Entries by bronwynr

Pivotal Kids Learning – French

  BBC French http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryfrench/ Interactive site with fun learning activities. BBC Education - Talk French http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/french/talk/ Listening activities using Real Audio. Also provides transcripts or text for reading what has been said.   Native Monks.  French lessons for Children Learn French online anywhere anytime with our Native Teachers through Skype https://www.consultpivotal.com/native-monks-french-lessons-for-children/    Les Chiffres http://www.kameleo.com/french/JEU-Ch0-Chiffres0a20.html […]

Learn How to Control Anger in a Relationship

Can you recall what anger in a relationship feels like? Anger is a learned reaction to something negative in a situation, often referred to as a trigger. It’s best described as an unbridled horse. For instance, if you do not take control, it is likely to control you. I would like you to think about […]


Head Strong : The Bulletproof Plan to Activate Untapped Brain Energy to Work Smarter and Think Faster-in Just Two Weeks

From the creator of Bulletproof Coffee and author of the bestselling The Bulletproof Diet comes a revolutionary plan to upgrade your brainpower—in two weeks or less. For the last decade, Silicon Valley entrepreneur Dave Asprey has worked with world-renowned doctors and scientists to uncover the latest, most innovative methods for making humans perform better—a process […]


Pivotal Fun. Earth Day jokes

  'I have an obsession with wind farms.' 'Really?' 'Yes. I'm a huge fan.' ___ There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew. ___ Q: Did you hear the one about the aluminium recycling plant? A: It smelt! ___ In honor of Earth day, I'm sending all of my work-related emails to […]


Earth Day jokes for kids

Why did the farmer plant a seed in his pond? He was trying to grow a water-melon. Why are people always tired on Earth Day? Because they just finished a March. Why couldn’t the flower ride it’s bike? It lost its petals. How can you tell the ocean is friendly? It waves. What goes up […]

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Environment jokes for kids

What did the ground say to the earthquake? You crack me up! Why did the woman go outdoors with her purse open? Because she expected some change in the weather. What’s the difference between weather and climate? You can’t weather a tree, but you can climate. How does a bee brush its hair?  With its […]