Tag Archive for: goals

Here are 3 great reasons to leverage your time and understand its impact on your productivity.

Reason #1. By studying how you use your time you will be a better manager and increase your ability to focus on the most important areas of your life and your business.

Do you know where your time goes? Try keeping a time study log. For a specified period of time, maybe a week, write down everything that you do. Yes, everything. At the end of the day take a few minutes to review how you used your time. Were there times when you could have been more productive (i.e. waiting in a doctor's office, driving to work or a meeting)? Are there times of the day that you are more productive compared with others?

Here are some tips to help you stay focused:

1. Stay Hydrated

2. Take a quick walk (around the block or the office) to get up and away from your desk

3. Listen to some upbeat music to refocus your energy.

Reason #2. Leveraging Your Time Allows You to Achieve Your Goals Faster and More Efficiently
Do you have a set of written goals? Do you review them each day before you begin the day's journey? When you use your time wisely and don't waste time on non-important matters you get closer to your goals. Just the simple process of organizing your day can make you feel less stressed and more in control.
Here are some tips to make sure you reach your goals faster:

1. Write Down Your Goals

2. Organize Your Day (organizing your day into 10 or 15 minute blocks can be a great way to plan for all size projects.

3. Allow Time For Yourself (don't be afraid to take that break and refresh)

Reason #3. Leveraging Your Time (Really understanding the answer to, "Where did the day go?" helps you to continuously improve and learn. Learning helps you to keep producing good materials and products. Never stop learning, reading, trying new things and implementing them.

Here are some tips for making sure you never stop learning:

1. Write down your accomplishments and celebrate

2. Write down your challenges and ask others for support, ideas, and collaborative solutions

3. Find one new book, article, blog, etc. every day to keep you inspired and freshly focused

Leveraging your time only works when you leverage it in the right direction. Focus your energy and free yourself from the overwhelm of your day when you feel like you are drowning in the details. Take charge of your day, take charge of your week, reach your greatest potential by leveraging your time.


To discover how you can learn more about leveraging your time and living by your goals visit http://www.livingbyyourgoals.com and sign up for our training today!
This article was brought to you by the Office of Community Research, Inc. and Jennifer L. McGahan,
We are committed to helping your community grow stronger, healthier and more resilient by building capacity through education and opportunity. Visit our website today: http://www.officeofcommunityresearch.com


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It shows you exactly how to adapt powerful strategic planning methods from Corporate America to your own life.

Life is way too short to continue repeating history, and if you've had challenges accomplishing all your goals in the past, this program that will help.

Once you put this plan into action you'll find distractions falling away, you will say adios to procrastination, and hello to a bright new future filled with endless opportunity.

Gary Ryan Blair's Personal Strategic Plan

I can vouch for Gary Ryan Blair.  His programs are comprehensive, simple to implement and I found his approach very down-to-earth and practical.
=> http://bit.ly/13hyxOJ

When I travel, my daily agenda is always full.

I don't get up late, linger over breakfast, and then start meandering down one country road after another, just to see where they might lead. I'm up early, ready to cram as much into each day as I possibly can. I know exactly where I want to go and, map in hand, I know how to get there.

Come to think of it, that's also how I approach life. I can't just let life happen to me. I need a road map that shows me how to get from where I am now to where I want to be in the future. Of course, if I want to be successful, I can't just leave the roadmap in the glove box. I have to follow it. Diligently.

In our series about travelling through life, we've already talked about travelling light (getting rid of excess emotional baggage and keeping "short accounts") and taking someone with you. Today, my travelling tip is to follow the roadmap. In life, a roadmap is akin to a game plan—a carefully thought-out strategy for achieving success. My game plan probably doesn't look exactly like yours, because my definition of success might be different from yours. But the fact that we might be following slightly different roadmaps doesn't negate the wisdom of using one in the first place. As the saying goes, if you aim at nothing, you're likely to get it.

Regardless of our position and station in life, following the roadmap means:

1. Knowing where you are at this moment. How can you know where you are at this moment? The key word is reflection.

2. Knowing where you want to go. For me, success is knowing my purpose in life, growing to my maximum potential and sowing seeds that benefit others. That's where I want to go.

3. Understanding that life happens between where you are at this moment and where you want to go, and that it's the "between where you are and where you want to go" that causes people to miss life. Some people have what I call "destination disease." They live life thinking, "When I get promoted, I'll be fulfilled" or, "When I get married, I'll be happy" or "If I could just meet that person, I'll be on my way." It's good to plan for the days ahead, but if you're basing all your hopes for fulfilment on some future event, you're actually missing out on the essence of life itself. As John Lennon once wisely observed, "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans."

When it comes to travelling through life, I can't over-emphasize the importance of following the roadmap. But it's also crucial to note that, even if you're following the best map ever made, you'll most likely have to stop and ask for directions from time to time. I'm well aware that this practice is excruciatingly difficult for some of us. And we just might be stubborn and persistent enough to avoid doing it, at least when we're driving somewhere in a car. But in the journey we call life, people who refuse to stop and ask for directions aren't stubborn or persistent; they're foolish.

Unfortunately, an unwillingness to seek advice is all too common among businesspeople today. In The Corporate Steeplechase, New York social psychologist Srully Blotnick says that career men and women in their twenties tend to be ashamed to ask questions, and in their thirties, the desire to be individualistic makes it difficult for them to counsel with colleagues. The value of advice becomes clear only with maturity, he writes.

That's so true. As philosopher John Collins has noted, "To profit from good advice requires more wisdom than to give it." That said, people often make the mistake of following advice without carefully evaluating it first. To avoid this common error, ask yourself the following questions when appraising the validity of any piece of advice:

1. How credible is the source?

2. Am I getting the same advice from different people?

3. Have I made allowances for any biases, pro or con, an advice giver may have?

4. Have I talked with more than one person so I have a basis for judging the advice?

5. Am I in an emotional state to act wisely on this advice?

6. What is the ratio between the potential cost of acting on the advice and the potential benefit that it may hold?

Taking the time to stop and ask for directions might seem like a big hassle when you're busy with the daily stuff of life. And to some, sticking to a roadmap might seem unnecessarily restrictive. But as one traveller to another, I encourage you to make both a priority. Otherwise, you just might end up on a fast road to nowhere.

By Dr. John C. Maxwell 

I want to be happy for no reason this year except that I am here and alive and I claim this moment as my own. It's mine. Its got my name on it!

This year, I want to spend more time in nature, not on the path near my home, with its iPods, and cell phones and incessant chatter, but deep in a forest, where the earth recognizes my step, and the ground kisses my feet as I walk.

This year, I want to say no, more often, and not feel guilty, and say yes, more often, and not feel embarrassed.

I want to take the time to grieve fully this year, for those people that I have lost and mourn those things that I shall never have or be again.

I want to hear the sounds of creation and I can't tell you what those sounds are, because I have never really heard them before. I 've been too busy for that. But their music beckons to me in the stillness when I have finally given up my need to control.

I want to see, really see the sights of the universe and I can't tell you what those sights are, because I have never really seen them before. I've had my eyes closed. But their vision haunts me in my dreams and gently calls forth to me in my waking hours.

I want to take the child in me out to play more this year and step in mud puddles, get my feet wet, eat cotton candy, build a snowman, talk to strangers, kiss furry dogs and chase mangy cats.

This year I want to eat my spaghetti with a fork and forget about the spoon and get my face really dirty.

I want to get to know my teddy bear more this year. After all, he is really the only one who has always been there for me, in my darkest hour, comforting me and whispering sweet messages into my heart, that were more accurate than any psychic ever could be.

I want to see the world with new eyes this year, as if I have never seen it before, like an alien on an unfamiliar planet, and not take anything for granted.

This year, I want to talk less and say more. I want to taste more and eat less.

I want to write more about those things that really matter to me, with passion, the things that I know in my gut, the things that stir up my soul, and not give a damn about keywords or tags or where I rank in Google.

I want to sit with a flower this year and watch it bloom, and know what it feels like to finally surrender to life, to succumb to a purpose bigger than my own.

I want to talk to the moon and bask in the sun and gaze at the stars for hours and hours.
I want to be much more silly this year, and care much less about what people think of me. I have forgotten just how much fun being silly can be.

I want to laugh, harder than I have ever laughed before. And cry less for all of the pain and suffering that I think I can't fix, because I know that I can. Every time that I make the choice to be free, there is less suffering in the world, not a world with less pain, but less pain in the world.

I want to love more this year, not the sappy, greeting card kind of love they sell on Valentine's day cards, but a love that surpasses all distance, time, space and differences.

This year, I want to make friends with those parts of me that I am afraid of and attempt to do those things that still scare me to death. Well, at least some of them.

I want to appreciate more and complain less, accept more and judge less, forgive more and blame less. I want to ultimately do nothing and allow everything.

This year I want to break open the windows of my life and knock down the doors, remove the shackles and stare down the illusion until it sets me free.

So you won't find goals here or projects or timelines or objectives or plans or directions or bucket lists or targets.You'll only find me.

Veronica Hay
Veronica Hay is the author of In a Dream, You Can Do Anything. An extraordinary collection of writings that will uplift you, motivate you, inspire you, and gently guide you along the inner path of your life.Go to: http://www.insightsandinspirations.com


Just stop for a moment and think back to those business goals, work targets, KPI's, and personal aspirations (lose weight, get fit, learn something new, etc.) that you set at the beginning of the year. Think about those visions of success, profits and happiness you saw yourself achieving this year.

Are you still on track?
...or have you broken some of those promises?

"Just a moment", I hear your say "I never *promised* that I would achieve them, I just committed to trying my best. I didn't break any promises, I just got caught up in other things"

To me, this is an excuse.
It is a habit of allowing yourself to not stick to your targets because you lose focus when under pressure.

Am I being a little harsh? Perhaps.
Am I being truthful and accurate? Absolutely!

If you want to have success and happiness consistently in your life, then you need to become resilient to pressure by raising your standards.

Let me explain...

Studies have found that your body 'normalizes' stimulants that it is exposed to on a regular basis. Meaning that you become somewhat de-sensitive, or less sensitive, to the frequent noises, smells, images, tastes and sensations of the environment around you.

Two examples:

The smell receptors in the olfactory (smell) system of the body of garbage collectors becomes less sensitive to the smell of garbage after about 6 weeks. The body adapts to the smell by desensitising to the smell of garbage.

Even an hour or two after putting on perfume, cologne or aftershave you become somewhat unaware of the smell. Your body desensitises the frequent stimulants around you.

So what has desensitisation got to do with becoming resilient to pressure and achieving your goals??

If you consistently accept an excuse, cop out, or lower standards of performance from yourself, then your body learns to accept that as OK. After a while, you become desensitised to your excuses and you no longer notice them. That's when they become a habit.

When the pressure builds up, if you have developed the habit of allowing excuses and cop outs to be an acceptable response - then you will always find yourself setting goals, targets, new years resolutions, but rarely reaching them.


Think about your excuses for a moment.
Which one do you use?

"I just got too busy"
"Sorry, I became sidetracked"
"I have been swamped with other work"
"I simply couldn't be bothered today"
"I just don't like calling up my clients"

What's your excuse?
Excuses are like armpits - we all have them and they all stink!

Top 3 Excuses and how to beat them:

1. 'I'm too busy and don't have any time'
Who isn't busy and pressed for time?
However, you can get into the habit of saying , or thinking, that you are too busy. In this frame of mind, you no longer look for ways to reach your targets, but get caught up in why you can't reach them.

Raise your standards by expecting more from yourself.
Solution: Create time via leverage.
You may have heard the saying 'If you want something done, ask a busy person'.
Busy people fit more into their day because they look at ways to shortcut those tasks/jobs by leveraging their time. A great example of leverage is outsourcing those tasks you would rather not do, or take up too much time.


pivotal stories - Kung fu


2. 'I just have to get through this first before looking at everything else'
Another 'excuse habit' that stops you from planning your success.

Planning a wedding is a huge event. It is an exercise in logistics, project management, HR, mediation, communication, and occasionally, health and safety. It would be madness to leave the seating, catering, venue, table decorations etc. all to the last few days - major stress.

In the same sense you have plan how to use your time so that you get the best return on each hour of your day. How do you plan your time?

1. List what needs to be achieved over the next 7 days
2. From that list isolate what needs to be achieved in the next 24 hours.
3. Plan your order of action according to:
a. What action will give me the best return
b. What is the most productive use of my time
c. What needs to be done now?

Sure, a time plan can change in the first 30 minutes of your day. So, just re-do your plan if/when that happens.

3. I just can't be bothered.
This habit trains your body to become lazy. It sends a message that 'it is Ok to stop trying when you are outside your comfort zone'.

If babies thought this way, they would never walk.
Instead, raise your standards by being accountable.

a. Accountable to yourself.
Write out clear targets and read them each day. Stay mindful of where you want to go and what you want to achieve. Set clear dates by which you want to accomplish certain tasks, etc.
Be accountable to yourself for your actions.

b. Be accountable to others.
Let others know of your targets, aspiration - personal and professional. This way if you decide
to fall in the habit of 'I just can't be bothered' you will know that others have an expectation on
you - which may kick you back in to gear.

Michael Licenblat B.Sc.(Psych), Resilience Expert
Website: www.BounceBackFast.com Email: Support@PerformanceSolutions.com.au


If the past year wasn't your greatest, if you have already broken your New Year Resolutions, and if you are not as prosperous and fulfilled as you would like, you need to do something differently, and you need to do it now.

Why? Because all change, all progress begins with a single decision, a single action, a single YES!

You and I both know that no matter how good or bad your results were last year - you can always do better.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people and companies don't take the time to plan for their future and they are simply plugging along with their heads down.

It's similar to the pattern of Bill Murray's character, Phil Connors, in the hilarious movie Groundhog Day.

But, instead of repeating the same day over and again, both companies and individuals seem to repeat the same outlook, approach, and strategies.

Is it any surprise that they repeat the same results?

February 2nd is an important date not just because it's Groundhog Day and we all want to know if Punxsutawney Phil (the Groundhog) sees his shadow.

More importantly, it marks the date when thousands of people from around the world make the decision to begin the 100 Day Challenge and change their life for the better and I mean much better.


The 100 Day Challenge is an extreme goal achievement and performance improvement program that creates radical results--quickly.

Think P90X for your life!

To get all the details, go to this website now and watch a really inspiring video as well:


P.S. I almost forgot, be sure to use this coupon code to receive a huge super saver discount: groundhog



Do you have goals that you want to achieve in your life? If you answer yes, this is the perfect article for you because you are about to discover why most people fail to achieve their goals. Once you knew the reason, you can use it to help you to accomplish any goal that you set in your life. So continue to read on to discover this powerful reason and principle behind it.

The number one reason most people fail to achieve what they want in their lives is that they do not have a strong reason behind what they want. They know what they want to achieve, but they do not know why they want to achieve it. When you do not know why, you will never have the drive and motivation to do it.

Think about it, why do you work hard on something? It is because of the reason. And if your reason is strong and emotional, it will motivate you a lot. Let me give you an example. Say you are a smoker and you cannot get rid of the smoking habit no matter what you do. And until one day, you are diagnosed with lung cancer because of heavy smoking. Now, do you think that you will stop this dangerous smoking habit no matter what?

The answer is obvious, when you have a strong and emotional reason, you will do it no matter how difficult it is. When you are diagnosed with lung cancer, it gives you the reason that you want to stay alive and you do not want to die at this age. This is why the reason behind your goals is important. They serve as the fuel to your motivation.

In addition, if your reason is not strong enough, you will procrastinate and never take action about it. You may feel motivated and take a lot of action in the beginning, but success is not an overnight process. You need to take consistent action, do you think you can stay that way and keep burning your motivation all the time? This is the main reason people procrastinate and never do anything about their goals, because they do not have a strong and burning reason for what they want.

Now you know what is the number one reason people fail to accomplish what they want in their lives. So ask yourself and review all the reasons behind your goals right now. Make sure you know exactly why you want to accomplish them and nothing can ever stop you.

Want To Find Out More?

Visit my blog for more empowering articles now. Go to Specific Clear Goals now...

Or visit http://www.TheMillionaireSecrets.net/


In part one of this series, we discussed how “Saying No” is the world’s best, fastest and easiest productivity strategy, primarily because it simplifies.

You will succeed on the basis of what, where and how you say “no”. And “Saying NO”
allows you to get more control over your daily life and activities—IMMEDIATELY!

For the first 100 days of next year, you must resolve to give “NO” the strategic resolve it deserves!

The following are fifteen simple, effective and empowering strategies that you can use to get results—IMMEDIATELY!

1. What strategies, initiatives and activities
will you say “no” to?

There is great feeling, focus, empowerment, and impact when everyone agrees on paper the activities that will not be done.

Pull out a piece of paper and list all of the superfluous activities that can slow down, or prevent progress from happening altogether.

Everything is fair game and absolutely nothing is sacred in this exercise. Simply put, if it does not advance you forward, then say no!

2. What meetings will you decline or delegate?

List every meeting you have in place for the remainder of the year and determine which you will NOT be attending. Meetings consume large chunks of productive time, most are run improperly and inefficiently, and most can be declined or delegated to someone else.

3. What relationships will you not keep?

The way you manage your relationships has an enormous impact on your ability to perform at consistently high levels.

Identify the top three energy-draining relationships, that you are committed to saying “no” to for the next 100 days. Then focus on creating strategies to free yourself from each of them.

4. What measurements will you ignore?

Say goodbye to all lagging indicators and ONLY pay attention to measurements related to customer satisfaction and the levers that directly drive sales, margin, operating expense and ROI.

5. What customers will you not target?

Identify your IDEAL prospect, client or customer and quit chasing every opportunity as it’s a complete waste of time and resources. Once identified, you must then articulate who you will NOT target.

Finally, make decisions on segments of your customers that deserve “VIP” treatment.

6. What competitors will you not follow?

Way too much time is lost by following and focusing on too many competitors and so-called guru’s. Identify the top three and immediately remove yourself from all of the other email distribution lists, blogs and other related communications.

7. What websites will you not visit?

Web sites are like magnets and vampires, as they draw you in and suck away productive time. Pull up your list of favorites, delete most of them and keep only the ones of greatest value. You must institute a “No Surfing” policy and stick to it.

8. What money will you not spend?

Put yourself on a fiscal diet as every dollar spent should be thought of as an investment towards greater operating income -- even petty cash. With this in mind, what things, or even entire budget categories, will you not spend?

9. What trips will you not make?

It’s hard to deny the power of ‘showing up’ in person as great things happen when you show up and interact with customers and colleagues. Nonetheless, trips consume massive gobs of time and money. Therefore, consider how you can use technology to replace trips, and only travel when it can make a big impact towards your primary goals.

10. What foods will you not eat?

Reaching the next level of performance and productivity begins with how you manage energy. It’s disturbing to see the immense amount of human and corporate potential squandered due to the misuse of energy.

Unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, negativity, sarcasm, unfocused goals and strategies are all contributing factors to energy loss. Focus in on your nutritional intake and exercise by eliminating any food, or drink that compromises your energy levels.

11. What excuses will you not engage in?

Excuses drain energy, time, production and profits. Have a brutally honest conversation with yourself and determine the excuses or behaviors that you must do away with. I’m aware that it’s easier said than done, but you will NOT be able to achieve your true potential by fighting for and repeating useless behavior.

12. What will you not say?

Develop the habit of saying NOTHING that does not move the ‘agenda’ forward or uplift others. Speak ONLY of the solution, and waste not a second on the problem or blame.

You will save a lot of time and mental energy which can be directed towards more useful activities.

13. What thoughts will you not entertain?

Remember that which does not move you towards your goal, takes you away from it. Therefore remove those thoughts that are limiting, defeating or downright negative and consciously choose to replace them with thoughts of abundance, optimism, and positivity. Don’t tolerate negative thoughts or conversations from yourself or others.

14. What television shows will you not view?

If there was ever a time hog that needed to be slaughtered, television tops the list. In even a moderate TV-watching household, it’s simply amazing how many hours are spent in front of the box. The solution—go cold turkey!

15. What will you no longer tolerate from yourself or others?

Saying “no” and meaning it is the easiest word for setting a limit, holding firm to boundaries, and being clear about what you will or will not do.

Identify the standards you wish to measure your life by and refuse to lower or negotiate at any time, nor for any reason.

No is a tool Use the veto power of “No” regularly and with conviction as it’s a powerful strategic weapon that you can use to maximize your results in the first 100 days of this year.


Let’s now focus on what you should say “yes” to. How does greater wealth, health and happiness sound to you?

Say the word—yes, and I’ll show you how to turn youself into an unstoppable powerhouse!

In the next few days, my friend Gary Ryan Blair is going to be releasing the most extreme goal achievement program called the 100 Day Challenge.


It’s going to be a wild ride. You’ll achieve more goals, and make far more progress over the first 100 days of the year than you ever thought possible.

I promise!

Say the word—yes, and you’ll learn about iron commitment and absolute accountability. I’ll prove to you that you can deliver results that are in a word—astounding.

There’s no more goofing around... no more stalling, delaying, or “starting on Monday”. The train is leaving in just a few days with or without you.

To get on the pre-registration list for the 100 Day Challenge and to receive a FRE*E Goal Setting Toolkit, please visit:


My very best for a happy holiday season!

P.S. Visit here today and pick up your FRE*E Goal Setting Toolkit,


Pay it forward by sharing this message with your friends, family and associates.

We are all staring down the barrel of the same reality— the clock is ticking and no matter how you look at it, we are approaching the final days of 2011 and the beginning of a New Year.

You must use the remaining days of this year to achieve two objectives:

1. Finish the current year strong. Consider the remaining few days of this year as a now or never opportunity to finish the year strong, to exceed expectations, and for some use it as a final chance at redemption.

2. Establish a fast start game plan for making 2012 the best year of your life.

Let’s cut right to the chase, by looking at the results of your actions year to date, that REALITY tells you if you have been successful or not in achieving the goals you set earlier this year.

As it relates to your goals for 2011, your demonstrated actions have allowed you to be in one of three positions.

You have either:

1. Exceeded your expectations of what you thought you could achieve.

2. Met expectations of what you set out to accomplish.

3. Fallen below your desired expectations of what you wanted to accomplish.

Unfortunately, in today’s economy, far too many people find themselves struggling and well below where they would like to be.

The GOOD NEWS is that regardless of the position you are currently in, you CAN fulfill both objectives of finish the year Strong and starting the New Year fast, however you must do a few things in the manner presented in the next few paragraphs.

As someone who is very goal oriented, I’m well aware that you probably began this year with great hope and determination.

I’m also well aware that many goals and plans fall far from being realized.


So what specifically can you do in order to capture the brass ring? Work harder? Longer?

You don’t stand a chance of succeeding with that strategy, yet that is exactly what the majority of people will do.

Why not do something entirely different, why not focus on saying NO!

Consisting of two letters and one syllable, the word “No”
can be considered to be one of the most powerful words in your vocabulary.

It’s the easiest word for setting a limit, holding firm to boundaries, and being clear about what you will or will not do. It is a word of pure power that is both inner and out directed.

You will be a lot more productive once you recognize that:

1. “No” is not a dirty word, negative word, nor is it a selfish
word. Learning to say “No” is liberating as it frees up your time to focus on your key priorities.

2. You are in complete control of how you spend your
time and your life. Saying “No” allows you more time and energy to pursue your goals and wildest ambitions.

3. Saying, “No,” increases the value of the things you say,
“Yes” to. Your success in life requires a short “Yes” list, and a long “No” list. The key is an awareness and prioritization of your “Yes” list, and firm boundaries around your “No”
list as QUICKLY as possible.

Saying “NO” is the most strategic decision you can make. You improve yourself, your family, and your organization’s effectiveness—IMMEDIATELY!

“No” is empowering because it simplifies. You will succeed on the basis of what, where and how you say “no”. And “NO”
allows you to get more control over your daily life and activities—IMMEDIATELY!

We need to say “NO”, but we’re not very good at it. In business we give it another name. “prioritization” or “strategic planning.
But then we get back to day-to-day activities and we quickly forget what we prioritized and planned. We end up letting the “no’s” creep back in.

For these remaining days of this year and to ensure a fast start to 2012, you must resolve to give “NO” the strategic resolve it deserves.

In tomorrows, second part of this post, I’ll share FIFTEEN simple, effective and empowering strategies (personal and professional) that you can use to get results—IMMEDIATELY!

In the meantime, here’s a great resource which you’ll definitely want to check out. Get your FRE*E Goal Setting Toolkit by going to:


Warm holiday wishes,


P.S. Don’t forget to pick up your FRE*E Goal Setting Toolkit.


Is it time you returned to those New Years Resolutions and recommitted? This is a free pivot box of articles, ideas and quotations for you to get you back on the path of setting your goals and implementing them