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Simplicity patterns




The MIT Media Lab's John Maeda lives at the intersection of technology and art -- a place that can get very complicated. Here, he talks about paring down to basics, and how he creates clean, elegant art, websites and web tools. In his book Laws of Simplicity, he offers 10 rules and 3 keys for simple living and working -- but in this talk, he boils it down to one simply delightful way to be.






It would be nice to think that the companies on the leading edge of work/life balance programs are simply being good citizens and doing the right thing! 


But, the fact is that these programs make good business sense.

 Need help with keeping your paper organised?

Sign up for a free email mini-course.


Do you wish you could work less and play more? Are you so stuck in the rut you can't see a way out? Have you ever said I wish I had more time for me?

Well there is hope. First of all you have to be aware of your situation, have a strong desire to change and then take action.

Build a new relationship with the time of your life.

Experience time from different perspectives. Discover how to do life rather than allow life to do you.

Click Here.




"Stand up for something or else you will fall for everything!"

Have you ever checked into a hotel or maybe onto a plane or had any other experience where you came up against a guideline? A clerk may respond "I am sorry sir, that's not our company policy!" I often want to reply back with some glib remark about "accepting company policies is against our company policy", nonetheless they serve a function. They set standard operating agreements for doing business. If you know these in advance it is easy to adjust your behaviour to fit in.

In the same sense...
 * When you focus on the negative aspects of other people, they tend to bother you more often.
 * When you focus on the negative aspects of your business/work, you tend to feel more   
   uptight, annoyed or stressed.

It is not that people, work or life bothers us.  Rather, it is the negative aspects of people, work or life that we focus on that tend to bother us.
Becoming resilient to pressure is a choice.
How fast you bounce back from stress, pressure and burnout is a choice.

   > Question: So, how do you choose to be resilient?
   > Answer: By practicing gratitude





Take your life back - Take control

Feeling scattered, stuck, procrastinating? Do you want more time and a sense of direction and accomplishment? Peace of mind and order? Take your life back! Get and stay focused, organized and on track with the following 3 online workbooks. Each workbook includes 30 days of email support. Take each program at your convenience. SAVE by buying the package of 3. PLUS receive one full year of weekly email support to keep your goals on track. PLUS receive your LIFE MAP and 75 Intuitive Resource Lists for free. 

Take Control Package


People today are spending longer hours at work, in front of their computers, just to meet their pressing deadlines and KPIs.  As a result, there are more incidents of debilitating back pain, neck ache, headaches, RSI and burnout that are reducing productivity and increasing stress leave.

So what is the answer? 

Movement prevents productivity attrition.   ... more