make this personal transformation effective and permanent?

Spirit: Was there a spiritual component at hand guiding you toward your positive goal?

Related article   Change by Choice

Step Two: Begin The Uncovering Process:
Now that you've dissected a previous transformation, the uncovering process is simple. This process asks you to take some time with your journal and uncover a new personal transformation you would like to experience. With pen in hand, take time to make notes to yourself. Start small. What transformations would you like to make this year? Do some dreaming.

When you've finished, scan your list for one worthwhile goal that is achievable. If you are unable to commit to one on your list, try these ideas to complete your uncovering:

According to Louise Hay in her book "You Can Heal Your Life" these components will help you live a holistic, healthy life. Perhaps one may inspire you toward a worthwhile goal.

Nurture The Body: Practice sound nutrition. Aim to make the best choices for your body and choose food and beverages that make you feel well. When appropriate supplement with herbs, vitamins and homeopathy.

Practice a sound exercise program. Find a form of exercise that is appealing to you and is one that you will do. Choose from: aerobic exercise, resistance training, tai chi, yoga or Pilates. When appropriate use body work such as massage or reiki.

Nurture The Mind: Add to your daily practice, visualization, guided imagery, affirmations or dream work. Spiritual meditation is also a great way to quiet the mind and allow time to tune in to the divine.

Nurture The Spirit: Find time to practice prayer work, meditation, forgiveness and unconditional love.

Related Article:  The Potential of change

Step Three: Find Answers In The Silence: Then Take Your Goals One By One
We can't possibly do everything. For as someone once told me "you have only, all the time there is." With this in mind, I am brought back to my earliest ideas about personal alchemy. This involves one of the most difficult, yet necessary practices: finding time for silence. Finding time is the challenge I most often face when looking at my own personal growth and aiming to find ways to simplify and speed up the process.

Silence. Why does it work? From a physics or scientific standpoint, the electrons within the molecules of the body actually speed up when the body slows down. It seems difficult to understand at first, but the key is its reciprocal process. When the body slows down, the energy surrounding the body and passing through the body speeds up, literally directing the body: instructing it.

Grace, balance and growth are often natural extensions of this process. When you take some time to be still and offer your goal up to the universe, you can then become aware of the divine direction. To do this, try to first become aware of your surroundings. Then aim to find time each day to move toward your worthwhile goal. Keep it close to your heart. Know that there are many distractions in life, but if you take time to rest and stop for one moment, it could be the moment you will receive your greatest inspiration.


Author unknown.
When in doubt, there's always help!  For a creative boost and further direction in your discovery process, please explore these sources: 
The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity By Julia Cameron.   
Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential by Caroline Myss.

They know the best ways to keep their eyes open.

Over more than 30 years, the chief executives of Chinese companies have risen from pariahs to role models in a rapidly changing world. I recently interviewed 15 top Chinese corporate leaders, and found that they have important lessons to teach us in the West. They especially show an underlying ability to broaden their thinking and integrate perspectives. They reveal three perspective-taking practices are essential for leading change and that can prove of value to leaders everywhere:

more ...http://bit.ly/hyMQOg

“I can change. I can live out my imagination instead of my memory. I can tie myself to my limitless potential instead of my limiting past.”

-- Stephen Covey

So, I'm trying to lose some weight. And I notice that the days that I declare to myself, "No sugar today," I end up eating sugar earlier than ever. I actually forget that I have even made myself this promise...usually until just a moment after the sugar is melting from my tongue.

Can you relate? Maybe not in this area, but we all have places where we do not keep promises to ourselves. Where do you do this?

Not following through on commitments is a form of resistance. You can probably see clearly how this resistance might sabotage my efforts toward my goal.
My resistance is brilliant. It continually takes new and different forms and is quite good at disguising itself and finding new ways to outsmart me. Your resistance is brilliant, too.

Resistance will keep us from achieving what we want and need. Worse than that, resistance has the power to sending us and our businesses careening in exactly the opposite direction.

Whether you are a leader in an organization or in your own life, anytime you find yourself in a change situation, you will find resistance. If you don't, you are not looking hard enough. It is the way of things. You will resist. Your staff will resist. Your boss will resist. Your clients will resist. Potential employers will resist. Your family will resist. The higher the stakes, the more resistance you will find.

If we are not aware that resistance is at work, resistance wins. But only 100% of the time.
Your only hope of overcoming resistance is to expect it. But even that isn't enough. You also have to value it and embrace it. You have to work with your resistance, not against it.

You have to get intimate with resistance. And that starts with recognizing it. Here's what you want to look for:

Obvious resistance is easy to spot:

Disruptive behavior The most powerful forms of resistance are usually much more subtle:
Not being available
Not getting started
Getting distracted and not completing
Offering misleading information
Bringing up other issues
Becoming very busy with something else
Getting sick
Feigning acceptance, without asking necessary questions or working out the details
Finding reasons to be removed from the task
Surfing the web
Compulsively checking your BlackBerry or iPhone
Oh yeah, and forgetting.

Which of these do you do? Which do you see the people you work with doing? Which do you see in your clients? Start noticing the signs of resistance in you and the people around you.

Remember resistance is very creative.

Next time, we'll talk about a few ways to work with your resistance.

Sharon Rich works with organizations and people approaching major change. Just look at the spectacular corporate failures of the past decade to see that talent and intelligence aren't enough to create success. Sharon helps leaders to get the specific tools, skills and perspectives they need to create successful change and make it stick. For more information and to get a complimentary copy of her article "6 WAYS LEADERS SABOTAGE CHANGE and 5 Principles Change Leaders Need Now," go to http://www.leadershipincorporated.com/Free_Stuff.html