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Quiz: Your Heart-Health Nutrition Knowledge

page 3

4. b. Mustard, ketchup, soy sauce, and relish all contain substantial amounts of sodium. Garlic powder, but not chopped garlic, also contains lots of sodium.

5. g. Studies have shown no cardiovascular benefits from lowering homocysteine levels with supplements of folic acid plus vitamin B12, or from taking supplements of antioxidants.

6. b, e, f. Vitamins E and C and beta-carotene are antioxidants.

7. d. The water-soluble fiber in oat bran lowers cholesterol levels. The fiber in the other products is not soluble in water and does not lower cholesterol.

8. d. Most salt substitutes are produced by replacing about half of the sodium in table salt with potassium. Large amounts of potassium can be dangerous for people with kidney disease or those taking certain types of diuretics.

9. a, c. Daily intakes should exceed 4700 mg for potassium and 1000 mg for calcium.

Source:  Yahoo health  

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