Tag Archive for: success

Tap into the SPORTS WISDOM of 12 of Australia's finest coaches as they reveal their personal stories and success philosophies. 

Discover valuable lessons from sport and how to fast-track your child's personal and sporting development for a successful journey through life!

Their secrets can take you to the top of your sports parenting or coaching game!

"Character gets you out of bed; commitment moves you to action.
Faith, hope and discipline enable you to follow through to completion."
--Zig Ziglar

Imagine a bank credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening the bank deletes whatever balance you have failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course.

Each of us has such a bank, called "time." Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day. If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There is no going back. There is no drawing against "tomorrow." You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness, and success. The clock is running. Make the most of today.

Whenever you think that time is not your most valuable commodity in life:
Ask a student who failed a grade, about the value of one year.
Ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby, about the value of one month.
Ask the editor of a weekly newspaper, about the value of one week.
Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet, about the value of one hour.
Ask a person who missed the train, about the value of one minute.
Ask a person who just avoided an accident, about the value of one second. Treasure every moment for the account will irrevocably clear out tonight, with no roll-over.

Remember that time waits for no one. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.

Scott Sonnon

"Do or do not. There is no try" Oh Yoda!


Real power isn't the ability to imagine and implement an endless series of new solutions to old problems, but to awaken the higher understanding that allows us to transcend the need we have to live with any painful problems at all. Which would you rather have: a big fire hose with a hydrant and a fire to put out every day, or a life without fires in them?

But what we have to examine here is the way we think! Most of us wouldn't know what to do if there wasn't something pressing us. Isn't it weird that we'll come up with a path, a solution, something that we're going to do, that once we do it we'll become whatever we've imagined? No more pressure, no more fear -- but then, the very thing that we set out to obtain, to make us fearless, to take the pressure out of our lives, becomes the source of a new fear and a new pressure! And then when that doesn't work, we do it again, and again, and again.

We have no idea of the power that we're created with. We are granted at birth the possibility of a freedom that has absolutely no contingencies whatsoever that can fall apart because the conditions in our lives do.

The kind of power I'm talking about is so simple. For instance, ordinarily we're trying to obtain things so that we can control or manipulate conditions, but we're not talking about that. Instead, how about the authority over our own negative reactions? That's a completely different kind of power, isn't it? To possess ourselves as opposed to trying to possess things or relationships through which we have a measure of security. The power to possess ourselves can't be granted by anyone or anything outside of us. It doesn't exist. No teacher, no book, nothing can grant us what it is that our heart of hearts actually longs for.

But something has gotten twisted up inside of us. We set out for life the minute we're born through family and tradition. We see our parents -- and every last person we meet -- striving for the power to achieve or protect. It never occurs to us that all we've seen and done in our lives has not produced what it is we're looking for. If we ever get far enough to even suspect the truth of that, then it turns the whole question on a dime.

What we then want to do is understand the nature of this illusion we have of being powerless in the first place! Because who seeks power? Who seeks power other than someone who feels powerless? That is the only reason that a person looks for power, whatever it may be. It is because something inside of us is afraid. So where did the whole notion come in this life that there is something that we're to live with that produces fear in us, and for the fear then sends us out for ways to find power to fulfill the end of our own fears?

The true powers put us in relationship with what grants us power instead of us looking for powers to control relationships as we presently do. There is a reversal that has to take place in our understanding. This reversal begins with the simple act of understanding what we've been talking about, which is: "I'm afraid of something... I'm going to go have dinner with someone in a few minutes," or "I have a meeting tomorrow," or "My health isn't what it should be..." What happens in the moment where the mind considers its own condition? It can't help but consider at the same time everything that it has collaborated with to make as perfect -- its expectations, "how things should be." The more it tries to keep what it wants, the more it refuses what it's been given. In other words, there are possibilities that are all the time being handed out to us that we simply push away because there is something in us that prefers the pain of trying to control problems -- while in reality they don't exist the way our mind imagines them.

Work to remember yourselves. Work to remember that at any given moment you don't have to be captured by anything that presently causes this compromise of your soul. Remember, there are always higher possibilities.

Excerpted from Seven Powers, "Freedom From the Fear of Feeling Powerless" by Guy Finley

I have started running again. I love to run! I love the feeling of my body in sync and moving through space. Why did I ever stop? Especially since it is harder to get back into shape than it is to stay in shape. It got me thinking about how often I have experienced myself and other people giving up on themselves, their spiritual practice, a healthy lifestyle, financial abundance, their goals, and even their vision for their life. Why do we sabotage and give up on ourselves? Is it fear of failure? Fear of success? A belief that we are not worthy, too old or that it is too hard to continue on? Here are a few reasons as to why:

1) Very few of us are conditioned to be fully present to each and every moment and take action on what is ours to do. Most of us have whole lot of mind chatter telling us to worry about what how we failed in the past or focus on all the obstacles that are bound to show up in the future.

2) Most of us are also unaware of sabotaging intentions underneath our 'intention'.

3) Our commitment to what serves our highest and best good is forgotten because it is easier to blame outside circumstances instead of taking 100% responsibility for the effects in our life.

4) We put everyone and everything first vs. putting our self first.

5) Our tolerance for pleasure has a ceiling.

Here are some suggestions of what to do:

1) Practice bringing yourself into the present moment by taking a deep breath. Yes breathe in the energy of the Divine into your heart and feel what this feels like. Ask yourself, "What is mine to do in this moment?" Know that you are not bound by precedent. Let go of the past. Make self-forgiveness a daily practice.

2) Get clear about what your underlying intentions are that prevent you from following through. Identifying and feeling your emotions will support you in getting to know what is going on in your subconscious.

3) Stop blaming others for your deconstructive circumstances. Recommit to your intentions and goals moment to moment to keep you moving forward. Remember that the highest metaphysical law in the Universe is 'Don't Bitch!'

4) Each and every day commit to doing something loving for yourself despite what you are feeling or what is going on around you. Stop the excuses! YOU are worthy!

5) Set concrete goals that will bring more pleasure, joy, and happiness into your life. Give your blessing and appreciation for all that you receive. This will increase your mental equivalence for pleasure.

It takes persistence, practice and patience! My book, A year of possibilities certainly helps to keep me on track. The more I use it, the more I stay focused on my goals, aligned with my essence, and enthusiastic about my achievements. My confidence in my abilities deepen and I feel excited about creating and living my dreams.

When you find you have fallen out of the saddle so to speak, and I have literally -- at 14 I was trying to impress a boy. I forgot to tighten the cinch and when I stepped into the stirrup, the saddle and I flipped under my horse! --In any endeavour know that all the mind chatter is normal for any human being and that the moment you connect with your own divinity, your Light within the chatter has no power over you. At anytime you can get back in the saddle and continue on creating a life of joy that you truly deserve to live.


Helen Valleau is an Author, Speaker, Coach and Visioning expert. She has inspired thousands of visions to come to life and has created a program and book called A year of possibilities to offer a variety of ways that people can work with her to achieve their dreams.


We all like to blame something when life isn't going the way we want it to; our friends, the weather, our boss, our family, the economy... there are a million things we like to blame. But what tends to hold us back in life is ourselves. We are our own worst enemy. When we conquer ourselves everything that we want in life all of a sudden becomes much more attainable.


Everyone looks back at one point or another at their life and wishes that they had done something differently, "I wish I had asked that girl out," "I should have started my own business," "If only I went to college," "I wish I spent more time with my kids." We believe that if we did these things, our life could have turned out differently and for the better.

I'm not going to tell you that your life would have turned out exactly the same way whether you did these things or not. But what I am going to tell you is that the longer you think about the past, the longer it will take for you to forget and move on.

The past has happened so there is no use thinking about it. We can't change it however much we would like to. What we can do is however is decide to move on. As soon as let go of our regrets we can focus on the future and shape it in the way we want.


Fear tops the list when it comes to what is holding us back in life. Everything we have not done and will never do is because of fear. Fear is only natural, everyone encounters it but unfortunately most people let fear stop them in their tracks.

Successful people though don't fall into this category. They are not different from anyone else and they are certainly not immune from fear. They encounter fear on a daily basis. What separates them from the majority of people though is that they don't let fear stop them from doing what they want to do. They understand that fear is natural and is something that is to be acknowledged, experienced and pushed through. If you never push through the fear then you will never know what could have been:

"You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky |

The only way to conquer fear is to Feel the fear & Do it anyway.

Fear won't just disappear overnight; it might not ever completely disappear. But by facing our fears we can no longer play the "What If" game.

Look at fear as a good thing. It makes life interesting. A life without fear would be very boring indeed.

Self Pity

At one time or another in our life we have all allowed self pity to creep in. We start to feel sorry for ourselves when it looks as if nothing ever goes our way. Sometimes whatever happened wasn't our fault and was completely out of our control. It doesn't matter if it was our fault or not; we must stop playing the blame game.

We have two choices:

Allow ourselves to wallow in self pity or to reflect on what went wrong, why, and then learn from it.


We all know that feeling of wanting to do nothing else but lie on the couch and watch TV all day. It is only natural to want to relax but a relaxing life is not a worthwhile life. Everything that is worth attaining will take hard work. You could ask every single successful person who has ever lived and they would say the key to their success was hard work.

Laziness is not difficult to solve if handled in the right way. Unfortunately, most people think the solution is to tell a lazy person to "stop being lazy". That simply does not work (that's like telling an obese person to stop eating).

The solution is to take small steps to improve your productivity. Most of the time we feel so overwhelmed by the work we have to do that we don't even bother to take the first step. This is why it is crucial to break things up into small easy to do tasks.

Most people aren't prepared to work hard and as a result will never change their circumstances. Don't allow yourself to be this person!

If you enjoyed this article then visit The Zen Approach for more interesting articles.

It's crunch time - learn to re-write the corporate rule book with management guru Tom Peters

We're in a new business climate and we'd better make some big changes. And what changes does Peters propose--or, shall I say, demand? Try these on for size:

* Basing all business (from the smallest department to the biggest megacorp) on projects and the professional service firm model, thus increasing value.

* Embracing branding and design--and providing experiences to Clients rather than just products and services.

* Charging after new markets: Boomers, seniors and--especially--women.

* Relentlessly pursuing talent, especially among (again) women.

* Rebuilding education to prepare young minds for the new world they will soon face.

" Author, provocateur, and business visionary Tom Peters is recognized around the globe as one of the most influential and revolutionary management gurus of the last century. The author of more than 10 best-selling books on innovative business practices, including the groundbreaking In Search of Excellence, Peters gives more than 100 major seminars each year and serves as the chairman of Tom Peters Company.


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Recently I came across a quote by Galileo that both puzzled me and that I liked. He said:"You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him discover it within himself."

It is the first part of the quote "You cannot teach a man anything" that puzzled me. I find that knowing what to do or what to expect can make a big difference. My neighbor just had neck surgery. Learning what to expect in recovery, having specific exercises that will strengthen the neck muscles and understanding the pace of recovery have all been extremely useful in helping her emotionally deal with the slow recovery from this major surgery. Not only in physical matters but also knowing communication and relationship skills can make a big difference in life satisfaction.

The part of the quote that speaks to self-growth is "you can only help him discover it within himself" is so true. We all know deep inside us what we need. Often times that wisdom is hidden from us as we have built up defenses and shut off the ability to get in touch with our authentic self. By being open to discovering our essence we are able to discover strengths and talents that we may not have t known we had.

What is true about what Galileo says is that ultimately we each are responsible for ourselves. He understood that it is up to each of us to discover who we are and what we are capable of doing. My mother in her late eighties began crocheting afghans for her great-grandchildren. She knew how to crochet and was used to following patterns. This time however she took the bold step of designing each afghan herself and created a unique personalized design for each afghan. She did what Galileo said we all need. She discovered within her new talents and her work had a purpose of providing a memory for her great-grandchildren.


As we take in information and expand our potential we end up discovering who we really are. It is then as Galileo said that "you cannot teach a man anything you can only help him discover it within himself."

To learn more about strengthening Communication in Relationships I invite you to visit http://www.relationshipcommunicationsimplified.com and claim your special report on SPEAK FROM THE HEART AND GROW YOUR RELATIONSHIP.

Kristina von Rosenvinge is passionate about helping individuals and couples grow in their self-mastery and increase their relationship skills in order to enjoy personal and business success.