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Video - The Dash



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Our Cellphones, Ourselves


How to Write Left-handed

I Am One


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Getting Involved in Your child's Education

When parents are involved in their children's education, kids do better in school.  Want to learn how to help your child achieve and succeed? Read on! You'll learn why involvement is so important and suggestions for how to get involved.



The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird waits in the egg; and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities.

James Allen

[More inspiring quotations]





Wayne Dyer Ten Secrets

You only have one life to live.

You don't have time to become attached to anything!

Live your passion, live your life: These are a few of the Secrets to Success.





Every year I've been in business for myself online has been better than the previous one. Recently, I decided to create an "Apprentice" program (Yes, even before Trump) and I was extremely pleased that we had nearly 100% of my Apprentices get an online  venture up and running.

I've gone back and thought about their projects and how they developed and I came to a striking conclusion that will be worth a lot of money to you this year if you heed it. There was one key aspect that got them off their butts and making money and it came down to one thing...

...A Deadline!

[More on Goal Setting]